Official Blender Post! Lets theory craft for 1.2! 123k Cleave DPS!

Last edited by sawseech#6289 on Mar 23, 2014, 7:34:44 PM
I have some comments, or really it's my experiences with it.

I've followed this build exactly and I really love it, yesterday I had saved up enough currency to finally buy a Bringer of rain, but the result was very dissappointing; sure, I could do tons of damage really quick, but the survivability went down the drain because I lost too much Armor/EV and res from my armor/helmet I used before. I know now that working a BoR into the build is not easy if the rest of your gear is not up to date (e.g Soul Taker).
I was so dissapointed that I sold it again and reverted to my previous setup.
Here is where things get interesting: I got offered some currency and 2x Bloodseeker:


Suddenly I don't die at all, my Hp pops up to full INSTANTLY. I would recommend getting 2 of these uniqes for about ~3EX UNTIL you can get a hold of Soul Taker/BoR/Pretty good overall gear.

I'm sure this is said somewhere in this thread, but I wanted to share my experience. The only downside with running 2 of these is that you can't leapslam anymore, but that's a tradeoff I'm willing to do at the moment.

otherwise, thank you for the first build that i've ever fallen in love with <3
Hey Guys,

I checked out this Guide and thought I give it a try. So far so good and I really enjoying this guide but i have a question. Can someone point out to me what Skill tree I should follow? There are so many different versions posted now and I am a bit lost to be honest. I will be using a BoR and probably will never be able to buy a Soultaker, but do not know if I use axes/swords whatever, so I need a universal tree that is focussed on these things...I am quite sure that it is posted already, but I hope you understand that it is quite hard to follow this thread when you are more or less new to the game and especially to this guide (opening a guide with 200+ pages is not that easy and a bit confusing tbh).

Would be very much appreciated, thanks in advance
First time running this build (ambush), thought I'd share where I'm and ask a question.


Skill Tree:

At level 79 Piety runs and 66-68 maps are no problem, but anything beyond that is a struggle and not even worth doing since the risk for xp loss is too high.

With roughly 60 chaos worth of currency, what should I focus on upgrading first? Obviously everything but I just don't have the currency so need to prioritize.

Current dual-strike tooltip DPS with hatred is 9.4k, 3215 armor (24% reduction), and max resists.

This build is a blast, having lots of fun with it.
Last edited by DoomCloud#4090 on Mar 24, 2014, 11:22:03 AM
Current dual-strike tooltip DPS with hatred is 9.4k, 3215 armor (24% reduction), and max resists.

- That off-hand dagger needs an upgrade to something with better Phys DPS
- You need a reduced mana gem so you can run both Grace and Hatred to increase survivability
- You'll need a 5L with Blood Magic to keep your current DPS

I'd also look at getting two weapons of the same type (maces or axe/sword) and getting out of Gallantry for one of the specialized nodes below the Marauder area.

What does your life look like? DPS will improve a lot by getting up to Resolute Technique ASAP, so you may want to sacrifice the scion wheel of life to get there.
@lvl 91; 74 residence

-double boss
-added lightning
-players are cursed w. enfeeble

cleared it without any major scares! my build works~
meep_42 wrote:
What does your life look like? DPS will improve a lot by getting up to Resolute Technique ASAP, so you may want to sacrifice the scion wheel of life to get there.

Great tips, thank you. My life is rather low at 3077, which is why I've yet to spec out of the scion wheel. Regardless, I'll take your advise and see how it goes. Thanks again.
Guys, how do you handle this fu** annoying desync? Its almost unplayable when very intensive fight. And its more annoying when its happens on Dominoe fights like ALOT! I got stable 45-49 latency but i cant stand it anymore.

This is disgusting. I died like 20 times today because of desync.

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