[1.2] Rathik's EK build +40k DPS/52.3%Crit/+375% Multiplier. Anti-Reflect. "The Immortal Shuriken"
" " " " A spell I really like is ethereal knives. I always liked the idea of a spell caster doing physical damage. EK does just that, high damage with out uber gear. The problem with high damage though is reflect. And since most casters out there go CI and EK does mostly physical damage, reflect is a big issue since its hard to stack armour on a CI build. This setup uses life and armour to counter reflect and it does it pretty well. This build is an alternative to wanderers build. Personally, I think it does it better and cheaper. "30 exalted for a wand? No thanks.." Important, read first.
A lot of people keep asking me the same questions over and over, mostly about gear. There is a section in the guide that talks about gear and how to optimize it. Stop linking me items and asking me if is OK to use and what to upgrade first. Read the guide, take a look at the gear that I am using and how I am itemizing and try to match it or surpass it. Use common sense please. Use http://poe.xyz.is/ to shop for gear, flip items, make profit, etc. If you are playing PoE and not using this website you are simply failing. Also learn to use wiki http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Path_of_Exile_Wiki Also gem combinations, if you want to use another gem use it, stop asking if is going to work or not, test it your self. If your DPS is low and your gem is still at level 15, well duh, the answer is right there, your gem is low level, go farm some more EXP. For the skill tree, if you want to go out of your way to get something, for example resist, just go ahead and take it if you need it. I don't mind answer questions but a lot of questions that I get, simply are not worth replying to or have already been covered in the guide. Regards Skill trees WARNING. Think twice before taking "Spell Power" (40% crit multiplier for spells) and Arcane Potency (30% critical strike chance 20% critical strike damage) You should balance your armour with your damage output. DO NOT cast Critical Weakness on reflect monsters. Leveling Section
If you are a new player to the game read this first. Courtesy of Mr. maladeth, Mr. Beedon. Apparently I was wrong. New players can easily pull this build off. Good stuff.
It needs to be said, that I leveled this witch using my power leveling guide. You can find the link in my signature. Its a lot faster. Depending on your gear, you might need to get some DEX/STR faster, mana and mana regen and maybe some resistance which you can respect out of it when you optimize your gear. Also you can drop some mana regen skill points depending on your clarity level. If reflect is an issue avoid taking critical multiplier nodes until you have enough armour. Item recommendation " Witch " Scion " Current gear. Really not that uber. You can also dual wield daggers or wands. Void battery works great if you have one.
Click here for gear and gem links. http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/532450/page/32#p5374952 Bandits
Help Oak for life Help Oak for physical damage Help Alira for power charge Gems, links and socket colors
" 6L Armour. Most versatile color combo is GGRRBB " With this color combo you can do all type of maps. Replace Added fire with Life leech on elemental reflect maps. Replace Iron will with Life leech on physical reflect maps. Replace Faster projectiles with Mana leech on no mana regen maps. On low regen maps use Iron Will over Added fire damage due to the mana cost. Less versatile combo GRRBBB, you can't do no mana regen maps. " Suicide mode, Increased critical damage instead of Increased critical strike. A 20/20 Increased critical damage will add 223.5 critical multiplier. One shot rare mobs? Yes please!!! 5L armour Most versatile color combo is GGRBB " Auras " Level Arctic Armour according to your mana regeneration. You don't have to max it. Even a level 10 Arctic Armour is very powerful. " Don't level this Cast when damage taken gem. " You should level these Cast when damage taken gems according to your life pool. It should be around 20% of your life. Somewhere in the range of level 8-10. You have to figure the level yourself. " " Gear optimization
Weapon " Shield " Helmet, Gloves, Boots " Belt " Rings and Amulet " Chest " Gameplay and requirements
" " " " " " Screenshots
Defense tab
![]() Offense tab http://i.imgur.com/t3jo9JM.png
![]() Old Screenshots
Defense tab
![]() Offense tab http://i.imgur.com/2L7fn8Z.png
![]() Video HD available
Post CWDT nerf, physical reflect + vulnerability map.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXDj_d2uBMQ Face tanking Dominus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GK0953K9M4A Face tanking Kole http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Imy2kkoD5uo Vulnerability, half regen, ele and physical reflect http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tl0AYtLAmFc Reflect maps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPr0O343aR8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uo6JY8UAuuo Vulnerability, elemental and physical reflect http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jwnl4rwJJ9M No regen, elemental reflect http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXFCvyIamQQ Blood magic, physical reflect http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExMkVsv-VpA Strand 71 map http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8eyp9MLEPA Leveling videos
Level 40 Scion
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZyJL2F4tuo Level 53 in level 59 area http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bLqkRbtnHs Level 61 dock run http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qz45D1EwLQg Lunaris video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYXqKv-69eU First time Piety kill, lvl 62 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mapIbPfdOw4 Upper scepter of good lvl 62 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TEAUuwzxEI EK Scion lvl 62 vs Dominus lvl 70 (Grand Finale) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWx_5g0r9O8 Lunaris Six man solo Beta Videos
Solo playing, Face tanking Kole http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_so6OHdemzQ Reflect map. Used a variation of gems and weapons to show the damage reflected. This not how I play by the way :). I intentionally have put my character in bad positions :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPSsPJwtgn8 Reflect and no regen map http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caCiLwMDuvM Critical hits on reflect mobs, 2 critical hits, 1 normal hit. Lost 2.3k life. No flask or endurance charges. 8 power charges on. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbf0jkGmcRg Another http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFUBgwbHMt0 More info coming soon. Regards IGN Riokar | My guides [2.0]Non legacy Mjölner. Uber down. -thread/1474288 [2.0]Shatter Chuck Lite COC -thread/1324981 [2.0]SRS Magic Find Culler. Uber capable. /w budged build -thread/1406603 [2.0]NEWBIE MF/DPS Summoner -thread/479976 | Power leveling guide -thread/522556 Last edited by Rathik2#1558 on Aug 9, 2015, 4:02:51 AM
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IGN Riokar | My guides
[2.0]Non legacy Mjölner. Uber down. -thread/1474288 [2.0]Shatter Chuck Lite COC -thread/1324981 [2.0]SRS Magic Find Culler. Uber capable. /w budged build -thread/1406603 [2.0]NEWBIE MF/DPS Summoner -thread/479976 | Power leveling guide -thread/522556 |
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IGN Riokar | My guides
[2.0]Non legacy Mjölner. Uber down. -thread/1474288 [2.0]Shatter Chuck Lite COC -thread/1324981 [2.0]SRS Magic Find Culler. Uber capable. /w budged build -thread/1406603 [2.0]NEWBIE MF/DPS Summoner -thread/479976 | Power leveling guide -thread/522556 |
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Your build is low on life.
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TBH I cannot find any ultra DPS and survival in the video.
Can you show more? ign: thirsty_guy
GMT+8 http://www.twitch.tv/ray1122 |
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" If you need more than 3500-4000 life to survive in this game then you doing it wrong. IGN Riokar | My guides
[2.0]Non legacy Mjölner. Uber down. -thread/1474288 [2.0]Shatter Chuck Lite COC -thread/1324981 [2.0]SRS Magic Find Culler. Uber capable. /w budged build -thread/1406603 [2.0]NEWBIE MF/DPS Summoner -thread/479976 | Power leveling guide -thread/522556 |
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" Nop, one shotting most monsters in a six man solo group is the best I can do, sorry. IGN Riokar | My guides [2.0]Non legacy Mjölner. Uber down. -thread/1474288 [2.0]Shatter Chuck Lite COC -thread/1324981 [2.0]SRS Magic Find Culler. Uber capable. /w budged build -thread/1406603 [2.0]NEWBIE MF/DPS Summoner -thread/479976 | Power leveling guide -thread/522556 Last edited by Rathik2#1558 on Oct 2, 2013, 3:46:30 PM
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I believe monster life would only be increased if the players are in close proximity.
Based on the quantity of items dropped on your video I think they are just same as single player game. edit *correct me if I am wrong* ign: thirsty_guy GMT+8 http://www.twitch.tv/ray1122 Last edited by raytkh#7785 on Oct 2, 2013, 3:49:26 PM
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" You are wrong :) Monster life increases when another player is in the same instance regardless of where he is. You do not get any extra drops or extra exp if they are not in proximity though, that is correct. You can test it your self. IGN Riokar | My guides [2.0]Non legacy Mjölner. Uber down. -thread/1474288 [2.0]Shatter Chuck Lite COC -thread/1324981 [2.0]SRS Magic Find Culler. Uber capable. /w budged build -thread/1406603 [2.0]NEWBIE MF/DPS Summoner -thread/479976 | Power leveling guide -thread/522556 Last edited by Rathik2#1558 on Oct 2, 2013, 4:04:55 PM
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I found it interesting!!
Excellent damage output and survival. What does this build require gear wise? And how does it work? Guide please :) |
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