Lightning Warp Bug. FIXED!?!! THNX GGG! <3

I am working on a lightning templar

It is going very well, and the last patch gave me some key buffs to mana regen, discharge, and lightning warp.

Now, lightning warp. Great skill, and now it does 50% more damage for me, and warps me twice as fast. Effectively doubling its damage, and quadrupling its utility for me.

There is one problem: Reliability. Simply put -> Sometimes you don't warp.

The animation goes off, as does the damage I assume. But a good amount of the time, especially with the faster warping and maybe even a
you simply do not warp.

Now... obviously if you are warping out of a rushing mob, casting a spork behind you in your place, then owning face with all your skills behind it, it is a HUGE problem if you do NOT warp out.

Now, I understand that interruption while casting is a thing, and I am headed to the passive near zealots oath on my way to a major HP node next.

However, this bug can be tested by simply holding down the warp button, and warping around. No mobs, no cliffs, no objects to get in your way; just... warping around. In fact, it seems to happen about 20% of the time almost, especially with a speed flask involved. This is a major problem with a build that relies on warping away to supplement his damage combo (or anyone else that simply uses it to escape)

I really really do <3 you all at GGG for the buffs to my lightning skills. But I implore you to make the warp itself more reliable, and less randomly buggy. ^_^

ps: sorry if I did not make this clear, but this is easily testable. I am using
for gems, and sometimes
for speed. Doesn't seem to matter however, the bug happens quite a good chunk of the time.

Last edited by RabidMonk#6216 on Jul 15, 2013, 6:21:15 PM
Last bumped on Mar 21, 2016, 6:45:00 AM
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Been doing some more testing on the matter (cuz I use LW quite a bit.) Seems like the bug happens a lot less than I originally stated, but still about 5~10%. Seems to increase the chances of 'bugging out' under the effects of the speed flask. (may just seem that way since I'm warping more often over time, thus I see it fail faster)

I can only assume it has to do with some kind of desync alongside the fast (+70 or so) casting speed alongside the faster warping speed of the flask. (again, not sure, just sure that it happens a sizable bit)

Again though, I have noticed warp bugging out for a long time. I use it on on my non-leapslammers as a movement tool. It just doesn't go sometimes. No rhyme or reason. This is one spell that needs to always work, as the warp is not instant like leap slam or whirling blade. If it fails, I cannot simply just "press E again" like I can with leapslam/whirling.

Last edited by RabidMonk#6216 on May 10, 2013, 4:24:55 PM
I can almost always cause Warp to break by casting it as soon as it's available again; bashing the button works better than holding it down if you want to break it. It's quite annoying.
Vipermagi wrote:
I can almost always cause Warp to break by casting it as soon as it's available again; bashing the button works better than holding it down if you want to break it. It's quite annoying.

Yes, that's when it seems to do it the most; when I hold down the button and it is casting quickly

RabidMonk wrote:
Vipermagi wrote:
I can almost always cause Warp to break by casting it as soon as it's available again; bashing the button works better than holding it down if you want to break it. It's quite annoying.

Yes, that's when it seems to do it the most; when I hold down the button and it is casting quickly

quickly? serious? skill so delayed. Hold for spam lighting warp? W-T-F

GGG need work in this skill.
kaienkurosu wrote:
quickly? serious? skill so delayed.

I can maybe cast two fast-casting Spells inbetween casts of Lightning Warp. QS/Adrenaline flasks alone made it really quick, and the latest patch made LW even faster.
Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on May 11, 2013, 11:00:00 AM
With 70% faster casting on this skill, and the recent upgrade, warp happens very very quickly.

Most people do not realize that there is a cast time for the spell... and THEN a warp delay. So with faster casting, you get more time to cast other spells while you are waiting to warp. The update made a very needed change to the delay and the damage: However, I could get lightning warp to bug out before the patch, and about the same amount after.

If I had to guess, I would say the bug has something to do with casting spells during your warp delay, with the focus on casting lightning warp again (as in holding down the button to cast for too long).

Now that people are going to be using the spell for damage on lightning builds (well... me at least :) it would be nice to throw a coder on looking into this real quick. I bet he can find the double-cast bug pretty quickly and set some code aside for the next patch. Thanks again GGG! <3 you!

Last edited by RabidMonk#6216 on May 11, 2013, 3:57:52 PM
UPDATE: more testing. Seems to happen a lot more when i'm using my speed flask.

Update2: Seems to be happening a bit more now that I swapped out for my quality lightning warp (gives faster casting) along with my speed flask.

Bump out of faith that GGG will look into this. Sure its not priority because most people use lightning warp just to jump cliffs, so if it doesn't go off... no worries they just curse the bug and cast it again.

But, for builds that rely on warping OUT of a group of enemies, and having to look back in dismay as you curse the fact that you are now surrounded, this fix must be looked into.

Again, this is simply not a priority I know, but it IS a bug, and thus I will do my best to help get it fixed. Sadly all I can do is keep posting here, hoping someone hears my cry for salvation.

PS:useful info? : My cast speed is around ~80% for lightning warp. Popping my double speed flask seems to help the bug along, but mainly it just seems to be tied to faster casting. I may be wrong and its simply a bug that... happens when it happens. I'm no coder. All I know is that it happens, we all know it happens, and it is definitely a bug.

Last edited by RabidMonk#6216 on May 13, 2013, 10:02:02 PM

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