3.19.0d Patch Notes (restartless)

What about minions survivability? When is it going to be addressed? I DON'T LIKE IT!
Last edited by Alydalstry on Aug 24, 2022, 4:16:28 AM
Ticklebear wrote:
Bye GGG.

Look at how much this fucking guy spent.

This man has literally bled for GGG

and GGG is shafting people who bleed for them
Pretty disappointed with the changes this league honestly. The buffs are not good enough.
still like shit
It's a step in the right direction, but I still don't feel this adequately addresses the issues we have.

Global drops will still fall far short of where they need to be to at least have a somewhat viable loot game, and the Minion nerfs DEFINITELY need to be looked at, I'm excited to have actual items to work towards as a Summoner, but just look at Ghazzy's AG videos and you can see there's still a big problem.
Yes! Keep damage controlling, meanwhile your player-base is leaving, good one GGG.

Get Chris out please.
Just get it over with and remove Archnemesis, no ammount of "25%" and "reduced cost" will ever fix that garbage
Well, I don't know if many player will agree on this but before the harvest revamp everyone would get from 4-5 crafts up to 15-20 from a single plot. Right now getting the lifeforce just for reforges (which are the bad ones cuz of no more common and just rare reforge) is soo bad. I think EVERY plot should give the lifeforce for AT LEAST 2 reforge crafts to make it at least ok mechanic to play with

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