[1.2.0] Ice Pierce Crit Ranger

WED is still pretty incredible, for all that it isn't totally game-breaking like it used to be. Added Fire's a close second.
How to make a build: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/510084
Current guides: N/A
Would you recommend this build for someone completely new to PoE (or to someone, who has nothing of value to get any nice items like me)? Or you'd suggest getting an other character to farm and then going for this build, getting some decent uniques/gems?

Also would love to see, if possible, how the build with BM keystone must look like at ~merc act 3 (lvl 60, I guess).

As for nice uniques, my guess is what I should try to get Voll's Protector early, as it's not ultra expensive?
Yes, it's a cheap build to run.

Voll's Protector is not super necessary. None of anything listed is super necessary. Pretty sure I was running rares on all slots, except the Tabula and that hardly counts.

90 point build with frenzy charges and BM as requested (level 70~)
How to make a build: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/510084
Current guides: N/A
I'm currently making this build, and my own variant, for nemesis. I have a few questions that I've been unable to find the answer to:

You claim that Hatred adds significant dps. I am wondering if the damage (x% of physical damage added to attack) is only being applied when the initial arrows hit their targets, not to the AOE cone which you have said is a significant portion of your damage. If this is true it would ONLY boost paper dps significantly because it is only calculating the damage to the first target of which 60% is physical, not the rest of the attack.

Am I misunderstanding the mechanic?

Does a flat damage aura like Anger add its damage to all enemies in the cone or only enemies hit with an arrow?

Do you think Ice Bite is worth 2 extra points if I am already getting the frenzy node at the bottom? If not why not?

Thanks, great guide.

Last edited by Darkcastle on Nov 13, 2013, 5:40:24 AM

Does a flat damage aura like Anger add its damage to all enemies in the cone or only enemies hit with an arrow?

I believe it's 100% dmg converted to ice, no matter whether phys or ele.


Do you think Ice Bite is worth 2 extra points if I am already getting the frenzy node at the bottom?

It's worth for DPS increase - 15% dmg per node in the cone is big boost.
Thanks, any info on my main question?

"You claim that Hatred adds significant dps. I am wondering if the damage (x% of physical damage added to attack) is only being applied when the initial arrows hit their targets, not to the AOE cone which you have said is a significant portion of your damage. If this is true it would ONLY boost paper dps significantly because it is only calculating the damage to the first target of which 60% is physical, not the rest of the attack.

Am I misunderstanding the mechanic?"

EDIT: Solved: It appears as though Hatred adds additional cold damage to both the initial arrow and the AOE.
Last edited by Darkcastle on Nov 13, 2013, 7:59:29 AM
Kirielis wrote:
Yes, it's a cheap build to run.

Voll's Protector is not super necessary. None of anything listed is super necessary. Pretty sure I was running rares on all slots, except the Tabula and that hardly counts.

90 point build with frenzy charges and BM as requested (level 70~)

Thanks a lot, looking forward to playing as this build. 1 more question- do you think these 2 items are viable on this build (the one with BM), at least at pre-maps stage?
Sure they are, why would they not be?

Ice Shot converts 100% of physical damage to cold, in the cone. Anger and Wrath will continue to add fire and lightning damage, respectively.
How to make a build: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/510084
Current guides: N/A
Kiri, where would be the most efficient farming and lvl for this build for lvl 65 and up? Do you party a lot or solo your way with MF gear?
I can clear dock quite efficiently at lvl 60 (a testament to amazing build, everything becomes almost perma freeze), but in need of more gears and currency to advance the content..

Thanks for all your help.
I'm following your guide and came to lvl 69, but i'm having trouble with continuing farther. my damage is not high enough to do end-game maps alone or in party :/ sceptre of god is an eyesore. i could go for docks or library forever but is there a point?
can you look at items and tree and see if i should change it or just abandon ship and come back later?


my items

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