This is the single most frustrating and bugged Gem I have yet to use.
Mobs clearly in Melee standing and facetanking it, and showing the "explosion" of getting hit, and nothing happens. Over. And over. And over. Again. In the end, I had to trade it away because no matter how good it is, when it's bugged to hell and back it's just beyond useless when it comes to actual tempo. Cleave is better, until this shit is fixed. |
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" Also an excellent gem to use in bad performance computers -- best if used with Hatred as sole damage aura(avoid using any herald gems). Performance ranking - default melee>double strike(+melee splash)=dual strike>reave=cleave=leap slam>heavy strike=infernal blow=glacial hammer=molten strike=cyclone>static strike=ground slam Two-handed - Mop
Dual Wield - Slippers One-handed & Shield (close combat) - Brush & Basin One-handed & Shield (ranged) - Hair Dryer & Mirror Main-hand & Off-hand (evil witch) - Sponge & Soap |
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Doesn't the dual wield attack speed multiplier apply to Reave when dual wielding a sword and an axe? It used to work but I can't see any difference anymore when trying to test it now.
IGN: DatInternet
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After seeing the Daresso boss fight at ACT 4 I think we all want his reave character animation to be implemented when you're using swords. Please GGG, update it *-*
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played my reave shadow up to lvl 81 so far. i like the skill but...
i really dislike the short time you have to find a target to attack to keep those stacks up. increase it to the same time as rampage streaks. that is a perfect time to me. the skill already has a huge drawback not being able to use another skill without losing the stacks like casting a curse. i feel it doesn't need another. getting 16 stacks via vaal reave and then losing them because arriving at the target a microsecond too late is unrewarding at best. it takes quite some time to build up vaal reave and get those stacks back. that's my feedback and i stand by it. thanks. |
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" Yeah, i think GGG should allow us to use other skills with Reave (i mean, without losing stacks). Stacks still fade too quickly, so using other skills with Reave will still cause troubles. But so much encouraging to use a single one-click skill is bad desighn. IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide: There is no knowledge That is not power |
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" glad to hear i am not the only one who thinks the stacks fade too quickly. to sum up. here is what i would like: 1. increase the time we have before our stacks vanish. 2. make it possible to use other skills without losing stacks. 3. create some visual feedback when the stacks are about the fade. there is already such a thing in use for rampage streaks. Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on May 21, 2015, 11:00:49 AM
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Playing with this in 2.0
I have to say a lot of the feedback on the last few pages is spot on and yet the skill has not been changed at all. It's very frustrating to have zero information from the game on how long a stack is going to last. Additionally, sometimes my stacks fall off without explanation LONG before they should. I really don't understand how this skill works in that regard, it doesn't appear to be behaving consistently. |
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Best attack skill in the game hands down!
I loved it before the changes, but now... it´s just AWESOME. You did a great job on this one. Only downside I can see is that other attack skills will need SERIOUS buffs to get anywhere near the same level. regards Hold on to yer shite load o´ bloody barnacles on me arse-cockles, me hearty!
IGN: Trapsdrubel |
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Would be cool if this skill would benefit from weapon range bonus like from Warlord's reach and master of the arena. You know, build variety and all that.
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