Official Blender Post! Lets theory craft for 1.2! 123k Cleave DPS!
Is sacking three health nodes (6%) to get Unwavering Stance a reasonable choice for this build? I feel like a lot of my deaths involve my character not getting out of the danger quickly enough due to getting stunned by stuff like rhoas and other mobs. Unwavering Stance would also ensure my character keeps attacking at all times, meaning life leech would do its work uninterrupted, allowing me to tank through more damage.
IGN: HoboSwordMaster GMT+2 Last edited by neigenoire#2672 on May 24, 2014, 10:01:38 AM
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" If you use a BoR, you don't take unwavering stance. "Cannot evade enemy attacks" means that the built in blind gem in the BoR is useless. But if you don't have one and don't use cyclone then i guess its reasonable to take it if you having troubles. Cyclone has an immunity to stun So many strikes within one breath. But only one strike needed, for certain death. Last edited by fiqst#3681 on May 24, 2014, 4:07:03 PM
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Wow, I didn't even think about Blind. I will experiment with Cyclone a bit and see how well it works. I gave up on it some 30 levels ago due to mana issues.
IGN: HoboSwordMaster
GMT+2 |
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So I have noticed a few people making a small mistake in their skill trees, looking to the ranger area we see some people take 2 attack speed nodes to get to aspect of the panther and weapon artistry. like this: Instead use this: We drop 10 dex - 4% att speed - 4% att speed And gain 10 dex - 8% att speed + 20 dex - 10% dual wield damage On a side note, a few people take the 3 attack speed nodes up to aspect of the panther, instead take the 8%, 8% and 12% health nodes they are very good. Current in game names: Illania Orano Last edited by Iphiram#6847 on May 24, 2014, 8:58:21 PM
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" Its a matter of preference and timing. The timing comes in when you have finished the left side of the tree and you start spreading towards the ranger tree. If you have 9 points, the better option is definitely the route with the 3 as nodes: ![]() but if you level up and have 11 points, it is much better to respec and take those life nodes: ![]() Taking the righthand road opens up those life nodes which, imo, 28% life is more important than 10% phys and 17% as. So many strikes within one breath.
But only one strike needed, for certain death. |
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I attempted to point out a mistake in what you did in the second photo.
from the dexterity node that is connected to the 3 health nodes you took another dexterity node and two 4% attack speed nodes to aspect of the panther. As seen in my second tree, going through a different dex node to finesse then dual wield damage provides us with better stats. (the same attack speed, 8% but also 20 dex and dual wield damage) Apart from that I agree completely with the 28% health being better and for 2 extra points I think it is absolutely worth attempting to incorporate into the skill tree. Current in game names:
Illania Orano |
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" Yes I understand now. Sorry about that. I should've read your post a bit more carefully. You are absolutely correct, your route adds more dps and I'm going to change my own tree. Thanks for this! So many strikes within one breath.
But only one strike needed, for certain death. |
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Good day gentlemen, here to take some advice on the build. I love the playstyle dual-wielding builds present, but I'm quite newb and looking for a more casual experience without having to rely on certain expensive items for the build to be viable. So, I noticed that without such gear as Soul Taker the Blender cannot sustain itself mana-wise, having to connect Blood Magic gem to be usable - so I made a quick Blender-based build with Blood Magic keynode taken, no weapontype-specific nodes and that focuses more on the Marauder's area, rather than Ranger's. I would like to hear some feedback on it from you, fine sirs, before I screw up horribly and waste several dozen of perfectly good hours of my life leveling an unplayable abomination. Thanks in advance!
The build itelf: |
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" " Thank you, I made some adjustments and comparatively before and after is like night and day, my block chance is better, life pool went from 2.9k to 3.5k, and I can take direct hits from Dom and the like without getting K.O'd.. I lost a lot of chaos resistance which is sad but I spent the night face tanking lvl 75/76 maps with no issues, even gained a lvl :o I went back to the BoR, and traded for another cheap Le Heup to make up for the attributes needed for Concentrated Effect lost without Carnage heart.. I am not a fan of The Anvil, however this one was laying around begging to be put to use, slowing my movement speed is not a bad thing with cyclone, and Desync is less of an issue.. Overall went from glass cannon to face tank, thanks guys :D fixed tree Current gear
all I know is that I don't know anything at all Last edited by g3n3r1c#1548 on May 25, 2014, 2:12:04 PM
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The blood magic keystone is bad news. On paper it seems terrific and it opens up the reservation node behind but it forces you to use your auras on life. Grace with level 20 reduced mana and mortal conviction is 25% reservation (I think), so losing so much health on a single aura is not good, and 2 auras would be impossible. So many strikes within one breath.
But only one strike needed, for certain death. |
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