Boem wrote:
An easy fix would be a mail-box system, where if you pay a b/o to the shopkeeper true the
mail-box, the item is send to your stash. That way people could play on, while selling items for b/o. It would also fix an issue with the time-zones people are in and the issue that a lot of players are away from poe ore simply have taken a brake, while there shops remain online.
While i am against a AH, i am for improvements to the current trading system, like mentioned before PoE is suppose to be an ARPG. Not a TRPG.
Mikekowa wrote:
Hmm, seems like a lot of people ate this thread up.
First of all, I'm a HUGE fan of GGG. This is my favorite game, it's not even close. I post on the forums all the time, and none of it is QQ.
That being said....
I would approve of an Auction House.
Listen, in my opinion, the Auction House didn't ruin D3. The poor itemization did. Upgrades were obvious in that game. There was no diversity, you just upgraded the same stats with higher numbers.. for EVERY CLASS.
There is a lot more use for a much higher range of items in this game.
And honestly, they can limit it anyway they want. Maybe they only let you put 2-3 items up a time. Maybe they limit to how much you can buy. Maybe they don't limit anything. Either way, I don't believe an Auction House would ruin PoE. It would allow for more players to engage in trading and get a better idea of the economy. A lot more mid-tier would be moved, and I think more time would be spent "playing the game" then "playing trade chat" or "quitting because can't progress"
I'm not saying it has to be one way or the other, but would it be really that terrible if people could at least "buy-out" what you have for sale when you're offline, to accommodate playtime and timezone differences?
jewellian wrote:
OtnevOtnev wrote:
Maybe you should check my suggestion for a new item trading system:
Its not like the auction house in D3 but makes trading much easier! Not faster like an auction house but much less time consuming than trade chats. Gimme your thoughts in this thread!
maligulous wrote:
I wouldn't mind an easier way to trade items in game. The auction house in D3 didn't kill it for me. The poor load out system for abilities and really shitty itemization is why I don't play that game. I have absolutely no reason to keep re rolling characters in D3.
In Poe I'm already moving onto around my 10th build and I haven't even made the popular ones like Lightning arrow, spork, face breaker, cyclone, wander , I could go on and on.
Having a better way to trade would not hinder my game-play but only improve upon it.
Hopefully ggg can come up with something cool like a in game bazaar or something and not a full blown auction house.
VeryBrightLight wrote:
What if you could right click a player name and then open a window to see what they have for sale? Then maybe you could be able to buy items through that window... Just an alternative to the AH idea, which I don't like very much.
Personally I'd like more right click options for other players. Would be cool to be able to inspect them too. Maybe see their achievements and what other toons they have or whatever...
Last edited by ibase#1590 on Oct 3, 2013, 4:21:05 PM
This thread has been automatically archived. Replies are disabled.
Posted byibase#1590on Oct 3, 2013, 2:08:56 PM
I don't want an auction house.
No, "We" players don't. In future topics, please leave me out of your over generalized statements. Thank you.
ign: Vixien
Posted byvixien#0024on Oct 3, 2013, 2:11:40 PM
vixien wrote:
No, "We" players don't. In future topics, please leave me out of your over generalized statements. Thank you.
Don't forget to drink your milk 👌
Posted byTheWretch#7848on Oct 3, 2013, 2:12:15 PM
vixien wrote:
No, "We" players don't. In future topics, please leave me out of your over generalized statements. Thank you.
Posted byAusterlitZ#2982on Oct 3, 2013, 2:13:24 PM
No. The auction murdered everything that could have been good about Diablo 3. In PoE, it will absolutely destroy the economy of every new league.
Bullshit, you get the game for free.
Posted byDaveSW#7397on Oct 3, 2013, 2:13:38 PM
id like one
My ingame name is : TheShadowSummoner or TheShadowPulser pm me here to contact me
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Thread Number (485108) Standard trading
Posted byjewellian#0539on Oct 3, 2013, 2:13:48 PM
jewellian wrote:
I heard theres an ARPG that has one, you should check it out, perhaps its more your speed
Don't forget to drink your milk 👌
Posted byTheWretch#7848on Oct 3, 2013, 2:15:28 PM
jewellian wrote:
out of 10 bad guys 1 good one appear!
natural selection
Posted byibase#1590on Oct 3, 2013, 2:22:09 PM
vixien wrote:
No, "We" players don't. In future topics, please leave me out of your over generalized statements. Thank you.
No food in fridge... Beer it is.
Posted bybitedefer#6998on Oct 3, 2013, 2:25:15 PM