Scrotie's Top 20 Most Skilled Players of Season 1

I. Reasoning Behind the List: Stats and Prioritization in Analysis

First off, I made sure stats were based off solo races, not party races; I wanted to make sure I was testing individual skill, not the skill of the group as a whole.
Calculation Methods and Limitations
  • I compiled this data by using an excel macro to compile all solo event CSV files into a single workbook, as well as apply points based on their finish within class. After that, I manually used the Find feature, set to the whole workbook rather than one sheet, to find each player's point results, then manually input the data in a separate sheet. This is why the top 40 overall (not top 40 solo) point holders are considered; I didn't have the time to process every username (processing forty was work enough).
  • I could not find data on "first to accomplish/kill/clear ________" -- so it's not considered here.
  • One stat used here is average points per character. The CSV files show all characters on that account living in the league at the time the league ends. In many cases this catches an attempt -- for example, if you're going elemental cleave templar, start duelist for skill gems, then your templar eventually dies and you ragequit... the duelist is still in the league, so I know you tried and got zero points instead of just skipping the event. However, it is possible for no trace to be left over, so it's possible some per-character stats are inaccurate.
Raw Statistical Data
Minimum qualification to be evaluated: Top 40 in the Overall Season 1 Ladder. I couldn't do top 40 solo directly because GGG doesn't release that separately; all top 40 overall means is that the account was evaluated, with the results below.

Krippers, 465 solo points on 31 characters (15.0 average), 7 first-place solo finishes
cwu, 457 solo points on 33 characters (13.8 average), 9 first-place solo finishes
asdfman, 457 solo points on 37 characters (12.4 average), 8 first-place solo finishes
AlkaizerX, 454 solo points on 31 characters (14.6 average), 3 first-place solo finishes
Powster, 443 solo points on 32 characters (13.8 average)
IMDisappoint, 398 solo points on 45 characters (8.8 average)
Daser777, 373 solo points on 25 characters (14.9 average), 6 first-place solo finishes
triada13, 352 solo points on 41 characters (8.6 average)
Condemned, 351 solo points on 35 characters (10.0 average), 1 first-place solo finish
Choilicious, 349 solo points on 27 characters (12.9 average), 2 first-place solo finishes
FrAgGy, 334 solo points on 22 characters (15.2 average), 2 first-place solo finishes
butte, 317 solo points on 30 characters (10.6 average)
grindis123, 313 solo points on 32 characters (9.8 average)
NoObLeR, 304 solo points on 23 characters (13.2 average), 3 first-place solo finishes
linkdv2, 303 solo points on 45 characters (6.7 average)
Rydek, 297 solo points on 42 characters (7.1 average)
Absurdd, 287 solo points on 33 characters (8.7 average), 1 first-place solo finish
Goratha, 282 solo points on 28 characters (10.1 average), 1 first-place solo finish
Invalesco, 275 solo points on 24 characters (11.5 average)
Capper, 234 solo points on 23 characters (10.2 average)
Lasti, 228 solo points on 22 characters (10.4 average), 1 first-place solo finish
TheuberClips, 219 solo points on 23 characters (9.5 average)
Bzmode, 209 solo points on 16 characters (13.1 average), 2 first-place solo finishes
Helman, 200 solo points on 26 characters (7.7 average), 1 first-place solo finish
Chetnik, 195 solo points on 23 characters (8.5 average)
RhoxPOE, 192 solo points on 22 characters (8.7 average)
ssnodgrass1283, 185 solo points on 18 characters (10.3 average)
thirstybob, 182 solo points on 34 characters (5.4 average)
nugiyen, 181 solo points on 15 characters (12.1 average), 2 first-place solo finish
Morsexier, 173 solo points on 20 characters (8.7 average)
Origination, 161 solo points on 16 characters (10.1 average)
KoTao, 151 solo points on 23 characters (6.6 average)
slanghardcircles, 147 solo points on 24 characters (6.1 average)
p0t, 147 solo points on 48 characters (3.1 average) <-- LOL
armies, 135 solo points on 19 characters (7.1 average)
hellboar, 105 solo points on 9 characters (11.7 average)
Jinsyn, 120 solo points on 40 characters (3.0 average) <-- ROFL
FleepQc, 96 solo points on 8 characters (12.0 average)
Cybrixz, 61 solo points on 9 characters (6.8 average)
Victo, 22 solo points on 3 characters (7.3 average)
How I Interpret the Raw Data
In the raw data, there are three metrics with which to evaluate performance. Here's how I look on each of them:
  • Total solo points is a garbage stat that means little to nothing. For example, look at p0t. An average of 3.1 points per event is simply not impressive. The reason his total solo points are so high (pun intended) is that p0t plays in every race he possibly can. It's quantity over quality, which is bad when we're looking for quality. (Sorry, IMDisappoint.)
  • First-place solo finishes is, at the end of the day, what being the best of the best is all about. Scoring lots of reward points might matter for the season latter, but actually beating all your competition is the essence of e-sport (if this is one). Even with a high score, it's tough to justify giving a player a high ranking if they don't have at least one of these under their belts.
  • Average points per character is, in addition to Demigod's Triumphs, the other main metric used for serious consideration. Competing in a race and consistently pulling back a high number of reward points is a fairly good indicator of skill in the absence of trophies.

II. Scrotie's Top 20

Although the guidelines set above factored heavily in my decisions, at the end of the day many of these rankings are very subjective. You may or may not agree -- please post your comments!
Important enough to mention; not important enough for their own personal blurb.

#20. Capper.
#19. butte.
#18. Absurdd.
#17. FleepQc.
#16. Invalesco.
#15. Goratha.
#14. Lasti.
#13. Condemned.
#12. hellboar.
#11. Bzmode.
The Top Ten. If your name is below and you don't have a stream yet... get one.
Powster. Perhaps better known as TheOnlyWitch, Powster decided to play a different game than everyone else. Why try so hard for a small chance at 13 points (10 for best in class, 3 for overall best), when you could go for a virtually guaranteed 10 points for best Witch? Although the lack of first-place finishes is a bit disconcerting, it's still pretty easy to claim top-tier player when you're the best in the game with a particular class (although Invalesco is challenging for the title).
nugiyen. "The other streamer" has done well for himself this season. Although he only played in a few events, nugiyen still managed two first-place solo finishes playing Shadow, and even diversified a bit as a Ranger.
Choilicious. Competition among Shadows was intense in Season 1, and picking out a best from among them is a very difficult decision. Matching nugiyen with two first-place finishes and slightly beating him on points per attempt, Choi is the most deserving Shadow for the title.
NoObLeR. Queen of the dedicated Rangers, NoObLeR matches Daser for most Ranger first-place finishes. Considering the weak starting position Rangers currently have in the passive tree, NoObLeR may have had a better showing doing the whole duelist cleave thing everyone else did. However, there's something to be said for sticking to your guns.
FrAgGy. Another dedicated Templar, FrAgGy's greatness sometimes seems a little overshadowed by Kripp's. However, FrAgGy has still done well for himself, including two first-place finishes, one of which was stolen from his arch-enemy's clutches. In a world without Kripp, FrAgGy's claim of "best Templar in the game" would be uncontested... and vice versa.
AlkaizerX. I guess coming up with the most efficient route for loot runs in Act 3 Inferno is a pretty good resume bullet when it comes to doing well in Path of Exile races... a point Alkaizer has been proving this season. The true barbarian aficionado (unlike some streamers we know) has been getting amazing results with his Marauders.
asdfman. asdf is the renaissance man of Path of Exile. Not satisfied with competence in one class, asdf has used virtually all of them to get very high finishes; it's very likely no one else has as broad an understanding of the game as a whole.
Daser777. Daser is very similar to asdfman -- borderline random character class selection, lots of first place solo finishes -- except he played in less events, but got a significantly higher average points per character. His eclectic style sometimes meant going duelist and pretending to be cwu; sometimes it meant getting first place as ranger, an accomplishment that only he and NoObLeR can accomplish with any regularity.
cwu. Rocking Duelist way before a passive tree change made it cool, cwu managed to bring in more solo Triumphs than any other player, especially early in the season while the format was still young -- although enough of those wins were late enough to prove continued relevance, even as he began playing less later in the season.

Kripp has cwu to thank for his success. cwu started the season by taking Cleave and running with it to multiple victories, leading to early duelist domination of the solo races and proving that the skill was more powerful than the community as a whole gave it credit for. Although it's easy to describe now, this alone is an epic achievement. cwu may not have perfected the format, but he defined it.
Krippers. It's easy to hate on Kripparrian. It's not like the Path of Exile theorycrafting elite wander over to his stream and find out something they'd never heard about before; often he's in the process of discovering something I'd known about for a while. However, it's what you do with it that matters, and you'd have to be blind to the statistics to say he isn't effective. Not just top points this ladder season, but also top solo points, 7 first-place solo finishes, and a very high points-per-attempt. If Krippers isn't cutting-edge, then apparently being cutting-edge isn't a requirement for being the best racer in the game.

Well then, what is? Kripp's particular genius this season wasn't in originality, but rather his adaptability. It might take him a while, but when he finds new strategies, he uses them. Even more impressive, he doesn't discard what he has built on, as fad-chasers do; instead, he adapts the new to fit in with the old. His elemental cleave templar build is a reflection of this; he sees that duelists are doing great on the ladder, determines the cause, integrates it into his templar build. A lot of people where aware of the situation before Kripp was; very few integrate the way Kripp does. This is what sets him apart.

If there is one thing Kripp has done that is innovative, it is how his large streaming audience further synergizes with this adaptive nature. In many ways, Kripp is the Borg, complete with a legion of drones acting as his eyes and ears. Sure, you can get an upset by developing a brand-new strategy against him; but he'll adapt. Your strategy is irrelevant; it will be assimilated; resistance is futile.

Do these qualities lend themselves to the hero of a story? Perhaps not. But if Krippers is a villain, he is a super-villain, and it would behoove our heroes to take the next confrontation seriously.

[Edit by Support: locked to prevent further necro-posts]
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by Rachel#0000 on Sep 15, 2015, 12:21:18 PM
Kripp wins again <3

Let the hatin' commence!
Unimatrix wrote:
Kripp wins again <3

Let the hatin' commence!

most hours spent in game
vs peeps that dont have that many hours

grt lol
31 car time,s 1-3 hours is over 100 hours lol
@dragnar <<< ingame or pm me
Thanks for this. Very interesting!
There has to be a low point where some people stop complaining because it's just not worth it, and I have yet to see it. - Squeakypaw, 2013
dragnar wrote:

most hours spent in game
vs peeps that dont have that many hours

grt lol
31 car time,s 1-3 hours is over 100 hours lol

And here we go :P
dragnar wrote:
Unimatrix wrote:
Kripp wins again <3

Let the hatin' commence!
most hours spent in game
vs peeps that dont have that many hours

The data above actually disproves that. Krip skipped several solo races (especially those in the beginning of the season), and was able to make up this difference by placing high in the races he did run.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Apr 9, 2013, 10:26:16 AM
Bump. Totally redesigned the opening post. Added Top 20 list with comments for Top 10.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Very cool, would read again / 10
IGN: ragol
I will take the privilege to expand this fantastic list to add my personal 41st.

Season 1 Top 40 Overall Point Holders, Solo Event Performance
1. Krippers, 465 solo points on 31 characters (15.0 average), 7 first-place solo finishes
2. cwu, 457 solo points on 33 characters (13.8 average), 9 first-place solo finishes
3. asdfman, 457 solo points on 37 characters (12.4 average), 8 first-place solo finishes
4. AlkaizerX, 454 solo points on 31 characters (14.6 average), 3 first-place solo finishes
5. Powster, 443 solo points on 32 characters (13.8 average)
6. IMDisappoint, 398 solo points on 45 characters (8.8 average)
7. Daser777, 373 solo points on 25 characters (14.9 average), 6 first-place solo finishes
8. triada13, 352 solo points on 41 characters (8.6 average)
9. Condemned, 351 solo points on 35 characters (10.0 average), 1 first-place solo finish
10. Choilicious, 349 solo points on 27 characters (12.9 average), 2 first-place solo finishes
11. FrAgGy, 334 solo points on 22 characters (15.2 average), 2 first-place solo finishes
12. butte, 317 solo points on 30 characters (10.6 average)
13. grindis123, 313 solo points on 32 characters (9.8 average)
14. NoObLeR, 304 solo points on 23 characters (13.2 average), 2 first-place solo finishes
15. linkdv2, 303 solo points on 45 characters (6.7 average)
16. Rydek, 297 solo points on 42 characters (7.1 average)
17. Absurdd, 287 solo points on 33 characters (8.7 average), 1 first-place solo finish
18. Goratha, 282 solo points on 28 characters (10.1 average), 1 first-place solo finish
19. Invalesco, 275 solo points on 24 characters (11.5 average)
20. Capper, 234 solo points on 23 characters (10.2 average)
21. Lasti, 228 solo points on 22 characters (10.4 average)
22. TheuberClips, 219 solo points on 23 characters (9.5 average)
23. Bzmode, 209 solo points on 16 characters (13.1 average)
24. Helman, 200 solo points on 26 characters (7.7 average)
25. Chetnik, 195 solo points on 23 characters (8.5 average)
26. RhoxPOE, 192 solo points on 22 characters (8.7 average)
27. ssnodgrass1283, 185 solo points on 18 characters (10.3 average)
28. thirstybob, 182 solo points on 34 characters (5.4 average)
29. nugiyen, 181 solo points on 15 characters (12.1 average)
30. Morsexier, 173 solo points on 20 characters (8.7 average)
31. Origination, 161 solo points on 16 characters (10.1 average)
32. KoTao, 151 solo points on 23 characters (6.6 average)
33. slanghardcircles, 147 solo points on 24 characters (6.1 average)
34. p0t, 147 solo points on 48 characters (3.1 average) <-- LOL
35. armies, 135 solo points on 19 characters (7.1 average)
36. hellboar, 105 solo points on 9 characters (11.7 average)
37. Jinsyn, 120 solo points on 40 characters (3.0 average) <-- ROFL
38. FleepQc, 96 solo points on 8 characters (12.0 average)
39. Cybrixz, 61 solo points on 9 characters (6.8 average)
40. Victo, 22 solo points on 3 characters (7.3 average)
41. ScrotieMcB, 0 solo points on 0 characters (0 average) <-- LOLOLOLOL ROFLCOPTER HUEHUEHUEHUEHU
Lots of effort put into it.

Loved reading it, even though I'm not really following the race "scene".

And +1 for Borg reference.

That's what we nerd kids want to read <3

Well done!

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