Why are we not allowed to zoom out more or use 32:9?

Sour grapes, Echo. GGG needs to make decisions that are healthy for the game, not try and please everyone. That's how you end up with a bad game
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
ArtCrusade wrote:
Sour grapes, Echo. GGG needs to make decisions that are healthy for the game, not try and please everyone. That's how you end up with a bad game

Or get no improvements on something that is already bad. Doesn't sound like sour grapes to me. Sounds like a genuine improvement to me. The only sour grapes I hear are coming from you. I suggest you keep them to yourself. Not everybody wants criticism from somebody who wishes they/them had a life.
ArtCrusade wrote:
Sour grapes, Echo. GGG needs to make decisions that are healthy for the game, not try and please everyone. That's how you end up with a bad game

Or get no improvements on something that is already bad. Doesn't sound like sour grapes to me. Sounds like a genuine improvement to me. The only sour grapes I hear are coming from you. I suggest you keep them to yourself. Not everybody wants criticism from somebody who wishes they/them had a life.

Life pro tip: if you removed all the ad hominem from your reply you could reduce time spent typing by 90% and live life better. Such convenience!
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
🔷🔶🔰🌀✨Make trade like the Grand Exchange from RuneScape✨🌀🔰🔶🔷

Let us zoom out more. Bring back 32:9, Heist Alt Quality Gems, Gear Enchanting, Prophecy, Metamorph & Crucible. Stop removing content from the game. Stop nerfing everything. Stop making the game slow
PoE's zoom level as a whole is just outdated. I haven't kept up with PoE2 info so I don't know whether it'll be different there, but when you play other top-down perspective games, you realize just how stupidly zoomed in PoE is, especially in combination with its high movement speed of player characters.
Last edited by Miathan51 on Jul 25, 2024, 5:02:16 AM
It is hilarous that people cant even see the obvious reason for it... MH ... leme thing.. how about cause it gives you an unfair advantage to everyone who doesnt have one??? If you allow people with premium monitors to get unfair game advantage, then you have to allow people with premium razer mouses also to use them for their full potential...

Premium Monitor ~ equals -> Vision/Zoom hack
Premium Mouse/Keyboard ~ equals -> macrobot/autofarmer

Both is obviously forbidden

♥ The Ice-Witch: Cold Snapping - *finger-snap* *poof* *shatter* ♥
Last edited by WaifuJanna on Jul 25, 2024, 6:44:56 AM

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