[2.0]Rathik's NEWBIE FRIENDLY FUN&CHEAP FARMER, DPS Summoner. High AOE DMG, SURVIVAL."The Matriarch"
" Thank you for all good advice. So far I'm 27; farming normal docs at the moment, can push it there till 34 or 35. I am leveling following directly your main build, and I got no issue whatsoever. I don't use any bow or hocus pocus. I do not have arc and enfeeble (well I had the choice between arc and raise spectre and I took the spectre). So what I'm using is the following and it feels really safe: - zombie + minion life, spectre + minion damage and skellies (skellies seem to be key as they are spammable in front of bosses and special mosnters) - rejuvention totem - temporal chains - fireball for single monsters and firestorm for supporting aoe damage - clarity It feels very safe. Clearing speed is not extermely high but it's acceptable. Equipment wise I use some rares found by my previous onslaught toons(this is the third) plus the following uniques: - goldrim - peradus belt (30 all attrib) - sidhebreath amulet - lochtonian caress gloves (probably not great choice but i aint got better) Perhaps it's worth mentioning that I got a Q19 raise zombie gem (my only Q gem). My resists are maxed and I'm not overly worried about cruel as I have an arumvurax in stash, could use it just in case. So: so far so good, feels very safe. Quested mostly solo, but did mervil and vaal in parties. The next steps are to aquire reduced mana, multistrike and enfeeble, and then we'll see. Thanks again for the build :) |
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Good stuff.
You might want to try and get bonus of ullr boots. They are really good for leveling. Keep us updated on your progress. It would be great to verify if the build is onslaught viable. regards IGN Riokar | My guides
[2.0]Non legacy Mjölner. Uber down. -thread/1474288 [2.0]Shatter Chuck Lite COC -thread/1324981 [2.0]SRS Magic Find Culler. Uber capable. /w budged build -thread/1406603 [2.0]NEWBIE MF/DPS Summoner -thread/479976 | Power leveling guide -thread/522556 |
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" I feel you are completely right when you said the leveling can be tricky but once you get a big enough energy shield it should be very safe. I mean, I feel very safe at the moment but I did not not invest in any %life node (and not planning to). For the time being my ES is not big enough so that's not a solution either. So I'm gonna have low life and ES (but max resists) for a while; I hope I can last until I successfully arrive to a reliable ES and be able to transition to CI. Will keep you updated :) |
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I am atm lvl 65 and planing soon to start maps,so far I play with 2 ring andvarius and my zombi are main dps,have 294% IIR and 41% IIQ, rest (skeleton,spectre) IIR 241% 10% IIQ
What do you think,do I need more IIR or to lower IIR and get some IIQ,for example to change my steelscale gauntles (50% IIR) with some other gauntles who have less IIR and more IIQ,and maybe to play with 1 andvarius and some other random gold ring? My gear
My skill tree |
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" I wouldnt recommend doing maps with no CI. You will probably get 1-2 shotted by chaos damage. Up to you really. If I was you at your level, i would farm docks up to level 67-68 then switch to lunaris 2-3 all the way up to 75ish. About iir iiq A rare item can have max 20%IIQ 50%IIR. If you divide that you get a ratio of 1%IIQ:2.5%IIR For example, sadimas unique gloves have max 24IIQ and aurseize max 50%IIR Sadimas are more valuable in terms of IIR/IIQ. When you buying items take the IIQ and multiply it by 2.5, then add the rest of the IIR to get a combined value. Also IIQ is more valuable in general because it also effects orb drops. I am currently have 166%IIQ/358%IIR and people always complain that there is to much loot on the ground. I also drop at least 1-2 uniques per map. Last 71 map I did, I dropped a lionseye shield and perandus ring (none of them was mine though heh) but still, they came from my culling. You will ALWAYS get more loot in groups, always, the 250% IIQ from players its just to much to by pass. Going the rare gloves way it is better if you can find decent stats. Plus you can get ES and other stats on them. Rares are the way to go if you can afford them Personally if i were you i would first get my ES and res sorted out then worry about IIR/IIQ. And you kinda short in levels also :), so get to work. I would first worry about gem levels, gems quality and getting full links on your gear. You also need to re color your armor to RRRBBG and use multistrike, minion life on zombies is a waste. You should use faster attacks or culling strike when in party. With out culling strike your iir/iiq is pretty much zero in groups. Read the Art of culling in first page for more info. Your iir/iiq is decent for your level but as I said, you really need more levels and higher level gems. You are in the right track, worry about your survival first then your IIR/IIQ :). EDIT. You should link your discipline aura with reduce mana. Getting BBBR on your gloves is really hard. 4 link your boots and add them there get BBRG. Clarity is not needed. You should drop it and run haste. Make sure your boots are ilvl 50+ else you will not be able to 4l it. You should just buy one for 2-3 chaos :) Will cost less. Aim for 15% movement speed. Replace the boots when you are read to move to more IIR/IIQ. IGN Riokar | My guides [2.0]Non legacy Mjölner. Uber down. -thread/1474288 [2.0]Shatter Chuck Lite COC -thread/1324981 [2.0]SRS Magic Find Culler. Uber capable. /w budged build -thread/1406603 [2.0]NEWBIE MF/DPS Summoner -thread/479976 | Power leveling guide -thread/522556 Last edited by Rathik2#1558 on Aug 27, 2013, 12:20:18 PM
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Very nice build, from far one of the easiest/cheap witch builds I've played. Doing pretty well on Onslaught. At lvl39 right now.
The good thing is that it is really cheap and effective, and if u can't spend on rarity/quantity u can just go for resists and ES. |
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First of all, ty for the build its pretty fun, been playing it for 3 days now and im lvl 46 at Cruel Act 2 atm. Leveling was very easy, at early lvls (round 25) i linked minion life to raise zombies, i know u said its a waste but it worked for me. This way my zombies didnt die so often and meanwhile i could use arc linked to IIR, IIQ(20%) and Culling Strike so my zombies would stay alive tanking the mobs and i just used arc to finish them.
Another important point is that i got a Sidhebreath that added some more life to my minions, so i decided not to get the +1 zombie nodes down the way but i rushed to Minion Instability this helped a lot against big bosses. I used to spent all my mana doing arc and getting more zombies but now that i have Clarity i dont even worry about my mana, i can arc many time and still raise zombies with out using mana pots. My HP and ES still kinda low, got around 700 hp and 350 ES but i dont get hit so often, ive never been near death but also have a decoy totem that i summon far away from me so i dont get in danger, when culling positon is very important! Anyways here is my gear, pretty standard one just spent like 5 chaos on some of the stuff: Gear
As you i can see ive linked raise zombie to minion life and minion elemental resist, i used ice nova for the first 20 levels really efective and that faster projectiles well, idk why its there. Its been a very fun build atm. Got 46% IIQ and 65% IIR and with this gear and gem setup ive been able to kill Cruel Brutus under 7 secs (7 zombies, 10 skellies and 1 specter attacking him with the minion instability skill point it was fairly easy! Cruel Meriveil was pretty easy too) Since i started this build ive found like 5 uniques (nothing really expensive), 3 chaoses, like 6 alchs and 1 exalt!! Ty for creating this awesome build, really fun to play and also very cheap! |
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" Good stuff :) The minion health comment was for end game since you need more DPS at that point and already zombies have 12k health or so. While leveling go with any combo you want. You might want to try life leech. Don't neglect to level more gems on your switch. I can't stress this enough. Glad you like the build :) IGN Riokar | My guides
[2.0]Non legacy Mjölner. Uber down. -thread/1474288 [2.0]Shatter Chuck Lite COC -thread/1324981 [2.0]SRS Magic Find Culler. Uber capable. /w budged build -thread/1406603 [2.0]NEWBIE MF/DPS Summoner -thread/479976 | Power leveling guide -thread/522556 |
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" So true. With my alternative ES gear (from my discharger) I get close to 11k es. IGN Riokar | My guides
[2.0]Non legacy Mjölner. Uber down. -thread/1474288 [2.0]Shatter Chuck Lite COC -thread/1324981 [2.0]SRS Magic Find Culler. Uber capable. /w budged build -thread/1406603 [2.0]NEWBIE MF/DPS Summoner -thread/479976 | Power leveling guide -thread/522556 |
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IGN Riokar | My guides
[2.0]Non legacy Mjölner. Uber down. -thread/1474288 [2.0]Shatter Chuck Lite COC -thread/1324981 [2.0]SRS Magic Find Culler. Uber capable. /w budged build -thread/1406603 [2.0]NEWBIE MF/DPS Summoner -thread/479976 | Power leveling guide -thread/522556 |
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