Map Management Resource
" Just for the heck of it I ran some maps with this "pay 1 alch/chisel for 71+ run" just to see how it goes. I've never really been in full groups before. Holy spam batman. Barely even tell whats going on. Exp sure is a ton better. Although regardless of the horrific or easy mods the maps seem like a faceroll with a full group (even though a random squishy always seems to die, for no reason that is apparent to me), probably just being foolish. The exp sure is a TON better. Almost as if GGG is demanding that you group regardless if you want to or not. ( I prefer a small 1-3 person group as solo puts me to sleep, but the spam jus seems... not fun with the large group) Not sure how I'm going to settle that psychologically. Soloed several 70 maps, with the wrong mods they are definlty not as easy as the earlier maps, at least not solo. Holy crap i hate Temporal Chains. Not becasue its particularly hard, Just makes the map feel like a slow motion chore. hah. I've been trying since level 1 to make a few regular grouping friends to no avail. Looks like I'll have to try harder. Last edited by TroySpiral#6087 on Jul 17, 2013, 2:46:12 PM
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" Game mode? I map frequently with a friend of mine on skype. We're standard. Luna's Blackguards - a guild of bronies - is now recruiting! If you're a fan of our favourite chromatic marshmallow equines, hit me up with an add or whisper, and I'll invite you! IGN: HopeYouAreFireProof Last edited by Budget_player_cadet#3296 on Jul 17, 2013, 4:45:51 PM
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Just wanted to report the result of my previous post. I indeed decided to exalt the map. Though it was a prefix that rolled not suffix, I checked the table on that. I already had 3 suffixes. I rolled TWINNED. = Double boss. Increased the quantity by a bit more. Could have been worse.
I proceeded to run the map. I was feeling pretty good that day. So i ran it..... Within minutes I get a map, it's a... 71. Then within minutes of that I hit the jackpot scoring 3 77 maps in quick succession! 2 Shrine and 1 Shipyard. Coupled with all the high ilvl base items, i think it's safe to say i made my monies worth on that one. I had a relatively scary encounter with the bosses though. They basically 1 shotted 2 of my spectre's. I ran of course and got my composure and minions back and took them out without the totems and other mobs around. At end of the day, would have been in trouble if they went directly for me. Advise caution to those knew to the map. Anyways, wanted to thank Lyralei for making this awesome guide and for the advice on exalting my map as well as share my experience :) |
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Oh snap, my apologies. I misread the "of Exposure" affix. Still, was worth exalting.
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free bump for this
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sticky, this is important info xD
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" You ain't seen nothing yet. I'm often running maps with a few of the top 100 guys in the Standard Ladder, and that goes *way* quicker than public groups. Quicker as in actual playing speed. Quicksilver Flasks of Adrenalin, Haste Auras, Movement Passives and enormous DPS makes for an extremely fast and disorienting experience. The best description is "a bunch of electrified ferrets on meth". The first few times I never even saw the bosses (or many regular mobs) before they were dead. I was reduced to picking up scrolls in their wake. But, two weeks ago, I finally nabbed my first 6S item, and now I feel like I contribute meaningfully to these top groups. AAn unfortunate side-effect is that when I play now with public 71 groups, it seems like they are all under Temporal Chains. :) So trust me, it will get better. It takes a while to get used to. It may be best to join (or host) a few 66 map groups first just to get used to the whole idea of partying. Dear Maligaro, I left my head in San Francisco, I lost my legs in Peru My liver and kidney are on holiday in Sydney And I am sending my Heart to you --- Love, Malachai Last edited by Flapdrol#5373 on Jul 24, 2013, 11:25:57 AM
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bookmarked this thread and shared it to like 100 ppl already. nice work!
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-via Ingame Message - ign: Maiiah (mostly online at the evening hours CET) -via Forum PM -via this thread |
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" haha nice. |
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