Looting -- The official thread for discussing the loot system. Updated 18th March, 2013.

thats why its nice to have a party formed with different clases, so u avoid 2 persons wanna loot the same item.

some modes that ill apreciated will be

free for all:
anyone can loot it

party leader only :
(hes the one in charge to give items later to party members in case of friends of a guild with trusted ppl)

each party member got a locked loot for him for a defined time, some can get more than one item or nothing.

by turn:
like random but each one got one item until theres no items to give.

by votes:
each time someone loot an item theres a popup window for u to click need-Pass, depending on vote if they equal it will be given randomly.

by class:
u can only loot ur class specific items, others items will go random.

Good Great Game !!!
Free for all is a great idea. POE is going in a direction that most games have failed to realise as being the backbone required for all online games.

Player & Player interaction is required for any online social game to be successful, find a method of loot distribution that does that and you win big.

My advice however is to get a few trolls (people who like to grief other people) and get them to try the system out for you. Trust me when I say this, but they'll be able to point out all the methods they'll be using to frustrate/annoy/piss off other people which will allow you to prevent that from occurring and plan and structure a better system for loot.

- Cheers


Last edited by Sareth#5930 on Sep 9, 2011, 7:20:41 PM
SnowFox wrote:

party leader only :
(hes the one in charge to give items later to party members in case of friends of a guild with trusted ppl)

by turn:
like random but each one got one item until theres no items to give.

by votes:
each time someone loot an item theres a popup window for u to click need-Pass, depending on vote if they equal it will be given randomly.

Those modes would slow down that pace of the game. People want to kill, loot, and continue. They don't want to vote or wait for the items to be distributed.

SnowFox wrote:

by class:
u can only loot ur class specific items, others items will go random.

The problem of that mode is that, if there are classes in PoE, items are not necessarily binded to those classes : a Templar could use staff or a sword, or an axe, a Witch could use a dagger or a wand, etc.
This loot mode wouldn't let the players choose their build freely.

The only problem with the original idea is this :

Rhesos wrote:

I think that this can be a very good system if it's done right... But i have some concerns regarding this system: Imagine the following: You are in a party and get in a big fight, with lots of foes and you just killed some of them. But one of the few you killed dropped a really rare item which is assigned to the ranged character => He has to stop fighting and run as fast as possible towards the foes to get the item... This could end in his and even the partys death...

A way to bypass that problem could be to start the timer only when all the monsters are dead.
This system sounds nice. I suppose beta will see if it actually is nice.

I like the idea of having a couple seconds to get to the item.
I dont know if you read that far on the site, but i think they wrote somethin about Leagues you can make yourself and define the rules you want to have. This system will be a payd one, but i like the idea alot.

So i assume this discussion is for the overall free leagues that the game has from the get go. And to be honest, i couldnt care less if its FFA, truly allocated or some weird mix of these two. Since there is no true option, but only the broad masses of different viewoints, you wont be able to get a perfect overall solution.

In essence, as long as you are not willing to pay for your own league, you have to compromise on your part as well.

I dont have any problems with this solution, other than that the time seems alittle bit short, but that will get dealt with overtime by the devs. It seems you forget that this system wont necessarly be final, they are still able to change it. To me it strongly seems like they are even WILLING to change the whole system to another if its a seemingly better solution. Dont outright abolish it, test it for yourselves. They didnt mention anything about HOW the timer would/could be implemented.

On another note.. i read from someone about the "unoffical rules" which were made by the community itself. And thats what really will happen. If enough interest is triggered, dont you think there will be one or two Public Leagues that will give you your desired model of rules for this game?

So the question is in my oppinion not if i want this as an solution for eternity, more as a solution for the little while i need to get into this game, to feel if i am willing to pay for a gaming expirience that is more to my liking. And i have a feeling, that this rule will be fair for the most of us. Since this game doesnt yet look like a WoW like instance boss grinding game, where only the boss drops certain items. In a dev diary they wrote that every Monster can drop any item in a certain lvl range. Certainly the bosses have higher chances, but if you really want a certain item, do it like you would in any other ARPG: "Kick ass till the right shit drops out of it. And then... kick some more!" xD

By the way, i hate grinding, but i am willing to do it, if i really want an item that gives me a feeling of accomplishment. So obviously, i wont go with a random group to a boss-fight where i know that "MY" item drops here frequently. As soon as i know WHERE it drops more often, i take my friendslist out, choose some trustworthy guys and get to it. Honestly, some guys here sound as if they want to be an one man army, from an one-man military country, with no allies whatsoever.
I would be happy to see gold-drawing on ground, although it could be a cause for gold-selling mechanism.
kalstrams wrote:
I would be happy to see gold-drawing on ground, although it could be a cause for gold-selling mechanism.
Gold? What gold?
There are many ways to die, but only one way to live!
The entire system should be scrapped as the game has changed from killing monsters to OMG LOOK AT TEH SHINEYS ON TEH FLOOR all because some rare shiz dropped in a fight...I don't think that looting should be "cutthroat" as everyone will be focused on loot rather than that they are standing in fire
IGN: IgnitedWafflez
ima loota boy boss
I see an issue with a timer, what will stop someone from turning on an autoclicker and just spamming loot untill it goes live?

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