Official Blender Post! Lets theory craft for 1.2! 123k Cleave DPS!

If you have around 90% hit rate, Isn't it better to ditch
Resolute technique and keep the crits?
Caddin wrote:
If you have around 90% hit rate, Isn't it better to ditch
Resolute technique and keep the crits?

well since your only hitting 90% of the time, and of that 90%, 5% of those have a chance to crit for a small modifier of dmg since we take no modifier nodes or gear, on top of the fact that criting a reflect or thorns mob will not be good. its better for your dps and survivability to go with resolute.
I recomend using reave instead of cyclone
I'd like to improve my survivability, if you got any suggestions, those would be appreciated...

Here's my current gear (wish to know what parts shud i improve):


"-Should I use cyclone or Dual Strike?
--> Use Dual Strike until you have a Soul Taker or are insanely geared. Cyclone is a late game map convenience/preference thing. Don't ever use it while leveling up."

why do you say to never use cyclone for leveling?
should I go life leech or life gained on hit?

can someone explain why?
leozdnbr wrote:
level 77
having mana issues
decoy totem wont cast most of the time
any ideas on how to fix this besides soul taker?

currently saving chaos to buy BoR

my gear


I dont see any mana leech on your gear? He recommends 4% mana leech with dual strike
mendi666 wrote:
I'd like to improve my survivability, if you got any suggestions, those would be appreciated...

Here's my current gear (wish to know what parts shud i improve):


You don't have any life on your rings, gloves, and could do with an upgrade on Wurms Molt. What is your hp?
im at 3200 atm, somewhere around...
Ive decided to buy Bloodseeker, also decided to use Blood Magic on my Double strike and 2 auras from mana (hatred and grace), it gives me 8700 armor in total

its fine for normal mobs and small groups on 72lvl maps, but pretty tough thing come when its a molten shell mob, it kills me like in 2 usage of this, i am lvl 80 atm...
Is there any way to maintain dual strike without mana pots? It seems to cost about 66 per 3 attacks and attack time is .13 for me so that is 200 mana per second or so. I have 3% mana leech on gear which gets me over cap but because of the leech limit I cant maintain at all (i have about 370 max mana). Has anyone found a way to do it w/o pots (or blood magic ofc)?
ign: Maxvoobi Juggervoob

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