We players want an auction house

there is one.

http://www.twitch.tv/seryenz st shadow nemesis.
Ing Seryen lvl 80+ Shadow.
vixien wrote:
No, "We" players don't. In future topics, please leave me out of your over generalized statements. Thank you.
Brophylicious wrote:
I don't want an auction house.
IGN: DatInternet
Xybb wrote:
Brophylicious wrote:
I don't want an auction house.

Don't want one, the best example of one in an ARPG is d3 and guess what...it's getting removed along with gold...must have been an awesome idea.
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
I don't want an auction house and if one is added I would quit and advise all my friends to quit as wel..

AH = gaming cancer.
vixien wrote:
No, "We" players don't. In future topics, please leave me out of your over generalized statements. Thank you.
DaveSW wrote:
No. The auction murdered everything that could have been good about Diablo 3. In PoE, it will absolutely destroy the economy of every new league.

This. Having one place where all loot gets funneled is not a good thing for a game balanced around item drops.
How about making crafting more viable and pushing it as the best way (or only way) to get best items in the game. D3 learned it's lesson with auction houses - it's destructive. Even with such interesting crafting mechanics IT'S ALL ABOUT TRADING!!! And you people want to push it further with AH?
Came in to say an auction house is a horrific idea. Improve trade chat/search functions instead

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