Item Allocation Specifics

Since there is going to be an option to have items permanently allocated in your name, I petition for slightly altered drop sound when an item allocated to you drops. This way if something off screen drops and is allocated to yourself, then you're able to hear it.

QQ problem solved that fast.
Still miss the display of player names on loot...

But without this a more permanent allocation is definitely needed. All maps I have played with "friends of friends" ended in FFA despite everyone agreed on M2M+L2N.
[Standard league - UTC +2]
FFA mode: Why would anyone ever run this since it's so vulnerable to random clicking, autoclickers/other automation etc?

Short allocation: This will be run by a minority that actually likes competitive looting, and will be phased out completely as more and more people choose mindless/passive convenience over active playing and fun.

Long allocation: Boring, leads to passive gameplay, and will breed resentment between players since some people in parties will be perceived as "luckier than everyone else" due to RNG and there will be no active way to beat them (which was possible in the old system - someone got a unique? nevermind that, you saw a 5L first and snatched that, and similar examples). Might as well have been an option where no one sees loot allocated to someone else.

M2M mode: Should have been M2M with all maps included, especially uniques, as players will still want to run a "real" M2M even with this, and there will still be a need to call out maps and watch out for map ninjas.

I'd say that the only thing that should've actually been added from this batch of options was M2M (all maps, not this implementation) as this would encourage more people to open up their map groups to other players.

The rest should've been solved by either a /roll command for rolling dice, a need/greed system or something along those lines - anything that requires active participation and positive interaction between the players.

As it is, the mode that will be used the most (long allocation) will lead to incredibly lazy gameplay, where players won't have to think about their positioning towards mobs, chests, pots etc, won't have to run into mob packs or around them to get an item that dropped for them changing the composition of the battlefield and tactics for everyone else including themselves, won't have any fun risk/reward situations where they run straight up to a boss to get that exalted orb before it expires, nothing like that will ever have to happen anymore. I predict the group gameplay becoming significantly less dynamic and engaging.
Last edited by exit_zero#4816 on May 24, 2013, 2:24:05 AM
Great update.

Now the people that play a certain way, can play with like minded people, this to me creates more players.

People thinking that it will split the playerbase... it will, but, it will be better.
FFA will play FFA, but, they will not have so many Ranged players as it would be unfair.
Same as before will be good for those that like the current system.
Personalised games will ensure people to play together more often.
Urpo wrote:
Free for All: Items are not allocated to players and can be picked up immediately.

Ah, it's the first melee buff to be announced.

Nice one!;-)
IGN: Caydranth
That's a welcome change. Could you also do something about the party notice board? Cause right now its nothing but WTS WTB.
IGN : @Hrrrrrrgh
I may be one of the few but I actually like the idea that I will be able to host maps and party members will have the chance to get maps of their own while I get all the whites. This will allow those who don't have map pools the chance to build one.

TheAnuhart wrote:
Lachdanan wrote:
Now all that is left is to implement it that
unique items get allocated to the persons with the highest IIQ and IIR rating.

Playing a magicfinder is like playing Pain, all you get is negative resistances and no lifepool with no damagecapabilities.

It would be fair. We magicfinders spawn the uniques in the first place.
So why no firstpick?

Lol, go ahead with that crusade and create a situation where nobody will want to party with you. They are YOUR dps, in your 'painful negative resistance, no lifepool, no damage, high IIR/Q build'.

Unbelievable, blinkered approach, dude.

Have you ever played Dota without Carry ? You have to reward the Carrys to get a teamwork going. Under these current conditions its unlikely that you get a carrymagicfinder in a publicgroup.
The Allocated system is selfserving, it just results in even more Koamsbreastplates searching for even more white maps. Builddiversity is not encouraged.
exit_zero wrote:

Short allocation: This will be run by a minority that actually likes competitive looting, and will be phased out completely as more and more people choose mindless/passive convenience over active playing and fun.

So what other people like is automatically mindless and unfun? Gotcha.

Non competitive play is just as much "active playing" as FFA, but the focus of the gameplay is changed.

exit_zero wrote:

won't have any fun risk/reward situations where they run straight up to a boss to get that exalted orb before it expires,

Your problem is trying to force your idea of fun onto everyone else.
Standard Forever
Last edited by iamstryker#5952 on May 24, 2013, 2:35:29 AM
carebears, they're everywhere :D

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