I love this skill, but the click cancel should go.
If you pick up a loot, you lose buff, if you do a different attack you lose buff. I think it should be solely based on the timer. Ideally I'd like to use this skill and be able to flicker/whirling blades into the next set of mobs and keep going. As it is, you almost have to round up big packs to get the full benefits. All in all, I think it's a great addition, would just like a very slight increase in duration or at least be able to click other things between uses. |
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So I've played around with this skill right now @lvl68 and found out a few things...
--- To not break the charges... u can't pick up items, u can't use other skills and u have like a half a second window to go to ur next pack. I'm linking Reave with multistrike + crit chance + crit dmg + power charge (49.7% crit chance with max charges)and it works amazing. Plus I use a flask that gives knockback and recharges per crit, so I'm basically like dragonball or darth vador with the force and nothing can get close to me lol.. There could be more time before the charges reset and also maybe picking up items and using other skills should not trigger the reset either.. IGN: Aionair/Sinsassine
1ex = 50 chaos = 110 fusings 1eternal = 2ex |
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I must agree with the majority the skill is fun and somewhat effective. But we need the wave more defined so we can see it better and the duration of the "buff" or whatever you want to call it either need to last longer or each stage needs to count down instead of it all going away at once. Thanks hope my input helped.
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... you gotta be kidding...
you cant pick up items? you can't curse? that way the skill kinda sucks... |
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" Is this intended? This pretty much promotes "faceroll" style game play. It would be much better game play if you could combine skills to form a strategy rather than just spamming one skill only. I hope it's an oversight. Also instead of losing all stages at once why not have a fall off? Last edited by Nangingg#6005 on Aug 21, 2013, 4:31:15 PM
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" Probably because it's real easy to stack all 8 charges, either by dual wielding or multistrike use, I'd tentatively say I could live with current 2s timer. But I agree the cancel on other action should go, this skill is meant for DEX chars after all and they don't really take well to staying too long in one place spamming a skill endlessly (in melee flavor, of course). Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs. ◄[]► ◄[]► Last edited by raics#7540 on Aug 21, 2013, 4:43:51 PM
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" This is my biggest issue with the skill. GGG after all this feedback do you plan on changing the duration and finding out what is wrong with how desync affects this skill? Monsters take 0 damage sometimes. Go test it without multistrike to see the "desync" at full effect. Again not sure if this 0 damage thing is desync or a reave bug but can you give us some info on if youre planning on patching this skill? |
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I've only used the skill a little bit, but I'm already sick of the cone. I don't understand why so many MELEE skills require players to constantly, constantly kite enemies. Reave should have a circular AoE centered in front of the user. The radius should be large enough to hit enemies just behind the player with some AoE radius bonuses (~40%) before additional Reave stacks are added.
Also, Reave stacks shouldn't be removed when a different skill is used. They should only be removed when they time out. The Amazon Basin: A Community of Friends Playing Games |
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So i have played long enough to do a quick piety run.
Clear speed is much slower than with cyclone. I had the most fun linking it to multistrike, melee phys, increased aoe, and knockback. I found the very large aoe with carcass jack and that gem to make it kind of cool. And in the middle of large packs looked like a 360 degree skill. tried more damage with conc effect and added fire, but it just simply had such a short range i would have been better off dual striking. I wish functionality of dual wield was different, but i will post up my video when it uploads and then try out maps and then lower level characters with the skill. |
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- Initial cone cannot hit more than 2 frontal targets, this is annoying when trying to open crates/vases with this ability. - Cancels whenever you cast anything but reave - Inferior for AoE unless monsters are in a perfect cone where you are only facing 1 or 2 monsters. Fine, being surrounded or face tanking 10 monsters has cleave, but 20% increased cone is not enough. I keep getting into scenarios where my reave "almost" hits the target, and all my 8 stacks expire. Increasing reave aoe % from 20% to something more reasonable may be of great help. - Stacks are too short, if I count correctly, it is around 3 seconds! - Very often, it hits a target but does no damage, how odd. So far, I enjoy this skill for lulz using it when I get monsters in a perfect cone, or to avoid being surrounded (as cleave can only hit small frontal cone, reave can hit quite far behind if it's stacked up). Overall, potentially decent skill, but I don't see people racing with it. Last edited by GotzYourBike#7903 on Aug 21, 2013, 9:07:22 PM
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