[0.9.12] Show us your interesting characters and be featured on our YouTube channel!
" he may be using a blood magic support gem for Anger and Wrath, he has quite a bit of life supports. |
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Character: Close - Level 62
Role: Point Blank / Iron Reflexes Bow Duelist utilizing Stun Passive Skill Tree:
Current Items:
Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Skills Used: Rain of Arrows + Faster Projectiles + Stun + Life Gained on Hit Burning Arrow + Faster Projectiles + Stun + Blind Frenzy + Lesser Multiple Projectiles + Pierce + Additional Accuracy Warlord's Mark + Hatred + Grace + Reduced Mana Cost Phase Run + Enduring Cry Highlights: Using Point Blank with Chin Sol is just devastating. Rain of Arrows is often over looked as a great AoE crowd control. Supported with Stun and Life Gained on Hit, Rain of Arrows allows me to sit in the middle of a pack and spam directly on top of my character (to minimize distance for Point Blank + Chin Sol). Mobs generally go into a stun lock dance until they die. Using the Broadstroke Heavy Quiver gives me a nice damage boost, as well as giving vital stun reduction and duration for my spamming close up to maximize stopping power. Generally, I Phase Run into pack and pop a Enduring Cry to get agro from the surrounding mobs. After which, I spam Warlord's Mark and spam Rain of Arrows until they are dead. For tanky mobs, I use mix Frenzy and Burning Arrow. With 4 Frenzy Charges, I can perma stun many tanky monsters due to the stun reduction and duration with my attack speed. Using Blind on Burning Arrows helps out a ton for those pesky hard hitters since I have no evasion. Some items in this post are currently unavailable.
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Just wanted to do a little update on Ploif.
New gear; Wurm's Molt, Slitherpinch, Carnage Heart, new axe. The Karui Chopper is the best base item for Leap Slam (highest average damage), so I'm just rerolling those hoping to find something better than my current. IAS/%Phys/Mana leech would be perfect, and allow switching either gloves or belt for more Life and IAS/Flask mods respectively.
Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Bought the Carnage Heart at +11 attributes. Figured it could only go up, right? Nope. +10 Attributes on the first roll. Second roll? Perfect +20. Totally worth it. New skill plan. Picked up some %Life and Bloodless (Warlord's Mark as a free map modifier? Fine by me). Elemental Equilibrium is entirely worth it, too. Slice and Dice (6% IAS plus 2% from pre-req) plus the 6% attack speed node right at the start. Again not sure on what to pick up next. IAS to counteract the slight decrease in speed; not immune to melee yet. More life to improve Leech returns; that's kind of an issue at the moment. Raw damage (Cleaving node) for phys/fire/cold damage and yet more leeching. Options! My arch-nemesis. Generally, I make due without any Endurance charges. Switched from using Warlord's to Enduring Cry; the leech is entirely overkill and EC gets you charges when you need them. Might pick up a different curse, something defensive. Might *gasp* not use a curse. Some items in this post are currently unavailable.
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LTStab: Level 53+ Shadow
What makes my character unique is the use of acrobatics on a shadow who is melee at high levels. Not only that, in hardcore. This is not your run of the mill Lightning Strike shadow, the main damage source is Double Strike And I also use Fire Trap and Whirling Blades for some quick AoE damage. Passive Tree Stab uses a dagger and shield combination simply to stay alive with Tempest Shield for the 4% extra block chance. Physical attacks have to pass a 41% evade chance, 24% dodge chance and a 50% block chance. And spells also have a 20% dodge chance. Critical hits are the bread and butter of the build with about a 25% chance to crit with Double strike and over 400% critical damage. |
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DarthMalice uses the force to kill enemies without touching them.
The plan was to try to utilise two of the less-used skills, shockwave totem and sweep, and to get as much increased area of effect bonuses as possible, just to see what happened. With that in mind I started as a templar, then grabbed the the AoE passives from the centre of the passive tree and the witch starting area. It turns out that with this much increased AoE, and the support gem, you actually out-range most archers. If you stand in one spot and spam sweep, the archers try to approach within range of shooting, but are hit and knocked back by sweep before they can fire. Here you can see the approximate range of the sweep: ![]() With all this AoE the build excels at taking out packs of monsters. Single very tough enemies can be a problem though, which is where the totems come in. With two shockwave totems and the knockback from sweep, combined with the slow from temporal chains and the chill from hatred, melee enemies have a tough time getting anywhere close, or doing anything at all. The totems are also useful against enemies that are immune to curses or stun, where it can be dangerous to sweep in the middle of a pack. I plan to eventually get the fending cluster, for even more knockback. DarthMalice also isn't afraid to use his lightsaber in melee, can leap great distances, and sometimes commands a small group of storm troopers, to use as fodder and distract the enemy. His evil presence projects an aura of hatred, wrath, and anger. Last edited by Malice#2426 on Sep 17, 2012, 1:52:35 AM
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Try out my Quill Rain Bowrauder Coloussus.
I started off with a basic plan. I wanted to use the quill rain unique I had traded for. Realizing the only skill that would not be affected by the -50% projectile damage is explosive arrow (and poison arrow to an extent) I decided to create this build: Explosive Build Here are my current skills and gear: Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable As you can see I am missing quite a few HP items. Once I have this character decked out it should have roughly 3500hp. Playstyle: For mobs I alternate between spamming explosive arrow and frenzy (to keep attack speed up while waiting explosive arrow to explode). Having the knockback support gem, knockback passives and insane attack speed mobs rarely get near me. If I run into a fast mob I use the arctic breath totem + temporal chains. Boss monsters are sometimes tricky with this character. I generally try to use knockback to push the boss into a corner and let explosive arrow do the work. I use 3 auras currently, grave for extra damage reduction, anger and wrath to increase my arrow dps. Problems: The only problem monsters with this build are flickering mobs (spiders or ghosts), melee snakes and fast aura mobs. Other than that it is a steamroll. I could alter my build a little to get additional DPS but it really is not needed. RIP Bolto
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Probably this build is not special, but TBH it is (better said was because of his recent HC death - the build is good, it was my own fault :( ) the most fun character i've played in PoE ever :)
It is a Lightning arrow, CI, Crit Shadow - named Balthamel (in default league since yesterday...) He uses lightning arrow (which he has got with 10% quality) spam while having Blood rage on. he uses Wrath and Clarity the whole time as well. Another often used ability is Raise zombie - they are great meat shields ;) If more DPS is needed he currently also got a LMP poison arrow(spread the cloud and begin again with LA spam). For more problematic situations he's got Frost wall and Lightning warp as an escape ability (which i failed to use in time when i died) In most areas blood rage never run out, because of his killing speed with the Frenzy charges. His passives: Link I was on the way to Ghost reaver. His current equipment:
Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable NOTE2: I played this character in a group with my friend the whole time - he has an physical damage dual wielding duelist who used Warlords mark and tanked enemys with enduring cry, but my shadow should work solo as well (just keep the zombies up) EDIT1: For solo play a warlords mark totem would be better than a Arctic breath totem (as i said my friend was keeping the warlords mark up) EDIT2: This is what i planned to do for the next few lvls: Link 2 And this was my planned end game build: Link 3 BTW i'm taking those str nodes for some of the usefull support gems. Proud 5th duelist in the Jul 1 2012 Ladder Race and in the Nov 3 2012 Solo Turbo Race :D And even prouder 4th Templar in the Nov 10 Four-hour Party Hardcore Race :P Current OB success: top 20 Ranger in 105 Minute Turbo Solo (S4E9) Last edited by Sony_Black#0112 on Sep 16, 2012, 8:27:45 AM
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" That is quite funny, because i had a similar witch on HC and she also died. More precisely spoken, she died the stochastic death on Vaals Rock Barrage :D Passive Skill Tree, Died on lvl 56 Items as worn when death touched my witch
Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable So we both have a crit/CI/LA Archer. You have a Shadow and i have a Witch. What are the differences then? Looking at the passive skill tree the differences are insignificant, the witch goes to the shadow area and vice versa. Even your plans for lvl 60 are congruent to mine. But i don't understand the linked support spells. Why use faster projectiles? Why lmp poison and not LMP LA ? I know mana consumption is high but how does poison arrow synergize? My main attack is lightning arrow with weapon elemental damage (which is a must have) and elemental proliferation. The last one is what makes my build more special than yours. It synergizes very well with the build since high crit gives you shocks and the lightning arrow itself gives many shock triggers. I shock about 45% of the attacks (that hit). In the lower levels of elemental proliferation this is not too cool. Since LA itself deals damage to 2 or 3 near enemies, one could say elemental proliferation is a waste. But when radius goes above 20 the shock spreads far. So you shoot your arrows, wipe out the mob and when only the boss is left he has received some shocks, often 2, sometimes 1, sometimes 3. The boss of the mob is an easy target then. My other Skill is Frenzy which is used because i have no Blood Rage at hand. Blood Rage of course would make more sense on a CI build so it's cool that you use it. But i guess Frenzy would still remain as my second skill, because attack speed of frenzy itself goes up nicely with charges. The supporting curse is of course elemental weakness. There is no other choice when dealing mostly elemental damage. This completes the synergy of proliferating shocks with high crit and lightning strike while getting much AS from frenzy and having elemental dmg equip since weapon elemental damage is unavoidable. Missing is: Blood Rage, that would make Ghost Reaver a nice additive. Tested and found to be shitty was: Voll's Protector. It is easy to get 2 Power Charge nodes with this build so Voll's Protector was thought about. It just costs a hell of mana, you end up having less ES and the increase in crit chance is nice but accumulates too slow and vanishes fast then again. Voll's would have been a cool synergy as well but had to be ditched since any drawback was bigger than the single benefit. Numbers: Lightning Arrow 1025 DPS (95% elemental), with Frenzy charges 1231 Frenzy 912 DPS, with frenzy charges 1443 1.4k ES, with Discipline 2.5k 478 Mana, 276 left when discipline and wrath is activated (most cases) The higher damage of Frenzy when charged shows why i think frenzy will remain in the build even when blood rage is added. The fast buildup of frenzy charges with Frenzy instead of Blood Rage is another point. Last but not least: Bear Trap is used against the annoying guys. This is what Sony_Black does with frost wall and his zombies. I like the Bear Trap because it worked well for rhoas and oak. Since Frost Walls don't stop arrows this is a good idea as well i think. Comparison to other builds I think it should mainly be compared to a full elemental archer. The ones that grab all elemental nodes, get elemental auras and kill masses with lightning arrow and single targets with burning arrow. Frenzy is of course also often seen. We have seen such an archer already in a build of a week but he didn't use lightning arrow (hell, why?). These archers deal more damage to a single target than this build. Burning Arrow and elemental nodes synergize well. Against masses these builds often use lightning arrow with lesser multiple projectiles or even gmp. These archers also deal more damage to masses. So why do i think that my build is still interesting even if a straigth elemental archer deals more dmg to single target and masses? Because 2.5k ES make my build less vulnerable (I know I died :D) and the massive shocking is really helpful in party games. Also the high crit puts many foes on ice making this build safer. Also the ghost reaver/blood rage combination is cool. I also have an elemental bow templer on lvl 49 which i mainly refer to (and to the build of the week ele archer). http://www.roadatlas.eu
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" Fater projectiles simply for the lower mana consumption - i tried LMP on LA, but it was to expensive with my two auras, while faster projectiles still give me a bonus, is cheap and the additional projectil speed is nice since the arrow change of 0.9.12 Also i had no problem with even larger groups of monsters, so i did not feel as i needed more AoE...(and without LMP damage reduction it is easier to score kills ASAP to keep Blood rage on without recasting it) ANd yes LMP is nice for PA, because with only one or two shots the poison cloud covers a really huge area ;) (though i'm not sure how the game works with multiple overlappig clouds - if they stack PA is even stronger with LMP, if not the huge are covered was still worth it) Proud 5th duelist in the Jul 1 2012 Ladder Race and in the Nov 3 2012 Solo Turbo Race :D
And even prouder 4th Templar in the Nov 10 Four-hour Party Hardcore Race :P Current OB success: top 20 Ranger in 105 Minute Turbo Solo (S4E9) Some items in this post are currently unavailable.
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Re-entering my Burning archer with a slight buff in the new patch.
Name: ArOnin Build: Burning Arrow/Elemental Proliferation Interesting because: Watching monsters literally burn to death after a single crit is so satisfying. Offense: Burning Arrow is linked to Elemental Proliferation along with a ton of Fire damage and some spare Lightning to boot. In order to make good use of this Elemental Proliferation, I invest eagerly in Critical passives, giving me a base 20% crit chance with over 400% modifier. To further boost this, Voll's Protector helps keep up 5 Power charges, delivering an end crit chance of about 35%. In addition, a Blackgleam converts nearly all my remaining physical damage to Fire. A single crit does over 5000 damage, which then causes Burning as well as Shocked in an AoE, allowing one hit to take out a whole group of enemies. Defense: Since using Voll's cripples any form of defense, I picked up Chaos Inoculation and a number of +ES passives along the road, boosting my energy shield up to 2600 (aiming for 3000+ once I get some good boots). With my sheer burst damage and some simple kiting I generally don't have survivability issues, but in case of emergency, Totem of Summon Skeletons can tank anything indefinitely while I watch the world burn. Extra stuff: Elemental Weakness, Critical Weakness, and Bloodrage for completely free Frenzy charges. Phaserun for mobility. Detonate Dead is socketed ready just in case. All I'm really lacking... is a spell to break open pots with :D |