Why desync is fixable:
" As a new player I didn't notice desync till Act 1 Cruel when those nasty skeleton Rhoas in the fetid pool would charge me. Point is PoE isn't becoming a huge internet craze because of desync, it's mostly because there are a million D2 clones out there and most people have tried after D2 to find a replacement but to no success. PoE is late to the game, if it was released 5 years ago it would be a much more popular game. Hero battle games are still fresh and are great pure PVP games so they have the extra benefit of being in esport circuits too. EDIT: to clarify, I noticed desync before Cruel but it didn't kill me or have a huge impact on how I played. In higher difficulties I'm noticing it killing me but I've already sunk plenty of hours into this game to see what it has to offer. I won't try hardcore because of it but hardcore never interested me in the first place. Last edited by Funkhauzer#0168 on Sep 12, 2013, 11:16:28 AM
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" Well, than you are pretty lucky. I lost nearly every HC character that died to things like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1J58mVImlNI (this is NOT my video, i just pulled it out of random youtube clips!) Death is not the only thing affected by desync (see my first post for other reasons). I think that is the easiest explanation you can get, about why i (and others) want this change. |
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Requesting player stream to confirm that it is in fact desync and not getting stunlocked or using whirling blades into a pack of enemies that kick your ass and blaming desync.
Also your proposed solution won't work. I tried playing DotA 2 on the europe servers and I had 120 ms and it was absolutely unplayable when I was used to 50-60 ms. Even at 50-60 ms I can feel the very slight delay and it really takes a little out of the gameplay. In the case of PoE I'd rather have diarrhea than hemorrhoids. |
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I'd rather have higher ping and no desynch. OP is right, you will eventually adjust to the ping, and your reaction time to situations will adjust accordingly.
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" I don't believe that at all. The reaction time for the average gamer is about 200ms. And even most top level gamers wouldn't be under 100ms reaction time. That sort of precision isn't needed in a DOTA game or an ARPG. The only sort of game where that sort of precision can screw you is in a fighting game, where timing, execution and precision is the entire game. You can use positioning, kiting and kill boxes to eliminate the AI in ARPGs. Or if you can face tank you shouldn't be worried about desynch anyway. I used to play fighting games online through this service: http://ggpo.net/ Its an emulator with excellent netcode. I'm east coast USA and I can play people in Japan with minimal lag, and we're talking about fighting games where one single frame out of 60 can screw your execution. Remarkably it works. Whoever designed that emulator clearly knows their shit when it comes to netcode. He is clearly better at netcode than the GGG devs are, maybe they should contact him? I used to play SSF2t, and some of the best players in the USA frequent GGPO. GigaMSX - has the best Dictator and Boxer in the USA, Alex Valle, has the best Ken and Sagat in the USA. LTdan, the best Fei Long in Japan also shows up there occasionally. I played him and he fucking destroyed me like I was an 8 year old kid mashing buttons. They wouldn't be wasting their time playing if the netcode was complete shit. And BTW the netcode in PoE is complete shit compared to lots of other games I played online. I expect GGG to improve the netcode greatly, or I'm definitely not sticking around in this game longer term. Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Sep 12, 2013, 3:16:07 PM
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" lol. You must be one of those "normal" matchmaking people. |
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" If you got a shitty enough of a build where a little bit of frame delay can mean life or death, then maybe you should make a more tanky build. I see a lot of people with boat loads of ES, but in reality all they got is a massive bar to absorb damage, with not a whole lot else protecting them except whatever little bit of block % they get from their shield and maybe a granite flask? They make builds where they have to hit that granite quick or they're screwed. If timing for you in an ARPG is hitting that granite flask before that pack of whippers lands an alpha strike on you, then you're doing something wrong. Because those are the sorts of builds that get rocked by desynch. Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Sep 12, 2013, 3:22:34 PM
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" You're on the internet, there's no such thing as a "stable delay". |
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" Did you even watch the video? Just as an example, my ~ lvl 50 onslaught witch with no problems the whole game died, because i suddenly stand in a room that wasn't even on my screen before (i can only guess, that it was the room in the bottom right corner) and died without any chance of doing something (maybe i could log out if i was fast enough, but that is not really a solution to the problem). Things like that make me think that even with a normal 50ms (or even 150ms) delay i would have never died in this situation, never. " Yes, there is. If i play DotA 2 (on the next server to me) i always get a delay between 20-30ms. Yes, it is not 'stable', like always 24ms and never change ever, but it is in a reasonable window. Last edited by DE3me#2347 on Sep 12, 2013, 4:25:14 PM
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Edited out, added to my last post, can be deleted.
Last edited by DE3me#2347 on Sep 12, 2013, 4:26:43 PM
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