Custom Avatar Gallery 1 (updated 29th May, 2014)

OverUsedChewToy wrote:
Here is Cuddles my pet battlekiwi in all of his cowardly splendour!

dlrr wrote:
OverUsedChewToy wrote:
Here is Cuddles my pet battlekiwi in all of his cowardly splendour!


Technically it's just plate armor, as you'd see on a jousting horse or somesuch :P but I think it's cool too!
OverUsedChewToy wrote:
Here is Cuddles my pet battlekiwi in all of his cowardly splendour!

Very nice :D
VideoGeemer wrote:
I believe this one is still missing from this list:

And this cute one here:

is accidentally linked to Whoaness's account.

Bump, as still relevant. :)

Invited to Beta 2012-03-18 / Supporter since 2012-04-08
Ta. Updated.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
This thread is delicieuse.

best thread of open beta so far imo, thx for this cool stuff.
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
my favourite is the unique item thread
I like pretty pictures.
sry ive seen godly and godlys dont lose hp wich wuold pretty much be a smiter with life tap
IGN: danknugsblazedopeswag
CharanJaydemyr wrote:

Oh, of aallll the threads? Agreed, but Malice's mechanics is a close second.

too many good threads!
stop being so awesome, people!
Maybe u could start a new thread ( a must read thread indexer) that would be awsome for the new guys entering the game etc. Ive never even read the mechanics thread of malice, but if u pm me a link, i most defenetly wil.

*This spoiler was aproved by boem as derailing the thread topic and was therefore spoiled with a spoiler*

(but serieusly, topic related, some very sweet work was put into these little diamonds)
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes

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