Game still won't open on M1 Mac...

There's also some weird stuff going on with the Render Resolution. When I'm unable to get in and restart the game, the Render Resolution goes from 56% to 59% (on a 1920x1080 monitor).

What worked for me today, after the most tries I've needed yet, was quickly logging in to character selection, going to options from there and resetting the Render Resolution from 59% to 56% before getting into the game.

It was probably random, but might be worth a try.
changing render resolution didn't work for me, I can sometimes get to character select, but the loading screen after is very blurry and then I get booted. have not been able to successfully load a character this league. Only thing that is working is Geforce now, but paying an extra $10-20mo to play a "free" game is really starting to suck
Ingame: Sakrilegious
It has been two weeks with no reply other than "we're looking into it". Can we get an update or a timeline on when this will be fixed? Should we just assume Mac is not supported in POE?
Was able to get into the game last night and level my character from Lvl20 to 25. After todays patch (had to uninstall and redownload the full game as usual), the game doesn't crash so far, but I'm not able to get into the game anymore. It's either "Unable to connect to login server" or "Failed to connect to instance" after character selection.
the crashes were normal and manageable but as of today i cannot login into the game anymore :(
Having the same issue after the patch.

Try to launch on MacOS using steam.

Either cannot connect or able to log in to character selection but when logging into a character it crashes.
Same for me. M2 Ventura.

Even with the latest patch ("D").
Last edited by JulienBruel on Aug 8, 2024, 10:11:46 AM
I’ve been having the same issues on my M1, but can usually get logged in on the 30th or 40th try. Now I just leave the game running. I’m not sure if this info is helpful or going to cause frustration, but my stubbornness has paid off for once.
Still crashes: workarounds didn't help and should not be the solution.
Adding to the loud chorus of voices complaining about this.

On an M1 mac. Usually can get in after 20 - 50 attempts. Today I'm on ~70 and it's not letting me in.

Embarrassing myself by spamming login but hey, I like this league

It would be great if GGG didn't seem to hate mac users lmao

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