Spectral throw

So do we know if it is a spell, projectile? If so wouldn't damage from any other weapon but daggers and wands be sub par?
ign slashzilla
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Last bumped on Jul 11, 2016, 5:58:53 PM
its an attack , melee and projectile in the same time :D

ye i know i know :P
Its a physical projectile spell. Similar to how EK works, I believe.
ก็็็็็็็็็็IGN:Varanice(90 EA Marauder); Aura_Amoureux (8X LL Aurastack Cyclone Scion)
Softore Shop Thread #665265 -Uniques, Race Rewards, Gems, and more.
I also play LLD PvP in SC, and race as Witch or occasionally Scion.
Varanice wrote:
Its a physical projectile spell. Similar to how EK works, I believe.

it's not a spell
The gem screenshot shows Attack, Melee. One of the gameplay video shows ST with LMP though, so some projectile stuff will work with it.

Only thing I'm curious about is how many times the axe hits when it goes through an enemy. Seems to hit multiple times in the video, which will make it really OP when you do Spectral Throw-LMP-Multistrtike-Melee Physical-Added Fire. It will be pretty glorious.
Last edited by Zealflare#7547 on Oct 8, 2013, 2:23:50 PM
Zealflare wrote:
The gem screenshot shows Attack, Melee. One of the gameplay video shows ST with LMP though, so some projectile stuff will work with it.

Only thing I'm curious about is how many times the axe hits when it goes through an enemy. Seems to hit multiple times in the video, which will make it really OP when you do Spectral Throw-LMP-Multistrtike-Melee Physical-Added Fire. It will be pretty glorious.

Nice! Is it only for Scion?
IGN tiraflechases

Nice! Is it only for Scion?

all classes
Seems like it could be really op if melee physical passives work with it. EK on roids.
IGN: Smegmazoid
Long live the new Flesh
ridgedracer wrote:
Zealflare wrote:
The gem screenshot shows Attack, Melee. One of the gameplay video shows ST with LMP though, so some projectile stuff will work with it.

Only thing I'm curious about is how many times the axe hits when it goes through an enemy. Seems to hit multiple times in the video, which will make it really OP when you do Spectral Throw-LMP-Multistrtike-Melee Physical-Added Fire. It will be pretty glorious.

Nice! Is it only for Scion?

I think it is the starting skill for scion. So to get it for other classes you have to:

1) Trade with someone who got it already.
2) Make a scion.
3) Have it drop.
“Demons run when a good man goes to war"
Zealflare wrote:
The gem screenshot shows Attack, Melee. One of the gameplay video shows ST with LMP though, so some projectile stuff will work with it.

Only thing I'm curious about is how many times the axe hits when it goes through an enemy. Seems to hit multiple times in the video, which will make it really OP when you do Spectral Throw-LMP-Multistrtike-Melee Physical-Added Fire. It will be pretty glorious.

How about Melee Splash? Each hit procing the Splash damage would be pretty insane for AoE :)

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