Season Three, Event 64: 1 Week Party
Looking for a racing group. I am a versatile player, I have experience with a lot of different types of builds; however, my internet is pretty garbage right now so I'm not sure melee is a viable option for me. I'm also available on mumble
PM me if you have a group, or are looking to start a group. |
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I'm a very casual player, going to give this a shot, aiming for whatever the minimum is for a point. Might not make it past act 2 normal, we shall see.
Any other lazy casuals who don't have time for the big points look me up. Slackers unite!... Later. Roar
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I enjoy playing races to get a couple points here and there to get a few items. Level 50 being the bare minimum to get ANY points is pretty insane for me :(. If you're giving out that many points for people in the top 10, why not lower the point brackets for people who just want to play non-competitively for a few extra points? My highest hardcore character EVER is only 52, and that took me well over a week of playing.
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yea if they went to onslaught id play to boo
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LFG for first day of 1 week, have voice chat pm me in game
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This isn't WOW, these aren't dailys. It shouldn't be easy to rack up points. I am nowhere close to 1000. But i still think there should be a def challenge. It's like playing any competition. Only the top people get the big prizes.
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" Don't think anyone claimed it should be either... " There is a difference in a challenge and making something unobtainable through arbitrary limitations. The challenge is the individual race, same as the greater challenge is to finish top 10 in the ladder. Achieving either of those is per definition a challenge as it requires some degree of skill. The point rewards are just a matter of time and effort available/spent, it has nothing to do with challenge nor skill, a person with all the time in the world can alarm clock the races and get 1000 points. By design the reward system based on points is a means to reward participation, the more you participate the better rewards you can obtain. The problem with this seasons point balance is that the time and effort required isn't in tune with the rewards. If a player says to them self 'Man I want that Taryn's ' only to realize that he would get it faster by simply farm docks for currency to buy it, why should he try for something that time wise is borderline impossible to him? I'm not saying it should be WoW daily easy but at the very least it should be obtainable even if you have a full time job by finishing in the top tier point brackets regularly through out the season. Currently that isn't the case. In game contact @MajorAsshole Challenge T-Shirt: 4/6 | Full Challenge Totems: 21/27 Last edited by Redblade#3843 on Jul 13, 2013, 7:15:28 PM
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For me there is no motivation to play this 1 week event. The level range of reward points are in no relation to the other events. As a newbe of the game I could get in one hour 4 points. How many hours do I need to play the game for getting level 50 - without dying? That would be a very bad hourly rate I think so. In addition it is more painfully to die after days of gaming than after a short event of one or two hours. That should be considered too. |
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Alright redblade, ill agree to disagree since we've laid all our cards on the table and disagree about the meaning of point rewards but riddle me this. If anyone with enough determination could get a taryns out of the race point system, what would that do to the price of taryns on HC? Anyone who would want one would say 'fck paying that guy, ill get one by the end of the season' keeping in mind that anyone with a desire for taryns would be capable of reaching that tier with moderate skill if it was as you hoped
Oh and whats wrong with comparing poe to the olympics? Its called an analogy |
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" I'm not saying it should be as easy as making a race a week, what I'm saying is that from a design point the current balance isn't doing what I think it's supposed to. What I think would be reasonable is something like the following. If we have 4 races a day spread across the various time zones every day (in the current league it's for example 5am, 12pm, 4pm and 11pm, if you work normal hours here the only one you can make is the 11pm), to achieve the max point reward you should have to participate in one race a day for 5 out of the 7 days in a week, this wile finishing in the top point bracket without winning nor placing in the top for extra points. Not something I'd call a moderate skill requirement in the first place. Now this is reasonable effort for reward, keep in mind that this is a commitment across a 2 month timespan and as such any reward offered is at the end of the day easier to get by spending the same time farming outside of races (not to mention all the uniques entering the HC economy once onslaught ends, something that will have a much larger impact than race rewards). Now if you're not skilled enough to end in the top point bracket continuously you still have the option to make up for it with a even larger commitment by simply making more races and as such can still get the top reward at a greater personal cost. Alternatively if you win a lot of races you can get by with less of a commitment, although if you win a lot you probably take part in the greater challenge of placing well in the ladder and as such the top point reward is yours by default anyway. This is what I think the point rewards are designed to be, a motivator to participate or a personal goal, only that they fail to achieve this due to poor balance between effort vs reward this season. " Bad analogy is bad... In game contact @MajorAsshole Challenge T-Shirt: 4/6 | Full Challenge Totems: 21/27 Last edited by Redblade#3843 on Jul 13, 2013, 9:51:40 PM
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