Official Blender Post! Lets theory craft for 1.2! 123k Cleave DPS!
" Melle physical |
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Hey guys! I want to ask if the build posted my x2p and edditted 2 months ago is still the same way as it is??
I started playing recently and i just found out he lastly edited it 2 months ago. Are there any new moments in the build ? (asking primarely because i started building my duelist on his old build from half a year ago and it turned out a bummer. Dont want to make an outdated build again :( ) |
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Hi, i start PoE a month ago.
I play only the Blender and i like him alot. is resolute technique rly so good that is worth the way =? I have 86% to Hit on my Level (87) and a 9% to Crit (20q Dualstrike). I want to reskill some ponits but dont wanna waste to much Regret´s. Can u give me some tips? Skilltree
i still run Dualstrike because i got manaissues if i run Cyclone. |
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hi, am planning for a death's oath soul taker blender build pls help me
my current dps now is 28k(DS) / 14k (reave) w/hatred and my farm set and BOR + weapon (i don't hav any accessory and gloves , boots for blender yet) but am planning to buy the ff stats: belt: rustic : (armor/maxlife/chaos resist/elem resist) rings/amulet: (phy dmg/chaos resist / elem resist / max life boots: chaos resist / max life / ms /elem resist gloves: IAS / phy dmg / chaos resist / elem resist
my aura would be: hatred / vitality / grace (alpha's howl) Here's my skill tree:
btw, ill be 6L my death's oath pls comment thx in advance^^ Last edited by login078#2516 on Jan 28, 2014, 8:48:45 AM
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" Replace added fire dammage by blood magic and run auras. This will be much better. Normaly, around level 80, you can constantly hit with dual strike without loosing life, or at least really low life lost. " Completely viable, even if you got bad gears. " Resolute technique is clearly good. The critical strike is not really important on that build, but if you always hit, you always leech or activate life gain on hit. About your gear, try stacking more resist on your gloves, more add physical on your amulet. About the tree, the one that x2p posted is good. The only little things you can change are for exemple the resist nod. You went on the right but there's more life on the left and the +2 max res is good too. " Nice idea, a bit exepensive but great. You take full advantage of the tree i think, perhaps a little lake of dps compare to a full blender, but this will be covered by the dot of Oath. You will perhaps have difficulties to full cap and get at least 40% chaos res. |
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" Can someone explain? I'm not familiar with this yet. |
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so is it better to put dualstrike in bor or cyclone?
also I swapped out fire damage and put blood magic in dual strike and now I can run hatred aura , I only lose 1k so dual strike is 19k now my cyclone dps is 4.5k now aswell Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside while still alive. Never surrender -tupac shakur Last edited by james2w#3931 on Jan 28, 2014, 4:52:29 PM
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" Full set : Chest + Helmet + Boots + Gloves + Belt + 2 Rings + Amulet + 2H weapon or 1h weapon + shield. Get this, all rare, ilevel>60 and trade it with the npc. You can choose to identify everything and get 1 chaos when you trade the full set, or trade the items as unidentified and get 2 chaos for it (but you could trade something good). The must is if you got unindentified 20q all set, you get 3 chaos. If all the items are ilevel>75, you get regal. So as you do piety, you drop lot of rare. Keep some for the recipes. The hardest to drop zre the rings, the amulet and the belt. " If you are high level, with good regen, you can run dual strike+blood magic and hit as long as you want without loosing health. If you switch to cyclone, you will lose some health but as you hit ennemys, with life gain on hit, you will regenerate and stay full life. Try to do cyclone+added fire+life gain on hit+blood magic. You will lose some health if you use cyclone without hitting any ennemy, but normaly, if you do hit ennemy, you will stay at your maximum. A little thing about cyclone : the toolbox is wrong. I mean the dps that is written about the skill cyclone is wrong. I made the test : with 22K dps dual strike, i've killed Kole in 4.5second. With 10K anounced dps on cyclone, i killed him in 4.5 second. So by a little cross product, i know that I really have 22K dps on my cyclone. |
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since i can't find a better DPS build and i wasted some time to lvl this up i'm gonna stick to it, so please tell me what do you think about my gear (i know its garbage compared to Bors and STaker but i cant afford them yet) and if you guys changed the passive build in any way since its 2 months old.
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how blenders do torture chamber maps?
IGN: OP_Split
GMT +8 |
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