Fixing Evasion without touching Evasion? Revisiting Acrobatics/Phase Acrobatics

oh, and 25% just sounds better than 24%. It's a quarter of 100. It's like...bam.

Take some time off. I feel bad enough for pushing you this hard. :P
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Charan wrote:
Here's my contention with that theory, zeto:

Comparing armour and evasion in precisely the same situations isn't a proper way of evaluating evasion itself. If you want to melee and stand toe-to-toe, you should use armour. Whether it's natural armour or IR, that's just how you should go.

When I say 'true evasion', what I really mean is using evasion to supplement a playstyle appropriate to evasion. Whether that's ranged, using whirling blades to keep moving or any other form of non-tank melee combat, it's still different to the stand-there-in-the-thick-of-it-and-pound-away style of armour-based defence.

This is also why I'm not 100% zealous about this idea: maybe the changes to the life nodes and the increase in evasion nodes will suffice. I've yet to test, but I'm getting there.

I suppose I'm trying to argue this from the standpoint of people who still feel evasion is broken, and perhaps such people do believe that evasion alone should be enough to play the same was an armour user. I happen to disagree.

I'm not sure which side would be 'right' though. Maybe GGG intends for anyone wanting to go tanky to need either a lot of armour, a lot of life or a lot of ES. I realise that armour users generally get a lot of life anyway...which is where Zakaluka's input becomes invaluable.

I have a feeling the next question would be would tanky types sacrifice armour and energy shield for such a boost to life anyway? Factor in not only life nods but strength nodes and regen. There's room there for an absolutely killer marauder build.

My issue is that with sword+board or dual options you are put into a boat with melee, so I feel that evasion has to be on par with an equal melee situation.

Perhaps it's not a problem as much with evasion, as it is the melee playstyles that are supported in combination with pure evasion.

double strike
elemental hit
viper strike
whirling blades

The question for skills then is... do these skills support evasion as a defense mechanism while outputting a DPS that is on par with alternatives (if you can't stand there and tank?) Is evasion innately a more risky defense type and is there a DPS reward above and beyond alternatives for that risk?

I do think to a degree evasion melee is supported, but I'd be interested in the answers to the others from people who have seriously played a pure evasion melee class, without abusing summons or totems.

I wonder if that isn't just as large a contributor to imbalance.
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Charan wrote:
oh, and 25% just sounds better than 24%. It's a quarter of 100. It's like...bam.

You missed one minor detail, proposed max dodge value was 12% :). So if you're adding another dodge node it's 13% now.

Additive 25% dodge would be broken. If it's additive, it has to stay in the 10-15% range. Even a 1% shift is huge.

I looked at the graph for 13% additive dodge, trading one 8% incr life node for a Discipline and Training. It should be alright. It's a small% EH loss over the old system if you take it too early, but that loss vanishes at a little under 5k evasion rating. So, break-even with the old system sometime around when you'd be doing level 60 maps. Should be fine.
I don't have alpha access, that was a LONG time ago.
Last edited by Zakaluka#1191 on Oct 12, 2012, 10:50:34 AM
So in the end it's 8 passive points, being
+8% additive evasion
+1% additive evasion and spell evasion (x5)
+30 Life, +12% Life
+20% Spell Dodge

Charans image looks neatly elegant, that is definitely a plus.^^
Global chat: Mechanics for A work one way, B for another, C for a third but also with A, B uses C but not A, and D uses A&B but not C

Isn't a "no" better than an ignore?
I'm not sure on the spell dodge number, but the rest of that looks about right.
I don't have alpha access, that was a LONG time ago.
The discipline and training node should be at the beginning of the cluster instead of the end. It's there to balance the lower value of Acrobatics for characters just about to buy it, anyway. Hiding it away in the back makes all of those 5 points weaker than before, until you can reach the end of the circle.

Maybe just connect all 6 nodes full-circle, don't make it one-way.

I've bugged charan for another mock-up, maybe he'll help us out :)
I don't have alpha access, that was a LONG time ago.
Last edited by Zakaluka#1191 on Oct 12, 2012, 4:37:16 PM
I will get to that now, but I actually made this mock-up assuming everything else was the same as before.

Thus you'd have Acrobatics as usual, Phase Acrobatics as usual, and 5 1% increase to dodge nodes with a big kick of health at the end.

I'll do the mockup as you request, but you'll have to explain it neatly, then we're done. :)

I'm not sure if GGG can actually do additive dodge rather than multiplicative, either. By 'additive dodge' what we're really asking is addition to chance to evade, and it's possible that's always going to be calculated multiplicatively.

Anyway, here we go.

Not as nice as last time, but it might have to do.

Had to sacrifice one dodge node to keep the Keystone correctly placed. I quite like the fact that Phase Acrobatics is now visually 'higher' than Acrobatics. It gives an illusion of improvement rather than simply following a chain.

Zakaluka, please list what each of the above nodes does. :)
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Last edited by Foreverhappychan#4626 on Oct 12, 2012, 7:50:18 PM
I thought about that as well.
Might end up being pretty complicated.
Maybe a multiplicative chance at dodge that is influenced by evasion?
They already factor the attacks attack rate into the formula on each hit, so it could create additional evasion dynamically.
Though then it's actually somewhat work.
Global chat: Mechanics for A work one way, B for another, C for a third but also with A, B uses C but not A, and D uses A&B but not C

Isn't a "no" better than an ignore?
It's very, very easy to make dodge additive, from a development standpoint. Even takes hardly any modification to the character screen.

Whether they agree that this is a good idea, from a balance standpoint, is an entirely different matter.

Malice wrote:
chance to hit = attacker_accuracy / ( attacker_accuracy + ((defender_evasion/4)^0.8))

This equation simply becomes

chance to hit = attacker_accuracy / ( attacker_accuracy + ((defender_evasion/4)^0.8)) - defender_dodge

In the character screen, "Chance to dodge attacks" goes away. All you're left with is "Chance to dodge spells". Depending how it gets calculated, displayed chance to evade should just automatically adjust to include dodge.

I don't have alpha access, that was a LONG time ago.
Last edited by Zakaluka#1191 on Oct 12, 2012, 7:50:55 PM
So in layman's terms, Acrobatics will really just say something like 'X% more chance to evade'?
Interesting. And seemingly very powerful.
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