[0.9.12] Show us your interesting characters and be featured on our YouTube channel!
Redscar - 8 Auras (2 Totems) Summonerduelist (atm lvl 6x)
This char is originally designed for koop play, but there is oc no need to have a partner, this built is also viable to play alone. Maps, that get linked in global with the word "what a bad map": Np with this build. What is it about: + 4 "40% reserved" Auras (I go with: Hatred, Haste, Vitality, Purity but you can exchange them for your needs oc) + Anger, Wrath Those 6 i always run. 2 of this 3 as additional Auras are also always turned on: +Clarity: It is not needed anymore in this built (you dont have any mane left), but you can turn it on, if you want to do your party another favour.Atm i have turned it off. +Discipline: Actually we want our minions to explode, so it depends whether you want to turn it on or not. Atm I always use it. +Grace: Evasion? Yes why not, atm i have turned it on. In total you have 8 Auras running + summoning. Have fun. +Raise Zombie +Summon Skeleetons (+Raise Spectre. I use a faster attack gem for my skeles here. I prefer this over spectre) +Rejuvenation Totem (just to keep casting with no problems) (+Elemental weakness [makes the 3 Ele-Aura buff even more effective. Unfortunately I miss the right equip since the last patch to use it + obtain 8 auras]). +2 Totems (why not? Usefull for -50% life reg maps!) Gear is becoming better atm and I am focusing on getting more and more mf on it. Pros: +High survivability due the minions and armor. +Good dmg of the minions due the aura support+ele weakness +Other players with low survivability will love you. Cons: Killspeed can be considered as medium. Casting auras after regionswitch ^^ This is the [Final Build ......still leveling (atm going for the 2nd Totem). Edit: With the latest patch (auras of inactive weaponset is not possible anymore) I miss the equip to use 8 Auras + Elemental weakness (this is why my build runs without ele weakness. A 6l weapon would solve the problem). Furthermore the life reservation increased, due the fact, that I ran out of reduced manacost gems (or at least sockets where i can put it). Thus nearly 800 life are reserved, from nearly 2k life. But the build is still working fine with mf-equip (98/213 atm). Last edited by WUlf1337#0866 on Sep 21, 2012, 6:28:33 PM
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I was contemplating submitting my duelist Ploif previous thread, but the utterly absurd buff that 0.9.12 got him makes me glad I never took the effort before. He's much more... interesting now.
Leap Slam was triple-buffed, once-nerfed with 0.9.12. -Arrows can now be manually dodged. Arrows were the biggest source of damage taken. -The slowest weapons were buffed further. -Leap Slam's animation was sped up by almost 40%. -Iron Reflexes received a fix, reducing the broken amounts of Armor you could get. EDIT: Wait, there's more! You can now leech off ES. Leap Slam was already good, but not amazing, pre-patch. Now, it's probably downright broken. Used to actually die on the Ledge, but with my new skill point plan and the ridiculous buff to Leap Slam, I'm practically immortal there. So, to the build then, aye? Skill plan link. Leap Slam has a fixed animation speed, but it does benefit from IAS. Berserking and 4 Frenzy Charges are absolute miracle-workers, and there's plenty more IAS I can easily grab. 23% IAS for 6 skill points, to be precise. A fixed animation means you simply grab the weapon with the biggest numbers and preferrably IAS on it as well. The final attack speed doesn't matter at all though. Big weapons means we deal a lot of Physical damage to leech with. I am thinking of grabbing the Arcane Efficiency node and Steel Skin, or perhaps just pick up the super cheap IAS. More Life can also be a good idea, and there's easy access from Troll's Blood at the Marauder's place, as well as south of the Life Leech passive. The additional 1% leech can also be interesting, and that takes steps to Elemental Adaptation for 5% max resists. Lots of raw damage options around the Duelist area (Splitting Strikes, Cleaving, Hatchet Master, Reckless Abandon), whichs helps killing and leeching. Ice Bite and Lava Lash are both a single passive point. Solid options, but we don't Crit due to Resolute Technique, so it's damage-only really (Chill doesn't count, monsters can't reliably hit you anyways). Plenty of options for the future, basically. Skills used - Core: -Leap Slam, linked to Melee Physical damage, Added Fire damage, Faster Attacks. -Blood Rage. 4% leech and Frenzy charges on-kill, and we have 3.8% life regeneration so we barely notice the drain. Perfect. Defense: -Warlord's Mark. Iron Reflexes and 10% leech alone isn't enough? Slap on a Warlord's Mark and go nuts. -Enduring Cry, when Warlord's Mark doesn't get you the Endurance Charges you deserve. Not like Melee enemies are ever going to hit you, but it's the idea that counts. Also, bosses. On switch: -Grace, linked to Reduced Mana. More armor through Iron Reflexes. -Hatred, linked to Reduced Mana. Great skill, that. The random: -Phase Run, because it's *Phase Run*. Leap Slam is a lot faster for travel, but it's a mana-hungry alternative. I might actually pick up a level 1 Leap Slam for traveling purposes, because I can. -Heavy Strike, which is obsolete because Leap Slam deals more damage per second anyways I think. Linked to IIQ. For gear, I went for... Well, it's mostly crap besides my weapon, but it works. IAS on gloves is a given, a weapon with the biggest damage I could find as well as good IAS. Boots with lots of resists. Rings and amulet with %Leech. Flat Physical damage bonuses would be rather neat to improve damage and leeching capacity. I'm looking for 1-2% more Mana leech to obviate Mana flasks too (flasks are 'easier' than Warlord's Mark :P ). If you're interested in what crappy gear I do have:
Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable (I have four random support gems socketed too, don't mind those) Quite interested in leveling further, but there's also Guild Wars 2 shouting at me to play more than I already have. EDIT2: swapped my old gauntlets for Slitherpinch. Tasty tasty dual-leech, but slightly lesser IAS. The 2% Mana Leech means I don't need Warlord's Mark for constant Leaping. Amulet and rings are in limbo for now. EDIT3: 3% Leech (Slitherpinch + old jewelry) is great. Went for IAS in the tree with my last couple of levels. Found my first maps, too, so that's going to be interesting. Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Sep 11, 2012, 10:56:32 AM
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EDIT: Patch 0.9.12j broke this character. Lack of auras on weapon-swap killed it. :( R.I.P. PinkTaric
With the newest patch, I may be replacing Freezing Pulse with Ice Shot or Arctic Breath - I've yet to see them in action yet, though! Given a bit of time, I may work them in. I also mis-allocated a few of my points, so I no longer have enough mana to run all 4 of my auras. In a few levels that'll be patched up. Regardless, the character still works as described below. His gear is pretty bad right now, but he is definitely playable in Merciless without issue. :) As per usual, one of the two Paua ring may be on another character. EDIT: Just picked up Ice Shot - testing in a minute. :D EDIT: Fun skill, can see real potential, but it won't fit the bill for this particular build. :( Still searching for Arctic Breath.
The idea behind this build is to be a support character in large parties. The more allies he is paired with, the stronger he is. He can solo with relative ease, due to Poison Arrow, but he is far more effective in a group setting. He uses 5 curses and 4 auras along with a myriad of utility in his spells.
His armor of choice is ES+Evasion Hybrid gear, but he benefits from any ES-based gear due to picking up all of the ES nodes on the tree (at max level). The reason I picked the Evasion hybrid is because he has so many ways to reduce/negate damage output from enemies which allows his ES Recovery to kick in mid fight. For reference, he can blind, chill, and freeze enemies. In addition, he's got Temporal Chains and Enfeeble, further decreasing the odds of being attacked. Lastly, if necessary, Frost Wall is available to block projectiles and enemies alike. PinkTaric wears 2 Unique Paua Rings and the Unique Reinforced Greaves for a total of 5 curses at one time. Auras are kept on the second weapon set to allow for all 5 curses to be in the hotbar at once. He has the ability to essentially permafreeze/blind enemies with Freezing Pulse, Temporal Chains, and his passives. I'm using it as more of a utility spell than DPS, but it does have a bit of damage on its own, of course. All the auras/curses he uses benefit himself while ideally being useful to any ally as well (with the exception of Clarity in conjunction with Blood Magic users, obviously). In addition, he carries a +1 Bow Gems Bow used for throwing Poison Arrows out into the fray. The increased Buff/Debuff duration passives (as well as Temporal Chains and Vulnerability) work very well with this skill. I also use Frost Wall for a certain measure of defense vs faster moving mobs (Rhoas, for example). If I want a bit of extra oomph on Freezing Pulse (or some added defense), my second weapon set (holding the aura gems) can be swapped in. It consists of an 80% base crit chance dagger along with an ES Shield. Auras must be activated one at a time by adding/removing them from the hotbar, as there are not enough slots to contain all of them there. I wanted to avoid this with weapon swapping, but in order to fit Poison Arrow gems into the +1 bow, there was no avoiding it. In any case, PinkTaric also wears a (~+40 Dexterity) Light Quiver along with his bow, in order to cover the higher level DEX requirements of Greater Multiple Projectiles and Poison Arrow. 81 PT Build (lvl 70) (POTENTIAL) SKILL GEMS: (Supports listed in Descending order of importance - currently I've got no 5/6L for the build, so the two 6L likely won't have the two final supports on them for a while). Freezing Pulse (Body) >Default Attack -Blind -Critical Strikes -Faster Projectiles -Critical Damage -Faster Casting Poison Arrow (+1 bow gem mod Bow) -Greater Multiple Projectiles -Increased Duration -Increased AoE -Item Quantity(?) -Item Rarity(?) Frost Wall (Helm/Boots/Gloves) -Increased Duration -Faster Casting -Reduced Mana Cost Elemental Weakness + Projectile Weakness + Enfeeble (Helm/Boots/Gloves) -Increased AoE Temporal Chains + Vulnerability (Helm/Boots/Gloves) -Increased AoE -Faster Casting Discipline + Clarity (Weapon/Shield 2A) -Reduced Mana Cost Haste + Grace (Weapon/Shield 2B) -Reduced Mana Cost Last edited by MonopolyLegend#6284 on Sep 21, 2012, 7:58:52 AM
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I want to submit again my build.
Character: GJTheRudeWitch, lv. 62 Witch. My build is based on the well known combination between Quill Rain and Explosive Arrows. In the passive tree I focused on 2 main things: Increased ES (117% + CI), reduced ES recovery cooldown (90%),increased maximum mana (126%) and increased mana regeneration rate (80%). The rest of the points are spent to increased fire damage (72%) and increased radius (20%, 12% increased radius damage). At the moment I don't have a clean idea about what to pick up next, my original idea was to go for attack speed, but I find decoy totem too powerful to be ignored. Passive Tree lv 62 + 16 Extra skill points (4 from the new quest) In terms of skills I currently run Discipline, Clarity, Phase Run, Raise Zombie, Elemental Weakness and Explosive arrows, but I'm also considering Grace, Temporal Chains and Decoy Totem. In terms of their usage they are all pretty obvious: phase run to kite and move arund faster, raise zombie to destroy corpses and as a meat shield, elemental weakness to spare some mana in small groups. In case I decide to take decoy totem I plan to use it as a "bite" to force mobs close to a wall and abuse the explosive arrow new mechanics (so I can do 5 times more damage vs single targets). At the moment I'm not running any particular support gem: greater multiple projectiles with explosive arrows and faster casting with phase run, elemental weakness and raise zombie. Very crappy video I made in 0.9.12b Last edited by gjrud#1713 on Sep 11, 2012, 10:13:25 AM
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Name of the char; FreezingFury
The goal of this build is having a enourmously high dps with critical damage, triggered by some critical rate and 4 diamond flasks, to permafreeze the enemy and shatter it, with the helping of enourmous casting speed with blood rage+haste+passives/gear(Why is casting speed important?Because diamond flasks dont last forever, so I want to maximize them, but how?High cast speed, alot of spell casted while the diamond is active.), and some chaos damage enlarged by critical damage to help the dps out. This build focus entirely on Critical Damage and the Diamond Flaks, is a bit extreme on that maybe, using the Cold Damage as Crowd Control system. Offense is the best defense! Currently level 60 Skilltree at the moment Skilltree end-build Alternative end-build path At the moment using Freezing pulse 20% qual+Lesser Multiple Projectiles+Added Chaos Damage+Added Critical Damage, I will soon add Cold Damage when I get a 5L, and added lighting or faster casting if 6L. With the high mana regeneration I get from passives(40%-20%+inner force on clarity), and from items(goldwyrms and soon dream fragments), I can let go the mana potions and stack 4 diamond and 1 granite potion, and with the critical damage nodes+equip, the facebraker/maligrados(I can change them if I get my hands on really nice and useful high levels ES/caster gloves) + the critical weakness curse, I get to deal enormous amount of damage in no time, pulverizing everything. Equip(crappy);
Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable And the flasks Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable It's basically a Cold caster thanks to freezing pulse, but it specializes in Critical Damage and uses a useful Chaos Damage to deal some serious damage, and with the virtually permacrit(4 diamond flasks dont last forever), it has the ability to kill any monster/group of monsters in no time. I'm using too a ice spear+lmp totem, zombies and skellys. Discipline, Clarity and Haste or(/and-soon, when i have enough MP) Grace are my auras, + Blood Rage. I had no problems with no monsters(maybe some rares), and I died only because... I have hardware and connection lag(yep, both my PC and my internets sucks.... life itself sucks.Thats why I use CI!:D) It's the character I like the most, and the one I had more fun with. p.s.: build post on the shadow subforum: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/49459 Last edited by kadrek91#0601 on Sep 11, 2012, 1:43:55 PM
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Hi, my build is on a lv72 witch named Grendi. It's a 1h claw+shield critical chance build with CI, IR, ghost reaver, and vaal pact with 6 endurance charges.
The reason it's unique is that I'm tanky as hell with the tradeoff of dps. I can literally tank 20 monsters swarming around me as long as I can use whirling blades, or pop diamond flasks for heal. Playstyle: -Auras are clarity, discipline, grace, wrath and anger (I used to run tempest shield instead of anger) -Critical weakness to curse enemies, but temporal chains in case. -Blood Rage, then use frenzy to build 6 charges for life steal/attack speed/evasion %. -If I get low, I can use whirling blades on mobs for heal or pop diamond flasks to heal up ES -LS for AoE edit 9/16/12: -if maps don't have any 50% mana reduction mod, I can replace clarity with purity or hatred depending on my needs. -frenzy is what I mainly use to focus down bosses after I use a diamond flask edit 9/17/12: -I switched my rings around and am now using some boots with more mana and have a dream fragments so I'll never die to being frozen. I can run clarity, discipline, grace, wrath, anger, hatred normally. Enjoy. edit: Okay so I was wrong. I forgot you could use lightning strike so AoE-wise, we're okay. This build is good for survivability, but there's a variation of this build that gives you good survivability (not as much as this one) AND insane damage. It's basically the same build, but uses 2.00+ attack speed phys dmg crit swords and you use frenzy+LS. Lv75 Build http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAQMABB95HgcmypYK_CqvDfBgBRN7lvkWzSOUGpBrjx7vC7Uhedp6I-9IrCzXwgsw6WYSMuq57DmWlms6nwsMP55fTUaqDY5JRzicSwyGuksS-qlM-2JBTTO-q09DWX1asQ7DWrdr1V6y-Nxfm7mIYzq_yGPy96NsNBZSb42NM3Ajd-Bwq3iSc21hxXYoE893ABYJfZ4WJn3oSTiAzTfQhuaFD4eeSQeIRTFOiWl-lou_Ct-MKoh2jJ8LapBpUyWSsmK2k2i1aJSDO56VwD5RlhxlapY6prSY4hwcnMVEzaSYTeKpvwdisKYR7LYk2Cu3QK26u1XlSLuM9Oe9IbtWwAzcYcOVX__F21VCxx9hH8g5MAHK3NwZzcpmY93iyCbeoK9N4vYHPeTogyPoQHTt6G2vF-uABwLzEG739AqYFPU5uo_3IyC598VmMfs-I6j9aAlt_Zht0_78fw7j7LxY9XJQSPlDHFWr4DIV3-cARw== Starting from scratch in open beta. Last edited by dsifu#2700 on Sep 17, 2012, 3:29:19 PM
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My characters name is Lynnedslag the Elemental Templar (was originally going to focus around lightning strike but I changed my mind)
Currently working on a high damage per hit melee elemental temp. Currently just going for all the elemental damage nodes as well as resolute technique for 100% hit chance. Infernal blow makes up my 1v1 attack skill and sweep cleans up the AoE department. current DPS at level 22 below. Will edit as I reach higher levels. And yes I know I don't have enough mana. I didn't have my mana ring equipped when I took the picture cuz I was transferring back from my other character.
As for my weapon I use a 4l limbsplit with 89-182 damage. Gemmed with infernal blow with weapon elemental damage, and added fire damage in support having hatred in as the 4th slot. My helmet is the Ezomyte Peak for the 20% increase in physical damage. I may not be able to evade attacks, but this build does not focus on having high evasion. For rings I currently use a blackheart ring for the increased damage and additional life to keep myself alive. I also have a low level mana based ring just for being able to use all of the aura's that I have at once. I have a 14% elemental damage belt which gives me a nice chunk of damage as well. My other gear has yet to add any damage as this is a low level toon. I will likely go with damage and attack speed gloves to increase my response time as currently I have a low attack rate. Over all this build works well in low level circumstances due to the low level requirement of the gear I have. Last edited by Fretless#3040 on Sep 11, 2012, 5:59:05 PM
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I'm reposting this build from the old thread.
I'd like to submit my new build. My character 'Lyrz' is a lvl62 Fire Ranger with dagger & shield and using traps and firestorm as main skills. The focus of the character is duration and damage over time. Skills - Fire trap + duration + increased aoe - Firestorm + duration + cast speed (+added cold damage) - Firestorm + duration + concentrated effect + stun - Bear trap + duration + added fire damage - Viper strike + duration - Vulnerability - Temporal Chains - Grace - Clarity I'd like to use haste, but I haven't got enough mana :( Play Style Against mob packs, use one or several fire traps to set the ground on fire, cast vulnerability. Spam non-concentrated firestorm while running around to keep the mobs in the fire. For isolated mobs or yellows, one bear trap can one shot most of the white mobs. If not, use bear trap then spam the concentrated firestorm on his face while the mob isn't able to move. For yellow mobs, you can chain bear traps so the mob stay longer in place. Moreover, the stun support on the concentrated firestorm (plus some stun mods on gear) make it possible to permastun mobs under the firestorm. Indeed, the firestorm lasts about 2.7 seconds so there are actually 3-4 stacked firestorms (depending on cast speed), it's about one fireball every 0.05 second :D. Temporal chains can be used to make the trap last even longer. Thanks to this strategy, most of the time, I don't have to kite or tank yellows. Viper Strike is useful for the most tanky bosses, with the stacked duration stats, it lasts forever :D With vulnerability, it hurts :D Defensive capabilities Defense is full evasion with acrobatics. Stats are roughly 60% evade chance (13k eva), 50% block chance, 20% dodge chance, ~2500 hp. With the unique amulet Stone of the Lazhwar, she gets also 25% spell block. I'm runnning an evasion life flask which gives me another 3k evasion and which I try to always keep on recovering, plus 2 instant life flask for emergencies. Her hp pool is enough to not get one shot, plus with the new evasion mechanics, she has little chance to take critical hits. This defenses combination has basically no weakness, she doesn't fear direct hits because 85% of them are mitigated, even if the damage is elemental or chaos (that wouldn't be the case with armor or es). The spell block makes her stronger against spell than most of the characters. The most dangerous ennemies are archers because they are more accurate, but I plan to take arrow dodging for this matter. Another source of danger would be physical spell (like oversoul rocks sadly, looks like you can't evade them), so I'm planning to take phase acrobatics to strengten her defenses against spells. Conclusion This character is very fun to play, lots of fire everywhere, lots of explosions :D This is the most powerful character I've created so far, especially thanks to its survivability. But kill speed isn't bad either. It was able clear blue maps pretty much safely right after killing Vall Oversoul, at lvl~59. In 9.12, I could take arrow dodging, so archers are like decoration now. Build of the week #2 : http://tinyurl.com/ce75gf4 Last edited by zriL#4590 on Sep 12, 2012, 4:35:47 PM
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My witch Kirite,
Low life, summoner build with minion instability. Interesting items: 2x Redbeak, crown of thorns, and the 100% iir low life boots. Interesting passives, skills: Running 5 auras, and dual totems. Wipe everything off the map, but weak against chaos damage. |
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" So how does this work? With your nodes you get 20% reduced mana cost and with reduced mana cost support gem you can lower your 40% auras to 24%. If you have 4 of these Auras you end up having 4% mana left. Which is 40 if you have 1000 mana (and with your nodes i assume you don't have 1000 mana). How can you use any other Aura with a maximum of 40 mana left? http://www.roadatlas.eu
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