Prizes for new Default/Hardcore leagues

Ok..... So one person. The odds of anyone breaking 1k without crafting are incredibly small since you must hit damn near all 3 ES boosters in 2 /3 highest tiers.

The odds of that happening during a one week race are practically 0.
Well Panda told me it was impossible, but I ran out of all maps =). Back to the Pyramid for me
Yea Metro - You and I both - Map drops in the higher level areas have been hurting us bad. Fortunately tho Level 60 maps have been pretty cooperative.

I'm BACK :)
These are the standings at the end of one week. Prizes have been awarded as mentioned in the initial post.

  • #1 Mouze (dmouze)
  • #2 Jerk (taekvideo)
  • #3 Sorienzz (Sori3n)
  • #4 NewSlurms (SL4Y3R)
  • #5 Aethias (Xikorut)
  • #6 RegnarDrowsII (Ceto)
  • #7 BashYaCranium (JustSomeNoob)
  • #8 MoosiferHC (Moosifer)
  • #9 MrCookieCutter (Qpic)
  • #10 Onorh (Spysong192)
  • #11 HoneyBuns (theomni)
  • #12 WhozWhoz (EpsiIon)
  • #13 Berxerker (ElDrinja)
  • #14 StimpsonN (StimpsonH)
  • #15 DonkeyWhisperer (Fishclock)
  • #16 Warash_I (GKS)
  • #17 Sulphuric (Colenzo)
  • #18 FlatHead_Jr (MyH4o)
  • #19 Yotsuba (doteko)
  • #20 Funcrusher (Funcrusher)

  • #1 PandaMajere (NotThat)
  • #2 CJ_FrozenTotem (Coldet)
  • #3 qqChris (Metronomy)
  • #4 SKZ_MetalSpoon (lazybones)
  • #5 Prozon (Prozon)
  • #6 Frantic_Disembowelement (grindis123)
  • #7 Abjeguran (Waves_blade)
  • #8 LaEncantadora (IMDisappoint)
  • #9 _Spacke_ (Spacke)
  • #10 FizZya (FizZya)
  • #11 Chick_Corea (kennae)
  • #12 Carbo (Mesho)
  • #13 Minyun (Bricks)
  • #14 Meow_x (meow66)
  • #15 Nermesia (Ezhiel)
  • #16 TaiPan (snull2011)
  • #17 MLO_SauronSatan (Sauronsatan)
  • #18 Technique (Lbs)
  • #19 SKZ_JUJU (jujuman)
  • #20 No_Life_Queen (Gercyn)

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Thank You Kindly
I'm BACK :)
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hey hey hey, my name is finally on that list. 33rd 2 races ago after 7 deaths in the first two days (first time playing HC in any game, ever), last race died at 71 in, I think 5th place.

Finally got a demigod


Oh, I hate maras can you stop forcing me to look at his ugly ass everytime I win something. I shouldn't have to feel so punished to have my reward. lol


Oh Qpic and Spysong you guys put up one hell of a fight at the end. I think you guys had high lvl maps when we were stuck in 62-64s about 2-4 hours from the end but that last hour we caught a streak of 65, 66 and my big jump from 10th to 8th at the end was from a 67 that Ceto and I cleared in like 5 mins. Unfortorately that map also one shot epsi taking him from a slim shot of 10th to firmly stuck at 12th.

It was a fun race and enjoyed my part of Ceto and Epsi. Felt nice being outcasts, DW ranger, 2h Duelist and a shadow trying to keep up with witches and maras.
Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th
Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th
Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 -
Summon Skeleton 1.3 -
Last edited by Moosifer on Oct 16, 2012, 3:57:16 AM
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Thanks for all the participants, it was one hell of a race!

Moosifer wrote:
Oh Qpic and Spysong you guys put up one hell of a fight at the end. I think you guys had high lvl maps when we were stuck in 62-64s about 2-4 hours from the end but that last hour we caught a streak of 65, 66 and my big jump from 10th to 8th at the end was from a 67 that Ceto and I cleared in like 5 mins. Unfortorately that map also one shot epsi taking him from a slim shot of 10th to firmly stuck at 12th.

For a time, I was stuck on lvl 63-64 maps, but then I managed to find one lvl 66 map and several lvl 65 maps. After that it kinda snowballed, and in the end I was able to even find one lvl 69 map (which I didn't run).


Because I played the whole race solo, I most of the time ran magic maps with modifiers including:

- Large / Maze
- Mob pack size
- Magic / Rare monsters
- 50% regen (nice +30% (?) quant, easy with high regen & BM)

I initially started my character as a 2h weapon wielding Lightning Striker / Ground Slammer, and during the race I ended up using maces, swords, axes and even staves! In the end, it evolved into S&B Lightning Striker with the help of some epic gear... (thanks for the axe Moosifer! ;D)


With the added resistance penalties in higher difficulties, Marauder seems by far the easiest class to start with: withing the starting area alone, maras can grab 45% all resist, and if you go and take Iron Reflexes, you'll get another 15% along the way. Eventually I was able to spec out of the individual elemental resist nodes. Here is my passive skill tree at the end of the race: LINK
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Jesus I was almost outside the top 10 to the guy I sold my GG 1h axe to.
Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th
Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th
Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 -
Summon Skeleton 1.3 -
Last edited by Moosifer on Oct 16, 2012, 6:36:05 AM
If I get this game i will be online 24/7
Wow, I'm get a prize, too.
I did not think I never get.
Thank you all!

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