DarthSki44 wrote:
Definitely hoho in this case
Definitely a hoho indeed.
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Posted byxPiranha#4678on Jun 15, 2023, 1:35:24 PMOn Probation
xPiranha wrote:
hoho parent gamers made me chuckle not gonna lie.
Parent gamers have been a thing since the 80s. My mother was a diehard Sierra gamer, and I'd wager part of my then-impressive vocabulary came from helping her figure out the correct wording for text-driven games that could be quite pedantic. We bonded over the puns of Monkey Island and the tragic turns of Final Fantasy VII. I am so blessed to have had a nerd mum.
Gen X and especially Xennials became gamer parents in turn, because we were the first generation to be told it waa okay to be grown-up nerds. I used to play Goldeneye with my stepson; I met my then wife on Diablo 1 era battle.net. Hell even my luddite sister plays Switch with her kids.
Parent gamers and gamer parents are so commonplace they don't even seem worth a discussion...but if Exiles feel otherwise, this goes a long way to explaining to me how backwards and outdated their views on who is and who isn't allowed to be a gamer can be.
The name says it all.
Posted by鬼殺し#7371on Jun 15, 2023, 8:40:13 PM
DarthSki44 wrote:
exsea wrote:
xPiranha wrote:
hoho parent gamers made me chuckle not gonna lie.
on the subreddit, there are alot of parent gamers sitting on high horses dissing "hardcore/nolifers" for wanting the game to have a better end game/to be better.
someone on reddit said d4 is very frontloaded. i cant agree more.
it still aint a bad game just it aint poe. chris was right when he said theres a place for diablo and poe to coexist.
and yeah a lot of "parent gamers" are circle jerking themselves about how absolutely grand D4 is while shitting on no lifers.
Meh that's a pretty awful take on casual gamers.
To call D4 front-loaded a week out of launch, when season 1 hasn't even started, is such an obtuse argument. You were here when PoE came out of closed beta, it's nothing like that now. Its an absurd premise. This is the beginning, not the end, for D4. The game is super solid, runs fabulous, and has almost zero bugs. Some balance tweaks to be sure, but that was inevitable. This launch, given the scope, is nothing short of miraculous. If you don't like it, it's cool, but have some perspective.
And quite frankly, the no-life 20 somethings living at home, clocking 100hr per week gaming times, will never be satisfied... with anything. They will blow through content in 15h+ gaming sessions in a week, and then complain there isn't anything to do. Sorry bro you finished the game, thats it. Come back when there is more. Or don't.
When did we actually jump the shark that having a life outside gaming makes you a "parent gamer". How utterly sad for the younger generation.
It's like a meme a saw last league on PoE subreddit. It was just a brief 4 panel picture animation about this guy's parents at 25, having jobs, getting married, buying a house and starting a family. He at 25 is smoking weed in the basement theory crafting on PoB and his character goes brrrrr. And this was a positive post. What a time to be alive.
Edit: like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/149zeka/most_of_you_need_a_reality_check_hot_takes_from/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button
Alcoholics love to mock sober, healthy people too, all the while bemoaning their shitty lot in life. It's a solidarity in depravity. Easy to ignore what a fuckup your life is when you're in an echo chamber of fuckups. This is the basis of pretty much every "get your shit together" movie or TV show I have ever seen.
And we are all guilty of it sooner or later.
PS And in case I need to really drive it home, the PoE forum is basically a pub. It used to be Cheers, but it's way too seedy for that now.
The name says it all.
Posted by鬼殺し#7371on Jun 15, 2023, 8:47:07 PM
鬼殺し wrote:
xPiranha wrote:
hoho parent gamers made me chuckle not gonna lie.
Parent gamers have been a thing since the 80s. My mother was a diehard Sierra gamer, and I'd wager part of my then-impressive vocabulary came from helping her figure out the correct wording for text-driven games that could be quite pedantic. We bonded over the puns of Monkey Island and the tragic turns of Final Fantasy VII. I am so blessed to have had a nerd mum.
Gen X and especially Xennials became gamer parents in turn, because we were the first generation to be told it waa okay to be grown-up nerds. I used to play Goldeneye with my stepson; I met my then wife on Diablo 1 era battle.net. Hell even my luddite sister plays Switch with her kids.
Parent gamers and gamer parents are so commonplace they don't even seem worth a discussion...but if Exiles feel otherwise, this goes a long way to explaining to me how backwards and outdated their views on who is and who isn't allowed to be a gamer can be.
i dont gate keep, but similar to "regular" and "lifeless" gamers, the parent gamers and casual gamers there are assholes among them.
to me its alright to complain for things you dont like about a game. its up to the devs whether or not they will "change/fix" the game.
what i dont like is when these assholes go around throwing shade at people who complain about the game.
and from my experience in d4 subreddit, the number of these assholes are quite high seeing how a lot of these posts are upvoted a lot.
DarthSki44 wrote:
this post is a great example. actually the poster has valid points that i agree with. i actually do like d4.
but on the flipside, he's disregarding entirely the point of view of "the opposite side". and the way he addresses doesnt show any understanding. its his way or no way.
at the very end he goes around saying stuff like "go touch grass".
but as some other forummers have pointed out. r/d4 is a subreddit for a casual game which is targetted to casuals. normies i would say lol.
similar to how mainstream communities have more assholes, i would say r/d4 definitely has a number.
its not the first time i saw people on r/d4 throwing shade at people who disagree with them. theyve shit on poe streamers too. ziz, quin, asmon. they bring up valid criticism and many on the sub simply label them as haters or no lifers.
[Removed by Support]
Posted byexsea#1724on Jun 15, 2023, 9:35:05 PM
TLDR the portion of any gamer type apt to use reddit are likely to be more acerbic in their views. No surprise there.
The name says it all.
Posted by鬼殺し#7371on Jun 15, 2023, 11:22:59 PM
exsea wrote:
as someone who likes diablo 4 significantly more than d3, i would say d4 is not meant for POE audience.
their audience are parent gamers who have a small amount of time to game. it also is a great game to buy as a present.
its a commercial success.
its really not meant to satisfy any POE-er's needs.
i did get it and i did enjoy it.
but i have to accept it for what it is. i cant compare to poe.
d4 is truly a game to chill
funny because in my time real gamers liked long and tedious gameplay, enjoyed shit like populous and civilization while playing Diablo 1 all together.
In my time Arcade games full of lights and colors that could be found on consoles were deemed for excited kids.
I know this is all stereotype because in Japan the touhou stuff is for gamers but back there in my place a real game was F15 from microprose and Amiga rpgs.
My point being is that what you call "parent" gaming is called real gaming in some places and what you call real gaming is seen as kiddy gaming ,vice versa.
Forum pvp Last edited by lolozori#1147 on Jun 16, 2023, 2:00:52 AM
Posted bylolozori#1147on Jun 16, 2023, 1:58:08 AM
lolozori wrote:
exsea wrote:
as someone who likes diablo 4 significantly more than d3, i would say d4 is not meant for POE audience.
their audience are parent gamers who have a small amount of time to game. it also is a great game to buy as a present.
its a commercial success.
its really not meant to satisfy any POE-er's needs.
i did get it and i did enjoy it.
but i have to accept it for what it is. i cant compare to poe.
d4 is truly a game to chill
funny because in my time real gamers liked long and tedious gameplay, enjoyed shit like populous and civilization while playing Diablo 1 all together.
In my time Arcade games full of lights and colors that could be found on consoles were deemed for excited kids.
I know this is all stereotype because in Japan the touhou stuff is for gamers but back there in my place a real game was F15 from microprose and Amiga rpgs.
My point being is that what you call "parent" gaming is called real gaming in some places and what you call real gaming is seen as kiddy gaming ,vice versa.
that could be true, which is why to me, theres no reason to shit on one over another.
which is the case in r/d4. the "parents"/"adults" tend to shit on the nolifers.
best part is the parent gamers are the ones that labelled themselves, yet theyre so damn pompous to talk trash about anyone who hates their fav game while the "haters" seem to demonstrate more maturity for just concentrating on criticizing the game and not going after the "parents"
[Removed by Support]
Posted byexsea#1724on Jun 16, 2023, 6:52:06 AM
exsea wrote:
DarthSki44 wrote:
this post is a great example. actually the poster has valid points that i agree with. i actually do like d4.
but on the flipside, he's disregarding entirely the point of view of "the opposite side". and the way he addresses doesnt show any understanding. its his way or no way.
at the very end he goes around saying stuff like "go touch grass".
but as some other forummers have pointed out. r/d4 is a subreddit for a casual game which is targetted to casuals. normies i would say lol.
similar to how mainstream communities have more assholes, i would say r/d4 definitely has a number.
its not the first time i saw people on r/d4 throwing shade at people who disagree with them. theyve shit on poe streamers too. ziz, quin, asmon. they bring up valid criticism and many on the sub simply label them as haters or no lifers.
That post is pure irony. Its a guy who admits to playing over 100 hours, playing multiple hours everyday with his wife, and then Edited a bold title into it saying nerd tears sustain him and hes looking for full-time work as a writer thats how he has time to do be on reddit.
So this guy is literally a professional neckbeard, living off his wife instead of his parents.
Hes not even a typical adult, talking down to everyone. He is an unemployed, to part-time guy at best, telling other people how adults live. That post is crazy, lol. And the crazy part about is all the gamer dads who are championing him and his opinion. Hes not even one of them. He has tons of time.
A real casual adult person cant even put in 100 hours, and cant work part-time or be unemployed.
Its just weird. That whole sub-reddit is just weird atm. Lots of fake casuals blasting all criticism under the guise of gamer dads and anyone with criticism being no-lifers when they are putting in more hours.
Last edited by Destructodave#2478 on Jun 16, 2023, 8:34:43 AM
Posted byDestructodave#2478on Jun 16, 2023, 8:30:29 AM
Destructodave wrote:
exsea wrote:
DarthSki44 wrote:
this post is a great example. actually the poster has valid points that i agree with. i actually do like d4.
but on the flipside, he's disregarding entirely the point of view of "the opposite side". and the way he addresses doesnt show any understanding. its his way or no way.
at the very end he goes around saying stuff like "go touch grass".
but as some other forummers have pointed out. r/d4 is a subreddit for a casual game which is targetted to casuals. normies i would say lol.
similar to how mainstream communities have more assholes, i would say r/d4 definitely has a number.
its not the first time i saw people on r/d4 throwing shade at people who disagree with them. theyve shit on poe streamers too. ziz, quin, asmon. they bring up valid criticism and many on the sub simply label them as haters or no lifers.
That post is pure irony. Its a guy who admits to playing over 100 hours, playing multiple hours everyday with his wife, and then Edited a bold title into it saying nerd tears sustain him and hes looking for full-time work as a writer thats how he has time to do be on reddit.
So this guy is literally a professional neckbeard, living off his wife instead of his parents.
Hes not even a typical adult, talking down to everyone. He is an unemployed, to part-time guy at best, telling other people how adults live. That post is crazy, lol. And the crazy part about is all the gamer dads who are championing him and his opinion. Hes not even one of them. He has tons of time.
A real casual adult person cant even put in 100 hours, and cant work part-time or be unemployed.
Its just weird. That whole sub-reddit is just weird atm. Lots of fake casuals blasting all criticism under the guise of gamer dads and anyone with criticism being no-lifers when they are putting in more hours.
That was your take? That because he and his wife share a gaming hobby they both enjoy he is a weird neckbeard? Wow.
Many of his points were spot on. It got too personal and ranty at the end,true, but I suspect that's because of the frustration reading that subreddit. D4 is never going to be perfect, but to reduce it to an empty exp/hr efficiency quest, is a big mind boggler.
To each their own I suppose, but as Mr C. alluded to, there are quite literally millions enjoying D4 just fine.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Posted byDarthSki44#6905on Jun 16, 2023, 8:48:50 AMOn Probation
DarthSki44 wrote:
That was your take? That because he and his wife share a gaming hobby they both enjoy he is a weird neckbeard? Wow.
Many of his points were spot on. It got too personal and ranty at the end,true, but I suspect that's because of the frustration reading that subreddit. D4 is never going to be perfect, but to reduce it to an empty exp/hr efficiency quest, is a big mind boggler.
To each their own I suppose, but as Mr C. alluded to, there are quite literally millions enjoying D4 just fine.
Did you not see his edit?
And post is bashing non-casual players for criticizing the endgame, when he himself isnt even a casual player, on top of yes the ranting/bragging about his real life and apparently its not even a typical adult life; hes sitting at home unemployed.
In essence, he is a neckbeard.
Theres nothing wrong with being a neckbeard, but its definitely a case of pot calling the kettle black. This dude is nowhere near your typical working, adult, much less adult dad, and hes preaching about what its like to be an adult gamer and bragging about his life while he sits at home living off his wife, bashing others for being losers. Nah that aint it.
Last edited by Destructodave#2478 on Jun 16, 2023, 9:14:22 AM
Posted byDestructodave#2478on Jun 16, 2023, 9:02:30 AM