[1.2.0] Ice Pierce Crit Ranger

scoffer88, you got insanely WEAK and slow bow for lvl 69, it have less than 100 dps. I had 300 dps bow at HC league when i were 70 lvl. And you need a lot more +physical damage on items, like amulet/rings/quiver/gloves with + phys damage, it scales very good with IceShot and good bow.
my main problem was no resists and i might have forgot about additional physical damage. i got a bow i would need to make sockets. you think it could do the trick or rather find/buy new one?

scoffer88 wrote:
my main problem was no resists and i might have forgot about additional physical damage. i got a bow i would need to make sockets. you think it could do the trick or rather find/buy new one?

It is twice better than yours (180dps), but still not great, and kinda slow, only 1.2 APS. You playing at Standart league and im sure there is a lot of cheap 250+dps bows, you can buy one for like couple chaos orbs. Also, you need high speed bow, so look for 1.4 attacks per second at least.
What should i get to play an Ice pierce Ranger?

This is my tree its kinda screwed i think

I have some mana problems with LA (chained Multi takes too much mana) and i think i somehow facked my build xD im level 43 i have 13 skills and 8 refunds!! what should i do?
Kiri, where would be the most efficient farming and lvl for this build for lvl 65 and up? Do you party a lot or solo your way with MF gear?
I can clear dock quite efficiently at lvl 60 (a testament to amazing build, everything becomes almost perma freeze), but in need of more gears and currency to advance the content..

I don't have a lot of free slots/sockets to run MF gear, but the clearing power is like nothing else. Did all my MFing on another character. Solo and party both worked for me, though after level 80 or so I played almost exclusively party. Better XP and cheaper/safer. Most efficient farming and leveling? Docks, Lunaris, Archives, whatever works for you. Mostly maps at 80 and up, given the XP penalty formula.

i got a bow i would need to make sockets. you think it could do the trick or rather find/buy new one?

You can use this one or find another on poe.xyz.is which would be even better. Instead of linking the bow, though, I would recommend buying a 5L armour and using that for your ice shot.

What should i get to play an Ice pierce Ranger? what should i do?

You know I wrote an entire long guide, right?
How to make a build: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/510084
Current guides: N/A
You all win. I've added a HC/SC specification to the first post (basically "be careful playing a crit build in HC", nothing you couldn't have figured out) and a couple of example builds for non-crit variant of this build.
How to make a build: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/510084
Current guides: N/A
This build looks really great. I have a ~20 duelist with a respec still, with whom I was hoping to do a eva/ar BM spec with Ondar's guile to help with reflect mobs, and hopefully still pick up some crit nodes. Is fitting all of that into the tree a pipe-dream? If not, could you suggest a passive tree? I'm having trouble figuring out how many defensive nodes, etc, are needed for this build.

Thanks! Your work on the build looks great!
Lvl 64 in nemesis. Have done up to piety so far. Just need some time to get a few more levels.

Basically following this build with a few variations. Have just under 4k hp life, planning to pick up phase acrobatics and a few more life nodes, then some minor remaining crit chance nodes, multiplier, maybe phys nodes. Trying to weigh the value of 15% inc phys nodes versus multiplier nodes.

Having a lot of fun, using
as my weapon still. Damage on non crits isn't good enough yet, but the crit damage on packs one shots them. Having a really hard time 5 linking my new bow or my chest, so I will likely only have IS, lmp, mana leech, life leech in a four link when I equip

Also I have tried using power charge on crit on my burning arrow as my single target, but just can't seem to keep it up that well, kind of slow attacks combined with a 5% crit chance bow is killing it. Thinking with burning arrow, added fire, FA, and power charge on crit with my new bow it won't be a problem, will have 5 power charges soon, and hoped to make it worth while. Or else if I get a 5 link on ice shot the 5th link will be either weapon elemental or power charge, there are some positives to both.

For leveling I was running pierce in a gem slot, and honestly I liked it much better than cursing, but cursing grants some extra damage and other bonuses. And now since I have to run life leech and mana leech it reduces my options.

I had tried ice pierce, acro ranger in early beta, but I went about it differently, I made it a little too complicated and when i hit merciless I couldn't get it to work for me. This build is much more dense which allows it to be more powerful, hitting life crit and damage and defense nodes close together makes it more efficient. I have a few modifications to my build so I travel even less which means my stats are surprisingly low.

Thanks for posting this up and revitalizing my desire to make this character work. It should really shine by lvl 80.
Kirielis, I have a five link and I can't decide between cold penetration and WED. I'm leaning heavily towards Cold Pen because if it's at 30% penetration, its a guaranteed (nearly) 30% damage increase, minimum, if enemies are at 0% resistance. Above 0% resistance to cold they take >30% more damage. What is your rationale for using WED as a priority over cold pen?

As a side note, do you know what resistances normal monsters in Merciless have?

Can some one help me here out? My Ranger is pinned @ lvl 70 and I have trouble progressing. Please take a look inside if you find the time.

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