The Current Fire Trap / Traps Update: Give +1 Additional Trap (4) to 'Use' for Trappers by Default

I Also play a trapper, i use 4 sets of traps, when playing solo i dont find THAT much issue with the number of traps i have but once i join a group i find my traps lacking severely, 90% of the time im sittin with 0-1 traps unless i stand still and recover between packs... while everyone else in the party can pull over 10k dps - "WITH Leech!" which noone seems to put into perspective when looking at traps damage/abilities vs other skills damage/abilities, yes it cant be reflected but reflect is much less common than leech, as leech is 100% of the time and usually covers most of the reflect up too when not hitting to much at once...

but once im in a group the health of the npc's becomes so high that im having to wait for traps constantly, i can throw all 12 of my traps quite often to clear a group or two and then im just stuck watching the group clear for a good 5-10 secs then i can start joining in again.... this is only with 2-3 people, id hate to see with 4-6...

while they have equal or similar tooltip DAMAGE (mine is dpS theirs is damage per hit and hitting multiple times) while recovering all mana/health/ect at the same time ect...

I Agree with the +1 Trap, tho my first annoyance was simply not being able to put a 2nd firetrap into my 3 supports when i got a 5 link... i thought that was going to end my issues when i could finally double up my number of traps only to find out that was taken away from us completely.... made me quite sad... now my fire traps just have a choice to be WAY more expensive with 5th link really, the mana cost scales faster than the damage with the better supports, only slowing down even more what you can throw unless you put even more points into mana/EB and gear into ES and not defence (which again we DONT HAVE LEECH, so we cant take nearly the same damage or face tank things for more than our flasks last...)

+1 or speedier cooldown sounds perfect and fair, i definatly dont think its asking to much, also the reduction in damage felt unnessessary too when you see MOST other specs do more damage with their main attacks and can consistantly do that damage nonstop and also can leech back life/mana at same time ect. just seems like our drawbacks outweight the benefits when you get to late game (lvl 18-20 and 20q gems and such)

Edit: Forgot to add as a trapper were also passive starved in general, its a long ways between trap nodes and for survival with no leech the whole EB/MoM option... i definately have a VERY hard time deciding what to spend my next point in and have PLENTY of good choices and will prob have life nodes directly on my path that i wont be able to get by lvl 100 too heh :P -- +1 or reduced CD by default Plz :)

Last edited by SixTricks on Dec 12, 2013, 5:01:32 PM

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