0.9.12 One-week Hardcore Ladder Race

Hey Hilbert,

When you make a character that actually kills stuff itself plz feel free to comment on other peoples builds. And i HIGHLY doubt you were the original soul to come up with the summoner build so please quit with the hypocritical comments. You made yourself look like an ass last one week race. So lets turn a new leaf and have a fun week and let people play the way they choose and worry about ourselves instead of talking stupidly over the thread. I believe everyone would appreciate it.

Thanks in Advance as I know you're the type of individual to take such a request to heart.

Fayded 78 Marauder - 1st Place One Week Race (09/11/2012)

IKnowYouLoveMe 24 Ranger - 1st Place 2-Hour Party Race (09/15/2012)

Fayded 76 Marauder - 1st Place (Tie) One Week Race (08/23/2012)
Last edited by Fayded on Sep 11, 2012, 1:05:29 PM
You have never seen my build but just looking at the screens on my bug reports you can see that it was heavily different from other builds in fact it was unkillable because it had a good HP/ES value and it had a good defense.
Unlike you I did hard maps and didn't reroll magic maps till they became a maze and a larger area and linked them in chat.

I remember the foolsparade claiming I would die each rare map I've shown.
I will enjoy every rip of the foolsparade again especially at the stress test."OMG Desynch"
Hey got a nice hint if you don't want to desynch stop modifying your character metadata.

And FYI you were one of those noobs that were avoiding duels at Oak. Nobody dared a duel.
Guess why I want cutthroat?

And it's "that" hard to copy the groundslammer build everybody can play. Losing 0.7% regen with 1k more HP hurts so bad....
Have fun playing a 2h groundslammer again.

Oh and have fun to pretend the nice guy and sending invites with unsafe map tp to random 60+ guys so the foolsparade gets into better positions after dying for the 3rd or 4th time.

Actually I have pmed a friend a nice shadow build idea I had with the current patch.
I hope he will play enough to annoy you mainstreamcharacter players enough.

Ah one question to the foolsparade: Does TehHammers dirty helper still work with a major patch or did he had to update your speed advantage?

Another question to you Psyk?

Did you give any feedback to patch changes?
Did you report any bugs?
I can't find them if that's your only account.
Oh I playing for profit with an overpowered mainstream build is your style.

You are just like a mercenary nothing else.
You guys are interfering with my exam prep...

Lets get it on :D
I'd pay good money for someone to hardcode a limit to Hillbert's posting such that he cannot post more than once a month, so I can easily identify that one post (which would be surely tl;dr), and skip right over it.

Seriously, either a) at what point do you give up on trolling upon realizing you are really fail bad at it, or b) Are you really such a small minded, arrogant, selfish, jealous prick that you really believe this shit?

Can someone 'moderate' these attacks and sweeping generalizations from Hillbert trying to make a certain section of us look bad for playing the game in a way we want?

I know he's already been warned about this crap at least once.

Edit: And while I'm thinking about it, anyone else find it funny that Hillbert talks trash about having a 'job' and 'life' and yet he hasn't been able to shell out any $ whatsoever to support development of this game he plays so much? It's money well spent IMHO, and I don't see a Supporter tag by his name unlike Psyk and myself and the others he denigrates every time he jumps in an event thread.
Last edited by boomjoose on Sep 11, 2012, 2:55:17 PM
You know whoever smelt it....
Yes that's very enlightening thank you.

For the rest: Definitely won't be aiming for top 10 this go round, just got my schedule and I work 13+ hours a day 5 of the next 6 days. Will be minimal playtime, maybe I can get 60 for orbs.

See you in the race this evening though, I will damned sure be there for the opening bell!
I'm going to have to skip the last hour of my classes just so I can try and start the race along with everyone else >:D.
I always thought the future depended on the choices you made.
Last edited by Zyx on Sep 11, 2012, 3:05:23 PM
boomjoose wrote:
Yes that's very enlightening thank you.

For the rest: Definitely won't be aiming for top 10 this go round, just got my schedule and I work 13+ hours a day 5 of the next 6 days. Will be minimal playtime, maybe I can get 60 for orbs.

See you in the race this evening though, I will damned sure be there for the opening bell!

Gaming and work, don't forget to eat and sleep ^_^ all of yous players.

"literally the worst feeling in the world is talking to someone about something you really love and just watching the interest fade out of their eyes" - Thebrotherswinchester
Maybe im lucky with lag this time. i admit that monkeys killed ruthlesly one of my chars when i played "god mode" but last char just got lag stoned.

Others can race, i just try have fun and survive :p
Hilbert is like grandpa Simpson.
"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."

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