[1.0.6] CI Crit Dagger Shadow (30k DPS Flicker Ninja) [OB video up!]

0dyn wrote:
What do you think about this modification of your Dragon Reborn Cometh?
Build: http://tinyurl.com/crf6rb5

Vaal Pact makes you have no Life Regen, I guess that would apply to ES Regen too, so ZO will be absolutely useless.
Skyver wrote:
0dyn wrote:
What do you think about this modification of your Dragon Reborn Cometh?
Build: http://tinyurl.com/crf6rb5

Vaal Pact makes you have no Life Regen, I guess that would apply to ES Regen too, so ZO will be absolutely useless.

Great point! I missed that.
Selling off my shadow's gear. Only going to advertise once, as I'm sure some of you might be interested in buying.

Sephirothusa wrote:
jctop wrote:
Level 44 ...and already have better gear than I do across the board. I must really suck.

Question for people ...Where are you supposed to go for crafting questions?

I've got these

And don't rightly know if I should just try to unload them as is...or try to finish crafting them for use/sale


Nah mate! I was able to get all these items by trading/farming I also have a high level witch!

IS that shadow ur first char?

Yeah my first character. I swear I'm just doing something wrong.
Got to be incredibly patient with this build when it's your first main, it's just very time consuming and expensive to gear.
ign: Kiyumori , Rhea_Morte
I'm trying to craft a good dagger to use with my CI shadow...

Came up with this. Is it worth exalting? I think not...

What stats should I be looking for before I exalt?

Any help would be mucho appreciated. Thanks.
bye bye PoE
Not worth an exalt. Try for something with a base phys dmg no lower than 255, added lightning damage, atk speed, crit chance, multiplier, accuracy. Mana or Int is alright as well since they both help your cause.

If you score 3-4 mods of those listed above on a high itemlevel dagger, then you can try exalting it. Sometimes though you will end up with two junk suffixes like what I scored on mine. Can you guess which mods were the exalted ones?

ign: Kiyumori , Rhea_Morte
Well I just a had a very lucky craft! Dropped on a lvl 73 map, itemlevel 73. Tried 2 alchs, 1 chaos and scoured it twice then it ended up like this..

I'm also trying to sell off my old shield, if anyone is interested it's got a c/o of 1 gcp, I feel it's worth a bit more but lets see what you guys think.

ign: Kiyumori , Rhea_Morte
Last edited by Anamaeus#3477 on Mar 14, 2013, 11:19:38 PM
Anamaeus wrote:
Well I just a had a very lucky craft! Dropped on a lvl 73 map, itemlevel 73. Tried 2 alchs, 1 chaos and scoured it twice then it ended up like this..

I'm also trying to sell off my old shield, if anyone is interested it's got a c/o of 1 gcp, I feel it's worth a bit more but lets see what you guys think.

thats worth a gcp or less for a ci crit shadow. that's worth near 2 GCP+ for a witch
OK Dagger Pros, who's up for some serious pvp ?
We need to train so we can show them who's boss.
I'm lvl 73, currently ig so page me if interested !
IGN ShadowWanted
Please let me know by MP or IG if I have won an auction ! Cheers

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