" I'm using an all out damage/survivability approach by having a 5Link of Reave + Melee Physical + Multistrike + Added Fire + Life Leech. I'm doing roughly 5.5K damage with Bloodseeker. (~215 base DPS) IGN: Bravo_Thirsty
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" Personally top priority I would think would be multistrike. depending on your build will determine some of the others. There is the possibility of crit chance and multiplier that could work well with daggers and crit builds. melee physical obviously if you are phys based. Weapon elemental i imagine is possible. And don't forget increased aoe or concentrated effect as possibilities. I'm going to try out reave with multi, melee phys, blood magic, and then swap between increased aoe and conc effect while wearing a carcass jack. I imagine it will be popular with bringer of rain as well, and people will be taking advantage of the large number of links and having blind. |
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" Devs still haven't clarified if Reave has its own base AoE value or using weapon range, but I think the former is right. So, let's give it a base radius of 10. If you grab all area nodes and slap quality increased area support on it you will have 95% increased radius which amounts to 19,5. Now, 8 stacks of Reave give you 160% more radius (multiplicative), so that amounts to a whooping 50,7. That's a kingly discharge-class radius. Base radius is probably smaller, though. Increased area damage doesn't help much as it just adds to all your other increased damage mods, you typically have around 50% from STR, 100% from passives and 76% from gem level so an extra 20% there doesn't mean much. Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.
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I like it, but i you can't even get from group to group in terraces, let alone lunaris/maps.
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" Any thoughts on the suggestion.. Was kinda lookin forward to peoples thoughts on possible changes since we've pretty much established where its shortfalls are.. |
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It plays like a melee splash that turns into a ground slam. The size reduction over time is pretty fair but it would be nice if it fell off in a curve so at least the smaller size would stick around longer. Last edited by Nangingg#6005 on Aug 21, 2013, 12:42:23 PM
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this skill is unfortunately meh at best.. it is fun et all in fellshrine but try to use it in real world and that cone area simply means you are attacking one target, two at best. hardly effective compared to melee splash
- it does dmg in front (melee splash - around) so fast hordes like leapers, monkeys etc will kill you esp with desync. no 360' - no 360'stun, knockback etc - it has to wind up so for brief encounters you are mostly using 1-2 stack version that is simply bad - it shows desync in the purest form when life bars of monsters half screen away start to go down (and they are behind you). but keep it up, hopefully people will notice how bad the desync is. spellcasters dont care about it but when they try this new skill theyll have to - reset when cursing/shield charging so it means you cannot bring stacks from one pack to another. default delay is pathetic and it seems nothing can make it longer - weapon requirement that is strict yet the skill is not that good at all to warrant it - vs hordes only. no single target benefit so (because it assumes only one 5/6L slot) it requires gem swapping or using it as a 4Link that is not that good - it seems that accuracy still applies to AOE + low mana cost and no mana cost multiplier from the melee splash, can use one more support gem + gfx/sound are nice in general 5/10. after the 'new effect' fades it is simply a ground slam for daggers. what kills it is the timer and desync |
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To be honest, as a crit single dagger, life based shadow who currently uses double strike and splash along with whirling blades to get around and enduring cry and crit weakness, Reave is s disappointment.
It basically locks you into using multistrike, which I do not particularly like using for end game content, just to build the AoE buff up quickly only to have it disappear in 1 second or as soon as you use WB, end. cry or crit weakness :/ The fact that it only hits in a cone shape in front of you, also doesn't help much when you're surrounded. My shadow is very simple, get around quickly, crit often and crit hard and get out while keeping endurance charges up. Using Reave makes him slow and nowhere near as effective. We'll see, I'm still levelling it in the background in the hopes of a change or great high level scaling, but I don't have much hope. I actually made this character specifically for Reave, but it turns out double strike is pretty damn good, so it's not all bad. | |
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Neat aoe skill for dagger characters. Still pales in comparison to cleave as carrying the reave charges from one engagement to another is impossible. Hell, I lose my charges just repositioning myself during one engagement.
Playing with it some more, in my opinion it seems that cancelling out the charges - with the current charge duration - when you use a different skill (or pick up an item, lol) seems completely unnecessary, and almost grief-like. From a racing point of view, at the moment I think cleave is still way superior, but I like the freedom of equipment it offers compared to cleave. I will play with it some more and see how it measures up. It seems just clicking towards something, like an enemy or a barrel, but not actually attacking, cancels out reave. This can't be intended. Last edited by boof#2056 on Aug 21, 2013, 1:38:18 PM