Looting -- The official thread for discussing the loot system. Updated 18th March, 2013.
" The loot system is the only good thing in that game. And the bad thing about this game. But as you mentioned. Don't like it? Go solo. The problem is people not gonna go for cosmetical microtrans if they don't go in partys and stuff. No one would ever bought an legendary skin in LoL if you go against bots in all games. Time will teach GGG a valuable lesson about the loot system as it is right now. |
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" What you say is absolutely true. However he has certainly made that argument numerous times. I don't think he is going to ask me to go find it. Standard Forever
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" What is going to happens is that people will cry and then quit playing. The beta testing group is highly dedicated to this game, the average player who read about the game and decided to give it a try...not so much. IGN: Wrathmar * Paulie * Client
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If you would like to find that statement from me go ahead. I rarely if ever talk in terms of absolutes. I may have commented on that topic by saying something like, it will decrease the amount of.people who would've otherwise played in the timer pub parties.
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" If they quit over this facet of the game and nothing else. They're loss. Many of you don't like the system but are still here. |
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" Don't you read it? There you go again: The beta testing group is highly dedicated to this game. . . |
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" The vibe you guys give when you make that argument is that FFA would be a ghost town. So I retract saying that you said "No one", I think you implied that virtually no one would play it. If you disagree I will go look. Standard Forever
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The statement holds regardless cyryc. These people can quit anytime they please. But rather, they, sorry for speaking for you, enjoy the game enough to not quit. At least that's how I view it.
Also, its funny how BL2 sold so well, and is still.played by many despite have FFA loot. Different genre, but its still FFA. If you quit because of this mechanic alone. I can only assume you didn't enjoy other facets of the game. Since currently, there are ways to get around the FFA system, which have been brought up before. |
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" I do think this is a pertinent point. POE is aimed at oldschool hardcore D2 players who have a lot of time on their hands & are interested in paying cash for cosmetic upgrades to the vanilla game that will give them no actual benefits whatsoever. Now there's niche & then there is POE's target audience. However, it is not the main argument I would use in favor of loot options. For me the primary focus of the loot options is to make multiplayer a more attractive & customisable experience as I feel it is interaction that keeps games alive. Time will tell whether enough people are interested in POE for GGG to make a buck, but for all our sakes I would like the game to appeal to as many people as possible while still maintaining that 'feel' that it does so well. I don't think loot options encroaches on that. It's true, everyone here is dedicated but I urge us all to think of the big picture & how the game will be received by 'the great unwashed'. There aren't enough of us to keep the game going, there has to be more players & for there to be a community those players need to at some point play together. The tumble weeds rolling through the Message Boards shows that something needs to be done about multiplayer. Making the game a little less niche, whether it be adding looting options or w/e doesn't necessarily mean it's dumbed down or 'noobish' it may just mean that it changes a few things that didn't cater to the tastes of otherwise interested & 'hardcore' players. |
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Maybe just make it so the countdown only starts when combat ends and keep it a static number or something.
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