The damage is tuned up way too high in this game.
" And then lower the quality of the items of the "casual" league. You can't have it both ways, you can't expect the same reward for less effort. I haven't played since the final character reset, but before I found the damage to be fine. It requires you to play smart and not just run all over the place like a chicken with your head cut off. |
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When I played D2 any character I made in even trash gear at least had the chance to run away, here you just get spike damage that can kill you almost instantly.
Hey, if any gear that I could use dropped from level 30 - 63 then it might be possible. 6 hours in Fellshrine and still wearing level 34 stuff, never would happen in D2. |
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" It did happen in D2, if you think otherwise you didn't play the game for long. Sure the damage could be scaled differently to not be a guaranteed 1 shot but we don't even have the end of Act 3 yet so discussing damage issues is probably not top of the list. |
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I hope they never sink to other arpg's level.
Sure it can be hard sometimes, but then again, you are not forced to play the hard bosses. I like that some of the optional content is actually really tough to deal with, it always gives you something to aim for.
Protip vs the Smith: Immortal Call ;)
PoE Wiki page:
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Agree with op on every aspect.
When I first heard about PoE it was when I pretty much was done with Diablo 3 after about 800 hours of playtime which was way too much and much more I actually would want to have invested from this current point of view. PoE introduced itself with a much more interesting itemization system which would allow the player to close item gaps by crafting and improving his items on a more stable basis. The problem is that this is barely the case. Even top players advise you against spending your currency on your items by using it. I have played quite much for an above average player. I would not call myself a casual player but also not a nolifer. Nonetheless, I have much more time at hand for a game like this due to being a student than any usual player. And guess what? I found one exalted until now and one divine. Haven't seen to many gcps either and I won't start talking about eternals or even to try crafting with these high currencies. Why would I want to farm dozens of hours to get one exalt + one eternal (total worth of 4 exalts), just to attempt one absurd chance of crafting something useful. And it is still not safe to say if the affix is gonna be high enough. So I might be thrown back to using another eternal and then divine my item for another ridiculous amount of tries. But even then the game is too unbalanced on other matters. Most builds are not even viable to solo white high level maps without getting into danger. The only way to make a character viable for the content it is supposed to play in is by giving him really great pieces of expensive gear and also giving in to several restrictions. My CI/ES Split Arrow witch e.g. is forced to get certain items just to avoid being stunned, frozen, chilled etc. which makes her vulnerable to other stuff on the other hand. I will never have enough physical endurance to withstand swarms of snakes or flicker strike champs. Most of the bosses are not possible for me to do. And I simply don't want to play boring spork builds just for purpose of not dieing that easily. It is a game after all and it should make fun. And playing spork or any viable cheesy build is just not fun for me at all. As it is now, players with a limited time on their hands, will never be able to enjoy the crafting system of the game. They will farm their chars to level 80 and realize that the only thing left for them to do is to either keep on playing low level maps with easy affixes in public parties for a significantly low chance of useful drops or play something really cheap to farm high item level stuff and trade it. But whatever, after all it is GGG's game. They said from the beginning that they were into making a game they would like to play themselves. It was supposed to be hardcore from the beginning. And I guess that implies that being successful in this game requires you to play most of your real life and don't give too much about work, school, social life, hygiene, health and other stuff. Let's live with it. -JackieChance
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Unbelievable, what's with all this entitlement?
This game is about rising to a tough challenge. There is no 'beat this, this and this and you have won the game' There are hard bosses, tough mob situations, that will kill you and should kill you. You think you should be able to just face roll everything in the game? OK, so make yourself almost immune to certain damage or status effects and build your character around that, of course you are going to be vulnerable to other things. Read the devs manifesto, this is supposed to be a challenging difficult game intended by the devs to be a social game you party up with and work with people to achieve goals. Not everyone wins a cookie and gets a gold star A+, there will be winners and losers, there will be things not many players can clear solo, and that's OK! It's supposed to be this way. Some people will NEVER clear the hardest maps or be level 100, and this is good. You want the best gear then earn it. It's a Grinding Gear Game. I wonder how many people who say they played D2, got to max level (or very high) carrying themselves, or by being carried by a tweaked out bot doing boss runs to leach their exp. Guess what, D2 was hard, you couldn't clear every boss solo without top gear, most players who got to a high level were carried and assisted big time by a group of a few top end players Damage in Path of Exile is fine, if you can't clear some things, oh well too bad, learn why and try harder with a new approach. This is a grinding hack n' slash game and it is gear dependent. The higher the difficulty and the more challenging a map is with certain modifiers the fewer players will clear it. That is balance. Letting EVERYONE be a winner would essentially make the game pointless with no target for achievement, motivational drive or sense of accomplishment. You knew (should have known if you read about the game at all) before even installing this game that it's going to be a challenge and investment of effort to be successful. There are also indications to me that some of the posters in this thread lack some general knowledge of game mechanics and are perhaps not experienced with countering a tough boss. So, is this a learn to play issue? Spend more time reading about mechanics to really understand how things work and why you keep getting roflcopteromgwtfbbq stomped by a boss. If you keep doing the same thing and dieing over and over, then your approach must not be working. Good luck exiles. stop over moderating that makes the official forums useless
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" It counts as currency as well, you know -- everything I've heard suggests you shouldn't be worrying about crafting with exalts until you're at the very end of game and literally can't buy better gear |
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" So basically what you're saying is "Run a cookie-cutter build and RMT the best gear or GTFO, this game's not for you, noob! " |
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" That is by know means what he is saying. We understand you are having a hard time with your inability to understand the damage mechanics, and he is simply saying that it takes WORK, actual TIME and COMMITMENT to clear content. If you want to boot up, play a few hours and then clear everything on the screen in one button press, PoE is not for you. You complaining that the "damage is too high" is just a huge sign you are either doing things incorrectly or have not taken the time to them so. IGN: Shnoop
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Only 2 builds I've ever been successful with endgame was a Lightning arrow marauder, and a sporker. My mara had 3800 HP + 55% armor + life leech/loh on every attack and I STILL had to use gimmicks like skeleton totem to beat some of the map bosses. I'm tired of having to use skeleton totems to survive in this game. It takes up a link that I'd prefer to use something else for. If the challenge is shallow enough in this game where a gimmick like Skeleton Totem can make you survive situations that are otherwise impossible, then its a damn joke honestly.
So everyone having problems with surviving - Use skeleton totem. Find someone selling a leveled up gem (lvl 17+), get comfortable what max range for the totems are, and plant the totem as far away from the boss mob as you can but is within range to stuff skeletons in its face, so it don't get whacked by the same AOEs the skeletons are. Last edited by MrSmiley21#1051 on Jul 21, 2013, 5:56:24 AM
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