I dont understand the dps calculation of reave.
My dps tooltip shows 20k with two crit daggers. When i dual-wield dagger and other weapon. It decreases almost by half. But in the build explanations, people say offhand doesnt effect reave dps. So I wonder reave attacks with only main hand weapon? |
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The tooltip DPS cannot account for incompatible weapons, so using one incompatible weapon breaks the display. That's all there is to it.
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So basicly i dont lose half of my dps when i switch to 1 dagger 1 other weapon? I just lose stats on my 2nd dagger?
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" When it is not a dagger, claw or 1h sword, you won't attack with it. But the tooltip does not take that into account. Ideally you do not "lose stats of a 2nd dagger", but "gain stats of a wonderful offhand". ;) Wrote this somewhere else in the forum: " 3.5 build: Last edited by Peterlerock#5171 on Sep 2, 2015, 6:31:18 AM
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Reave with increased AoE is a great and effective skill.
However, holding down reave on a target, makes the character run within default reave range and attack, even if I have increased AoE. Thats not great if I want to take advantage of my increased AoE. My suggestion would be to make reave behave as it does now with <10% increased aoe, but with AoE >= 10% reave will no longer chase targets, but swing as if force stay key was held. Its very bothersome to have to hold the force stay key constantly, to make use of increased AoE. I don't want to run AHK scripts to add the "force stay key" to my reave key. Until an ingame solution is found, I'll just be parking my reave character :) Thanks for reading. Ign: splat / meh Last edited by sck666#4225 on Sep 7, 2015, 4:44:41 AM
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" This is a comment where "l2p" is the appropriate answer. Don´t take it as an insult because it is not meant as one. You have to get used to not clicking on monsters, but to reave into thin air and judge your AoE. Using Reave correctly is in a way skill-based as it requires you to change the way you target and to estimate the range of your attack. The issues you have also occur frequently if your dmg is too low., I have >250k ttdps fully buffed and most mobs die in one or at maximum two reave attacks. My char very rarely walks anywhere... regards Hold on to yer shite load o´ bloody barnacles on me arse-cockles, me hearty!
IGN: Trapsdrubel |
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back in may i wrote:
" this skill has been modified. " this skill is much better now than when i used it in rampage league. the suggestion sck666 writes in the previous post is pretty good also but even without that i can't give any other rating than a solid 5/5. i think this is one of the best melee skills in the game. and one of the most fun to use too. Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on Sep 19, 2015, 3:58:25 PM
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this skill though lol, this skill...
well that change where stacks dont drop when u use other skills was really needed to make me even play it seriously, and now its monstrous. Dont you guys feel though that now its that much easier to maintain reave stacks, and with vaal reave being such a powerful add-on, that maintaining your stacks should be more important? It stacks to what now? 4? I think a lot of builds are way over 4aps, as soon as the hold down the button they will just instant stack. Wouldnt it be better if it had a lot more stacks again, maybe more than its ever had before so it took more time to build up the aoe and was more punishing for letting it drop? Say it had 16 stacks, maybe more even, and then vaal reave gave a stack per mob hit LOH style rather than 1 per attack PCoC style (which is how I think it works atm?) up to double whatever youve set the regular reave stacks to. You would keep the aoe reave has now, keep vaal reaves proportional increase, just make it take longer to build up so the skill is a little more demanding because it feels a little too 'free' atm, and make it more important to vaal reave in the right situation to get the full 16 extra. The idea of the stacks building up doesnt really exist in your considerations outside of the vaal reave interaction because you just instantly stack on contact with mobs right now. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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" "The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence."
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This gem used only by standard mirrored weapon players, if you using none mirrored good phys weapons you wont be able to close end-game content with this gem. Boost its power, not everyone is a standard legacy/mirrored weapon holders.
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