0.9.12 One-week Hardcore Ladder Race

Slam to success!

There's a reason so many play 2H GS mara... it's hella fun. You'd think ground slam all day long would get boring but somehow it doesn't (at least for me). I've had a hard time finding another melee skill that's more efficient- especially in early/mid game.

Ice witch is fun, but I don't have as much experience with witches. My witch was very squishy and had to rely on minions early game which I'm not really into. Was never really into bow classes either. Whirling blades is kinda fun, started a dualist but didn't play it long. Made a Lightening Strike, Tempest Shield templar during the latter part of the last race which was kinda fun, but I think slam is still better- though I didn't get to try LS with pierce.

Shrug, I just keep coming back to the 2H ground slam mara.
IGN: Friar
Knight of Guild Medieval http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/545783
Game Mechanics http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/11707
Recipe Book http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/15223
Quest Reward List http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/36776
I wanted to start a new char anyway, so that is perfect. But i have to work as well, so I'll try to hit level 50...
boomjoose wrote:
I'd pay good money for someone to hardcode a limit to Hillbert's posting such that he cannot post more than once a month, so I can easily identify that one post (which would be surely tl;dr), and skip right over it.

Forget stash tabs. This would be the most profitable cash-shop option ever.
Hilbert_pays_Taxes Ground slamming summoning Templar is going to be top 10 in this race.
"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
Now that would be quite a sight.
IGN: Yeph
Hilbert wrote:
You have never seen my build but just looking at the screens on my bug reports you can see that it was heavily different from other builds in fact it was unkillable

Hilbert wrote:

Oh I playing for profit with an overpowered mainstream build

Well it's a good thing they nerfed your overpowered mainstream build since it was unkillable.
Hilbert wrote:
Can we get a special prize
I heard there will be punch and pie.
hmm...Note to self. Don't rush through broken bridge merciless WP again trying to run past mobs, or you will get your Bow Duelist get plinked by 4 explosive arrows which immediately took half your life and the other half when it blew up. I said 4 cuz i think I heard four could have been more or less xD
"God does not conform to your imagination"
- Me
"Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
- The Lord (John 14:6)
Hilbert wrote:
You know whoever smelt it....

And I shouldn't have to point out that this grand display of wit WILL be the last post of 'off-topic' nature before more severe repercussions ensue.

This thread is about the one-week hardcore ladder race. Please restrict discussion to that. Much appreciated.

Good luck (or skill) to all racers. As usual I'll probably be too busy entertaining default/normal chat (especially with an open weekend! FRESH MEAT!) to take part, but I greatly admire those of you who are 'hardcore' enough to take part in these things.
https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Charan wrote:
Hilbert wrote:
You know whoever smelt it....

And I shouldn't have to point out that this grand display of wit WILL be the last post of 'off-topic' nature before more severe repercussions ensue.

This thread is about the one-week hardcore ladder race. Please restrict discussion to that. Much appreciated.

Good luck (or skill) to all racers. As usual I'll probably be too busy entertaining default/normal chat (especially with an open weekend! FRESH MEAT!) to take part, but I greatly admire those of you who are 'hardcore' enough to take part in these things.

Don't scare away the new comers, Charan, just toughen them a bit, and then send'em our way towards HC. We need some new material to amuse us other than the regulars spittin over builds.
"literally the worst feeling in the world is talking to someone about something you really love and just watching the interest fade out of their eyes" - Thebrotherswinchester

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