Custom Avatar Gallery 1 (updated 29th May, 2014)

WinterShell wrote:
Lovely avatars!
Charan's has always reminded me of diablo I for some reason.

Also I'm having a mild heartache, I've always wanted to paint for MtG, since I was 12 years old, that's when I saw my first one.

Ya that's exactly what I thought... it looks like the opening cutscene from d1.

Awesome avatars! Wish I could afford to support this game with $1000 :(

Spare some change?
FFA loot=Single player MMOARPG. GGG please consider a change.
fenmalain wrote:
I don't know if I'll ever be able to decide on what to do for my avatar or unique.

Now that would be rather selfish! Give us more content!

I'm joking of course, thanks to all you guys for your generosity. And realy nice avs you got there!
So jelly so so so jelly. Alas, I do not have a credit card with a line of $1000+ and if I did that bitch would be maxed out as soon as it was activated. Well...I guess I would only need $950. Too bad there isn't a multiple payment option. I got two that could each do half.

Edit: Also everyone I LOVE your avatars! :D GGG appeals to my artistic sense in SOOOO many ways.
Last edited by monkeypavillion#1708 on Oct 5, 2012, 12:48:50 PM
monkeypavillion wrote:
So jelly so so so jelly. Alas, I do not have a credit card with a line of $1000+ and if I did that bitch would be maxed out as soon as it was activated. Well...I guess I would only need $950. Too bad there isn't a multiple payment option. I got two that could each do half.

Edit: Also everyone I LOVE your avatars! :D GGG appeals to my artistic sense in SOOOO many ways.

If you're serious you should PM Support, I'm sure they'd be happy to arrange that. You might be able to say, get 4x gold packs and have it converted to diamond.

I'm also amazed at how much work goes into those little avatars, so much detail gets lost, like the arm hairs on the baboon man. Someone went to the trouble of drawing those arm hairs.
Last edited by Malice#2426 on Oct 5, 2012, 5:06:45 PM
Aye, the resemblance to that iconic moment in D1's opening cinematic has been noted before. I certainly didn't ask for that (my ego stretches as far as 'do something cool with my sword please') but somehow Max S (re)captured a little of that anticipation.

Personally I would have liked more blood, but oh well. :)

Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
Kickaha wrote:
Here's mine.

oh man I love your one, thats a badass rhoa
Mna.. i wish i had $1000 USD to donate to GGG
Big red hairy chookalooka.
Gotta be at least 12-14 Avi's there, Mine's gotta be coming soon =D

I was worried my description was way to vague since I don't have a artistic bone in my body, but judging from everyones avi's so far, I'm confident it'll come out.

As for the Avatar, I'm very set on rolling towards the Str/Int Hybrid right now and wanting to push towards an avatar like that.

Black Background,

Heavy/Medium Armored Man, wielding a Sword and Shield (similar shield to one I had mentioned, just kite shield with energy radiating from its design)

Lighting a bit like this image,

So light coming down off his back so his front side is more concealed.

And Lastly Lightning, Radiating from his Blade, Position is overall relaxed, holding Shield to chest, sword less relaxed, holding Diagonal to himself towards ground. (Similar to the image)

And thats it.
boing :)
only 10 diamond supporters with avatars posted so far, are there more avatars made? (11 including notch)

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