"Release is going to be awesome"

You also said that about Open Beta.
What should encourage us to believe you this time?
Xendran wrote:
You also said that about Open Beta.
What should encourage us to believe you this time?

Open Beta was actually pretty awesome and so was Open Beta 1.5

What didn't you like?
I don't like ice cream, but i like pizza.
I'm a forum warrior, i was born to post, raised to defend my league. Now my post has been removed, chained and exiled by mods who Ban. Ban is my brother; i do not fear it. I see it in the eyes of men and beasts that i troll. It will take me to play the actual game when i am ready and i am not ready.
Open Beta release was pretty cool for me.

People and their expectations, jeez.
Monster damage got hiked (Difficulty difference between CB and OB was easymode faceroll to stupid high monster damage with seemingly very little effort put into taking scaling and hp regen into consideration. CB was way too easy, but that doesn't mean you just give monsters 50,000,000 damage), maps became more difficult to sustain (and i don't know why, because i remember GGG claiming to have not changed the drop rates), economy got out of hand, items became harder to roll due to more shitty mods, chaos resistance penalties were added WITHOUT going through the alpha league (according to numerous alpha players i've spoken to), we got phase run replaced with quicksilvers.

CI was nerfed which is a good thing, but then ES nodes were buffed, although the max amount you could get on items was reduced, but this impacted the later life+es nerf which barely touched ES and seemed extremely poorly planned out and undertested.

EDIT: Added this section about the economy

Back to the economy getting out of hand, this had a much more significant impact than people realize, and it's why a lot of the people i played CB with say that it feels like an entirely different game.

Because the value of exalted orbs are jacked up SO much right now, people aren't willing to craft with almost any currency. The reason for this is because of how important exalts are when it comes to trading, and i see items that would have sold in HC for 2ex in CB (36 HC chaos) that are still selling for 2ex+ in OB (60 HC chaos).

Now you would think that because of this, people would be crafting more with small orbs because of the ability to sell the exalteds they find. Herein lies the problem for the majority of players: Actually getting one.

Because their value is so high but they're traded in such large quantities, people need to stock very large amounts of chaos or other currnecy to trade up to exalts. Now you may be saying to yourself: Just get lesser gear then. This brings about another issue: mediocre gear is worth less than it should be, great gear is worth exalts. In-between gear is usually priced much closer to the high end than the low end.

This, combined with the increased difficulty of obtaining chaos orbs (chaos recipe nerf), means our economy is now in a place where using orbs on gear is stupid because you can buy what you're likely to be reasonably happy using for extremely cheap, but once you need an upgrade it's extremely expensive, and the mods that you would be rolling would cost extreme amounts to get to.

This causes another problem: When people aren't rolling for mediocre gear because of this, it also means that less godly and great gear gets accidentally rolled. This just keeps increasing the disparity between gear. Because of this, not only were monsters stronger than they were in CB, but players are generally going to be progressing through the game with worse gear. Even Solo Self Found would be impacted by slightly worse gear due to increased mod pool.

I remember the days when people would roll exalts onto items in global chat without having to spend who knows how long deciding if it's "exalt worthy". Anything with decent high end mods that you could use was exalt worthy back then, and a lot of interesting gear got crafted because of that.

It was a standard part of a lot of characters once you started getting close to level 80 to exalt most/every slot you have available, and you didn't feel bad for doing it. Sure, you'd get some bad rolls, but you wouldn't feel like you just dumped a ridiculous amount of currency.

Also, you could get exalts from races, and this caused an influx of exalts every week. Directly after races, poorer players would be able to sell items for extremely overpriced to their racer friends, but with the person buying it feeling perfectly fine about dumping a ton of currency. This spread out orbs over players nicely, and also encouraged a lot of crafting directly after races.

They also added in golem rolls, which i still consder an entirely inexcusable error, and all the desync and deaths caused by such an obviously broken skill were entirely GGG's fault. I never lost anything to it, but leaving in such a broken mechanic becuase you think it's a cool skill shows extremely poor handling of your game, and if i was looking at people that i would consider partnering with, this is an example of a situation being handled poorly enough to turn me away from trusting them to make a functional product. 6 months with an obviously broken mechanic that has a negative impact on the most notoriously complained about part of the game, in exchange to see a golem roll along the ground. Not a good tradeoff. Either the skill should have been removed until it was fixed (it's been partially fixed. Still desyncs a lot though), or replaced with a temporary rock throw projectile skill of some sort to give golems the same level of danger without rolls that could be entirely unavoidable regardless of position, and prone to desyncing (especially with how big golems are. It's not uncommon for it to roll into something on the server but not on the client or vice versa)

Sure, all the new content is great for a bit, but then all of the problems permeate the new content as well once you get over it being new.
Last edited by Xendran#1127 on Sep 5, 2013, 2:25:10 PM
Man, wish I could have played closed beta. Sounds like a lot more fun than open beta.
Vote +1 to change Path of Exile to Path of Nerfs.
We hate to say, but ProjectPT was right.
Closed beta was great. Open beta has been better. Hoping release will be another step forward. Keep adding content and I'll keep playing.
chaos resistance penalties were added WITHOUT going through the alpha league (according to numerous alpha players i've spoken to)

What had to be tested anyway? Every alpha player would have complained ; when you increase difficulty, players tend to whine.

Also shame on those alpha players for telling you that, they're not supposed to leak informations.
Monster damage x10 drops /10 lol/jk. Or? But seriously, I like the golem rolls more then the deaths they did on my silly chars in merciless. I am still very curious and full of enthusiasm to see what will GGG show during the release, because it has to be something major.

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