Looting -- The official thread for discussing the loot system. Updated 18th March, 2013.

wrathmar wrote:
Ten_of_Swords wrote:

As far as I'm concered we dident get options - we HAD options (in that people made thier own rules among friends) and now we actually have none.

You still have the option of making your own rules among friends.
Whats the point of options among friends. It doesn't matter.
I just want an allocation where the party leader gets all the drops... BUT the entire group is well aware of this so they can join if they choose. Reason for this is for services. I currently have the ability to rush people from lvl 60-70 in a few hours. 70-80 in a day or so because of my clear speed, and having multiple characters at certain levels to boost people.

Instead of having people pay me currency for this "experience" I can instead charge the loot in the instances. Most people who have joined my public games where i label it 122k dps insane clear speed my LOOT, ur xp generally have no problem with it. Until the super shiny item drops and then i'm having to click as fast as possible. BTW im clearing maps sometimes in under 90 seconds with a full group of people just sitting back. So this a system where everyone has to agree to the NO loot except for party leader, it would be like a little party invite or trade request, you can either accept it or decline. If you decline I imagine the party leader will kick and get someone more open minded
IGN Discharge_me
wrathmar wrote:
Ten_of_Swords wrote:

As far as I'm concerned we dident get options - we HAD options (in that people made their own rules among friends) and now we actually have none.

You still have the option of making your own rules among friends.

Unnecessary. Why bother "sharing" when PA does it automatically? Also, there was a few groups I would hang out with before that just make pub PA games now and don’t bother inviting people from their lists. There is no need to find people who show self-restraint when looting when you can just force everyone in your game to do it with a button.

Anyway, I'm not spoiling for an argument here. I don’t have the time for it, and this ship has sailed! GGG can’t put the genie back in the bottle. I was just trying to explain to the poster why "options" are not all their cracked up to be for many reasons.
Vooodu wrote:

If the point of the game is to fight monsters and fight over loot then any options to make it easier is indeed a loose/loose situation.
Its a PVE game. PVE. Having a PVP loot mechanic in a PVE game is stupid, not the other way around

Vooodu wrote:

No one likes FFA, no one ever has. But when its the only option it creates a very real world to play in. PA or Instanced loot removes that felling. And its basically gone now in POE>
No it doesnt. When people stop fighting dem zombies to grab that shiny item on the ground, it removes atmosphere, it doesnt add to it.

Vooodu wrote:

Now we need modes for the "MAJORITY" of players who want instant respecs, better loot, weaker monsters etc.

Fact is people prefer the path of least resistance, doesn't mean they should be catered to.
No, its path of lesser risk / lesser reward. Kinda the same thing as farming low levels areas so you dont die. There was already the PA option, namely playing alone. Nothing changed, the game didnt become easier. It has nothing to do with free respecs and all the other shit you just said. You have to face it, FFA doesnt make the game harder, it makes it more frustating. If you think picking up your loot with 10 seconds timer was difficult, then you need to hone your skills a little bit, cause you are a major noob.

Vooodu wrote:

Honestly PA is bad in POE. Even tho the 'majority' seem to have latched on it. Its made me not even want to play in public games anymore simple because there is no point. Its not like its divided equally. Screw it.
Oh, form a guild then :)
Vooodu wrote:
Whats the point of options among friends. It doesn't matter.
But that was the exact same argument FFA defenders used in the past. Form a guild / play with friends etc. Thing is, you couldnt FORCE someone to not pick that mirror of kalandria back then without the PA option. On the other hand, FFA can be played without the game forcing you to.
fevgatos wrote:
Vooodu wrote:

If the point of the game is to fight monsters and fight over loot then any options to make it easier is indeed a loose/loose situation.
Its a PVE game. PVE. Having a PVP loot mechanic in a PVE game is stupid, not the other way around

Go play D2... No go cry to blizzard about loot. Now watch as NOTHING is done and you are ingored.

That's how its done... Sorry.

fevgatos wrote:
Vooodu wrote:
Whats the point of options among friends. It doesn't matter.
But that was the exact same argument FFA defenders used in the past. Form a guild / play with friends etc. Thing is, you couldnt FORCE someone to not pick that mirror of kalandria back then without the PA option. On the other hand, FFA can be played without the game forcing you to.

Whats the point of forming a guild/playing with friends to fight over loot just to share it again? That's so point and backwards.

You do know that FFA is not an option that people would want to play right? It only works when forced upon people with NO options. Which is why friends/allies/guilds become very useful.

The rest of your posts make no sense so I just ignored it...

Last edited by Vooodu#7002 on Jul 10, 2013, 10:02:52 AM
The loot is fine , learn to play .
Vooodu wrote:

Go play D2... No go cry to blizzard about loot. Now watch as NOTHING is done and you are ingored.

That's how its done... Sorry.

1) GGG proved that that's NOT how its done.
2)Back in the D2 era (12 years ago?) there wasn't any other method for loot sharing

Vooodu wrote:

Whats the point of forming a guild/playing with friends to fight over loot just to share it again? That's so point and backwards.

But what's the point of FFA if people can work around it in the first place? Friends / Solo / Guild, you throw FFA out of the window. So the only thing that "suffered" from FFA were public parties. Why the fuck should someone make public parties an unwanted experience? I can't even find a well thought out reason for this. Public parties are there for people who just joined or don't really have a lot of time invested to find friends etc, and it is a "mechanic" to keep them attached to the game, cause you know, soloing gets boring after a while. Why would you force "penalties" on these people? Why would you give them an experience they dont want when everyone else can just work around it?

Vooodu wrote:

You do know that FFA is not an option that people would want to play right? It only works when forced upon people with NO options. Which is why friends/allies/guilds become very useful.
So you are telling me a game has to force you to play something you don't want to! WOW. Just wow...

Last edited by fevgatos#0992 on Jul 11, 2013, 6:50:56 AM
fevgatos wrote:
So you are telling me a game has to force you to play something you don't want to! WOW. Just wow...

That's how games are made. That's like saying you won't play Tetris unless the pieces are all squares, because you don't want to be forced to play it their way.

And seriously, this has been talked to death. If your posts are directed at me and trying to change my mind it won't happen. I prefer a more ruthless style of ARPG. An ARPG that POE almost made until it started listening to the whiners and cry babies.

Vooodu wrote:
fevgatos wrote:
So you are telling me a game has to force you to play something you don't want to! WOW. Just wow...

That's how games are made. That's like saying you won't play Tetris unless the pieces are all squares, because you don't want to be forced to play it their way.

And seriously, this has been talked to death. If your posts are directed at me and trying to change my mind it won't happen. I prefer a more ruthless style of ARPG. An ARPG that POE almost made until it started listening to the whiners and cry babies.

Great analogy, and it fits perfectly.

I wanted GGG to stick to the cut throat ideal of PoE. In that, in the devs minds, this game was just as much PVP as it was PVE. However, they changed that.

Oh well. If options are what was wanted, I would've preferred they were locked to Default's league and not allowed in HC. That just doesn't make sense to me.

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