We players want an auction house

Dimitrii_ss2 wrote:
DaveSW wrote:
No. The auction murdered everything that could have been good about Diablo 3. In PoE, it will absolutely destroy the economy of every new league.

yeah are you afraid of loosing the fliping items model?

Trading is most effective either way. If you hate trading then support a self found league. Its the only way to put the spotlight on actually playing the game rather than trading.
Standard Forever
derbefrier wrote:
ibase wrote:
Reinhart wrote:

This is an action game; not a trading game.


sadly u have to waste your whole day trying to make some trades insteand of playing the action game

you do realize Thats the EXACT reason Blizzard said they were removing the AH from D3.

I have a feeling you do and this is just a troll thread. if so well played sir.

Best thing one can do after seeing ibase creating a new thread would be ignoring it.
No longer a forum dweller, please use PM for contact purposes.
My vote is against AH.

Are u nuts!?

I am intrested in how a Kiwi tastes like...
you do realize Thats the EXACT reason Blizzard said they were removing the AH from D3

Do not confuse RMT AH with Made-For-the-Players-sake-AH.
Put on your red shoes and dance the blues.
Is that Vladimir Putin doing the news?
RIP Diablo franchise

RIP Bird Lovers of Wraeclast <BLÔW>

Congrats Chris & others for cashing out! I don't blame you. I'll be saving money now... unless I start making a lot more. Can't wait to see if you guys start a new studio in six years! RIP GGG
There is allready an AH here on the forum and several index websites. You can also search for items ingame under the social > public party tab. Most of the games are in merci. If ppl really wanted it they could promote a format like WTB SWORD ... etc
Last edited by Powerhunger#4389 on Oct 3, 2013, 5:51:23 PM
vixien wrote:
No, "We" players don't. In future topics, please leave me out of your over generalized statements. Thank you.
I admit, I didn´t read the whole thread, but I found that players don´t get a simple fact after the first 3 pages.

An auction house wouldn´t change anything about this game, as there already is everything what is bad about an auction house, but none of the advantages an auction house adds.

If one of the D3-dev-quoters would really have read what the devs over there said why they actually feel that the auction house has to be taken away they would know, the devs are not against an auction house per se, they just didn´t want their players to grab the feeling they could only improve by playing the auciton house instead of playing the game.

Well, this is already true for PoE, as the loot system in poe is in no way better than the one in D3, it´s actually even worse, when it comes to finding stuff that actually improves your char.

Then the carrot of knowing what great items are out there (khaom´s, Shavs) is also already there, you can find anything on poe.xyz

The only difference between doing nothing and adding an auction house would be the added comfort for the players, nothing else. It wouldn´t change a single other thing, for most of the players, maybe only for those who never visit the forums and don´t even know about forumtrading and poe.xyz, but those players are also very unlikely to see this thread, aren´t they?

Maybe there is really no need for an auction house, but there is a desperate need for either doing what the D3-devs did, greatly increase loot-quality, while reducing the quantity slightly, and thereby create an environment that is attractive with only self-found equipment, which would also mean to add scaleable difficulty to the game, so players would be able to enjoy the game, no matter if they were lucky finding items or not.

Or, as secondbest alternative, invent a system that makes trading much more comfortable and easier, I would enjoy a kind of trading post, a NPC that takes your stuff and sells it for you at a price you chose, no auctions, just fixed price, of course at a fee.

But one thing is clear, PoE cannot stay the way it is, an auction house based ARPG without an auction house. That´s just stupid, just like a butcher who refuses to sell meat.
vixien wrote:
No, "We" players don't. In future topics, please leave me out of your over generalized statements. Thank you.

I love how he completely changed the post after the flaming. We don't want an auction house dude. Go back to D3.
ign slashzilla
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SALES THREAD-http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/524661
vixien wrote:
No, "We" players don't. In future topics, please leave me out of your over generalized statements. Thank you.

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