Our view on map drop rates
hi, lvl 79 running 62 zones for maps...most of lvl 78 was done in the 62 zones. It might not be this way for some, but it is my reality, as well as a few friends reality. Me, personally, i prefer to run solo or w/ 2 other people. We do chisels and alchs/chaos or trans/augs...more often than not all 3 of us are w/o maps.
I refuse to buy maps or buy into map runs. I dont feel like i should have to buy into end game. Here are my suggestions on what id like them to do if they choose to keep ppl like me happy: 1. Map bosses are guaranteed to drop map lvl of equal or greater by 1 lvl value. 2. 66 maps shower the planet. That way i can always be on the "map progression chain" and not scouring lvl 62 zones for hours for 1 measly 66 map that doesnt drop a new map. These would also make me more inclined to full group cause honestly, the MAIN reason i dont group w/ ppl is because i dont want my maps ninja'd. I would rather have a mirror snatched off the ground from me than a map and heres why...if i dont have maps im gaining little to no xp and grinding the same boring zone for a map for hours. If a mirror would get stolen then im out 30 or whatever exalteds...sure it'd suck and id be mad, but ultimately... I dont like my progress to come to a screeching halt over RNG. also, the fact that theres 57 pages of this thread means that there has been numerous ppl searching out this topic and that were passionate enough about it to post our opinion. IGN= Velrixina Last edited by Velrik#5246 on Mar 10, 2013, 3:29:03 AM
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Reason why they are so reluctant to increase map drop rates is that if drop rate is high then there is no reason to make maps rare quality. Everyone will just play blue maps since people only make rare maps hoping to get a new map (not really to get more items or currency).
Blue maps = face roll easy and cost minimal currency. This results in the end game becoming a joke. Don't know solution to this....just stating why I think GGG is very reluctant to increase map drop rates. | |
" Maps do not drop at all now to.... Also you can't currency dump the end game.. When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself
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" Ya I 100% agree with you that it's dumb in the current state of things - playing solo I am losing currency at alarming rate trying to roll good lvl70+ maps so I can keep playing. Regressing as I play more certainly does not feel rewarding. Also I pretty much spend all my currency on maps...have not been able to get upgrades in long long time: buying high end gear on HC for top end items is extremely expensive, getting upgrades through drops is pretty much as rare if not rarer than it was in D3 - I haven't looted in upgrade prob since my early lvl 60's if not before then and I am lvl 85 now. | |
so far the mapgame went rather fair for me. sometimes more, sometimes less drops.
but today has been a disaster. i did ~13 67+ maps(+ the 66s that dropped). all 25+quantity, some up to 60. i got a total of 3 66 and 1 67. half of them alone, other half in party of 2-3. im down like an exalt or more in maps today. WITHOUT counting the currency i used to roll em up. stuff like that just shouldnt happen. atleast give the unique map boss a really high chance to drop a map so you got a good chance to run even and to reward you for clearing the map and killing the boss (also had multiple all blue drops from bossed today). losing a ton of currency just by playing the game is no go. ign: Lucador / Zashah Last edited by Xobeh#7095 on Mar 10, 2013, 5:00:30 PM
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" This. A thousand times this. I'm using alchs, chaoses, and chisels (after I store a few up) on every single map; I don't run them unless they're above 60% IIQ. And yet, the map drop rate is horrific. I'm lucky to get 1-2 every 4 maps or so. Hell, I just got done with one at 78% IIQ; no map drops, and the boss dropped 1 stinking rare, 4 blues. I'm at just over 100% IIQ, 160ish% IIR. Htf is that even possible? I can deal with the craptastic drops of items/currency, despite w/e IIQ/IIR I have. That's just RNG for you; if i didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all. But wth, GGG, you have endless complaints about map drops, and we haven't heard a peep in months about this. Several simple solutions have been suggested. My favorite's probably the much higher chance for the boss to drop a map; hell, lower the chance for other maps to drop inside maps to balance that. Give us something, let us know where your heads are at on this one, anything. IGN = Kryztal
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" Sign that. Did around 30 map runs today - 15 of them where 69 or higher. Out of those maps we got 1x 66 map and 1x 68 map. If this should be considered fun, no one's gonna go there anymore. Especially if you, like many others said before, spend tons of currency to prepare the maps to your liking. Hell, i can live with 2-3 runs with a single map drop or no drop, but not 10 runs in a row. This will only end in your high-lvl players being completely annoyed of the game (since we got nothing else to do anyway). Why not make a system like the following - 66-68 - chance to drop maps 68 - one map drops at least (range from 66-68), other drops random 69 - one map drops at least (range from 66-69), other drops random 70 - same as above (just that the range increases) ig: rokki_xXx Last edited by rokki82#6307 on Mar 10, 2013, 7:16:14 PM
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done with maps for today. i started with ~25 67-70 maps today+a few 66s. now i have 9(!!) left.
high quantity, chisels, +size.. all didnt help. i dont know if there is some bug or doomswitch that suddenly made mapdrops utter shit or if thats expected. it just shouldnt happen. tbh i pretty much love this game,but playing whole day to LOSE a ton of stuff (except gain 1 level which couldve been also done by mindless dock grinding) leaves me frustrated like never before in the month i play it now. ign: Lucador / Zashah
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I out of map again as well, this is making me want to stop playing until GGG ups the map drop rate above 1. Right now it's like .8.
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If maps are going to remain the only content for lv 70+ characters, how about we get a chance to replay a non-unique map with the numbers of portals left from the actual run.
Loot heavy runs will result in less replays obviously. Would rather see a better solution though (many good ones have been suggested). OT: " on +70something IIQ and +326% IIR + map mods and I got this too: no rares and no whites either, just blue items (spider boss/overgrown shrine) If you're leaving PoE, chances are I'll rezz you as my minion! MWHAHAHAH