For those interested in making Uniques..

MonopolyLegend wrote:
Here's another one...this one's a little more serious, though not entirely. I used "embroidered gloves" as the base...something I should have included on the bottom line of its title, but I couldn't think of a way to do that without ruining the item name. xD Either way, I've yet to see support gems added in this way (globally, rather than only to skill gems in the item). The resists are to show a range (25-30% means it could roll 25 to 30, for example).

I might throw another up in a little while; that one should be completely serious, if I decide finish it.

EDIT: Aw, used the blue text instead of white for the ES mod even though it wasn't modified. :( Too lazy go fix/reupload. Text should probably be modified to "heaping shares" to keep tenses the same, but this is just for fun anyway. I'm being too nitpicky!



Awesome dude.
Big thanks to the OP for the template,
and without much further ado:

Had to resist putting in any references to certain stone masks...
Last edited by Yonorang#3434 on Jul 3, 2013, 4:47:41 PM

Time acceleration : 50% increased mov/cast/att speed for 3 sec
Time stop : blocks all mobs in 100y range for 3 sec
Temporal anomaly : halves Hp of every creature in 100y range (yourself and party members included :P)

i have suggested this kind of mechanic "bm applies to es" in some other thread, but since i found this one, i couldn't miss it. Would it be awesome, wouldn't it?
Last edited by Ispita#4020 on Jul 6, 2013, 5:19:10 PM

Anyone think a Uses one hand slot two-hander would be a cool idea?

Only image I could find on the subject -_-

Also, a 6 socket shield which prohibits wielding a weapon would be cool. It would need to be designed carefully so it wasn't too good for facebreakers.
Brutus. Do you even sync?
Here's a Unique Granite Flask idea I had posted on another thread, but I used the css/html to make it more than just text ^.^

* The Curse is during effect, thus Immunity will not remove it just like a Map affix can't be.

** The Increased Armor is double that of a normal Iron Skin affix, because of Acrobatics' 50% 'LESS' multiplier, which would end up making it actually be less than a max 100% Iron Skin affix.

*** So you attack, move, and cast slower, and see less (thus emulating being drunk :P), to gain Dodge [if you don't already have Acrobatics] and Armor [if you don't already have Iron Reflexes.]

I think it'd be interesting, giving 2 temporary Keystones (Keystones which most people already have) that reduce the other's effect, for some added avoidance/mitigation at the loss of dps/mobility.
Besides, being drunk is good! :P
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Last edited by Sheriff_K#3938 on Jul 7, 2013, 7:35:10 PM
someone had to do it
How do i change my signature?
lowerdark wrote:
someone had to do it

OH, YOU! That was a maximum of mediocreties (?).

Another flask idea


Last edited by Yonorang#3434 on Jul 8, 2013, 3:28:47 PM

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