[1.0.6] CI Crit Dagger Shadow (30k DPS Flicker Ninja) [OB video up!]

Thanks for this guide! Expecting last patch!

I read that top players use double strike instead of LS. How do they link it in 5S - 6S?

Also you could add some average prices to the equipment you recommend so new starters know how to trade and get it for a (fair) price (when i got to ~60lvl, i was crying out because my equipment sucked and had a hard time knowing the prices of equip).
before i got super lucky and crafted godlys.. i still spent about 3 exalts. or so on gear and i was doing ok in merci act 2-3
Replaced crit dmg with the new power charge gem for LS and gave it a try. I get up to 3 power charges pretty quick. about the same as frenzys. with 3 power charges my double strike dmg is higher but LS is about the same due to the loss of crit dmg. I wonder if a max power charge node should be added to the tree.
Still looking for feedback on this new power charge gem before i try and get one.
Will post test results once I conduct a few more. But I can say

is very entertaining.
ign: Kiyumori , Rhea_Morte
melee splash any good for double strike? or na
Invalesco wrote:
good spot, was wondering when someone would spot it :p I've changed the skill trees and suggested gear links in preparation for the next patch

Finally, a reply. Btw, isin't life leech already instant? What does vaal pact do? And are the skill tree changes complete for next patch or it is just a partial change?
is there no option to make this with a begginer version?
if anyone wants mirror service. chest is set up for this build
Finally, a reply. Btw, isn't life leech already instant? What does vaal pact do? And are the skill tree changes complete for next patch or it is just a partial change?

It is not instant. Life leech is a Heal over Time effect that is capped at 20% of your Max Health (or ES,) per second. That's why we take VP, if we didn't Physical reflect would destroy us.

is there no option to make this with a begginer version?

There can't be really, because any CI build is gonna be hard. Tbh almost any melee build is not for beginners, but you're always welcome to try. Just be prepared for it. This char is my first char, and while it wasn't easy, it was quite fun and rewarding. So if you really feel like this is what you want, go for it. Nothing is stopping you.
@__Alyptic ► [Lvl77 Low-Life Triple Spork Totem Witch] (Anarchy)
@Stringendo ► [Lvl85 CI Crit Dagger Shadow] (Standard)
Standard Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/386020
Anarchy Shop: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/483003

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