Official Blender Post! Lets theory craft for 1.2! 123k Cleave DPS!
" Hey, I'm no expert at this game but I followed this guide because the movement and dps appealed to me. This guide details the endgame very well but doesn't describe the grind (levelling) at all. I'm currently at level 76 with mediocre dps swords dealing 15k dps, no auras. I think I'm halfway to flat out 45k+ dps because the last multistrke gem level boosted my dps by 4.2k. What I'm trying to say (and I won't be able to put it all down in a short reply) is that you have to grind out to milestones. The first major milestone is bringer of rain, once you have that, you just have to put in the time to reach a fully fledged blender. With this in mind, at level 66 I had resolute technique specced (actually at high 50s, I bypassed life and dmg nodes to speed there) the dmg increase was around 2k? If I had to do it again, at your level I'd gun for resolute technique if I had the hp and defense to survive (I ran grace/purity for a long time and entered merciless with 1k hp and I was alright - but it was bad practice). The change I'd make is right after, you need to gun for HP. Fast. This build ends up at 3k hp with hp on every item possible. Take the marauder HP nodes right after resolute (on the way if you can't survive). At this level, gems, base dmg (naturally your swords, but 150-250 pdps isnt bad here) and having multistrike (I only got mine at 57 and doubled my dps) will provide a substantial core. I could provide even more details, but honestly, >get bringer >win |
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" No not necessarily. Personally its actually more annoying to start with cleave since most of your damage passives and stuff isn't there yet. My advice is to get some levelling gear like Facebreakers coupled with Meginord's Belt and IB the heck outta stuff, and levelling should be a breeze. Once you head into the duelist area, and have some physical damage on your gear then start cleaving. If getting a both of those uniques proves to be too expensive, then I suggest just ground-slamming your way with Geofri's Baptism. There's a video that Krip made, that makes levelling faster too (no, its still grindy no shortcuts just really good areas). If you're still having trouble add me in-game (cleaveryatwo), I'm a Mara who uses this guide at level 77 at the moment :) |
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" Yes, I basically mow through reflect mobs without caring they are there. The amount of life I leech back even with just 4k dps, plus the defense from 4 endurance charges is more than sufficient to make up for physical reflect. Elemental reflect is like a mosquito bite. " Yes, you can use Whirling Blades as long as you have 1 sword equipped. IGN:Tyrion_Abhorsen Last edited by rsrogers4#7387 on Sep 9, 2013, 1:41:02 PM
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Thanks for the awesome guide. This char is a lot of fun once I got up to lvl 59 and was able to start to equip the better gear.
Any advice on gear or passives would be appreciated. Currently lvl 69. Gear
I know Slitherpinch sucks, but needed the mana leech. Passive Tree Edited to make URL a link (didn't know how to do that before) Last edited by Bevman#5433 on Sep 10, 2013, 11:01:24 PM
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" With Soul Taker and enduring cry on BM you shouldn't need mana leech. Also drop the BM gem on your gloves you don't need to use life for melee attacks with Soul Taker. |
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" LOL, never tried without. Had them on before Soul Taker and just assumed. Any thanks for the info. Tried it out and works great. Replaced Slitherpinch with Aursieze (don't have anything better ATM) and took of BM. Gotta get better gloves and belt. NEED MORE LIFE. |
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Is this build up to date? It seems like his videos use something different than posted here, aura wise and stuff.
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the guide is still current to my knowledge. levelled this build 3 times just to earn currency/figure it out more. there's a couple of ways to play around with the build especially once you have soul taker (i've yet to decide on what gems will be best to link to cleave other than multistrike melee physical. conc effect/weapon elemental/lifeonhit/lifeleech/increasedaoe all have upsides/downsides which are worth considering)
i swear this build is the highest mobility build in the game. the damage is cool but it's really the mobility and clear speed that maakes thi build great imo. thanks to OP for his genius. on a side note to the OP, do you think you can create another high mobility build? maybe max castspeed lightning warp with whirling blades spelldagger? something like that. i've been wracking my brain but can't seem to come up with one. |
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I am really digging the build so far (double sword variant) but I had a question regarding the path on my tree. Do I need to get as many of the nodes to the right of Steel Skin/Berserking by say level 55-60, then start heading over towards Resolute Technique? I wasn't really sure if there was a specific priority regarding the path. I know he says to plan on getting RT mid 60's to 70 in the guide. Anyway, here is my tree so far at level 50. Thanks in advance for any help.
IGN: Mr_Dark_Passenger
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" my experience is i just rushed to resolute technique while grabbing all the life along the way (and life leech), then rush to berserking and iron reflexes.. then head to the life nodes above it.. grabbed all the resist nodes, finally heading towards the avoid stun in the ranger side and the damage nodes there. afterwards started rushing for all the block nodes.. then you can grabe the life on the marauder side as well as the armor on the duelist area. after all the life and armor and block has been taken, thats the only time i really focus on the damage nodes. |
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