'Legacy' items policy, re:patch 0.10.5

aaronsan wrote:
I'm adding my voice, I say bully to legacy items as well. Either don't change it, or change it across the board! Now it's "play early to win", if you will. Those who got a silverbranch already have an easier time of it. If it's too powerful then just change it.


I hadn't considered "play early to win." That's a good point too.

Invited to Beta 2012-03-18 / Supporter since 2012-04-08
This thread pains me

Mark_GGG adv us very well of WHY the changes were what they were. Not because they wanted silver branch to have two versions but Volls to have only one, but because of the TIME involved to be able to change the way they worked, to either have legacy volls, or the silver branch changed for everyone.

Perhaps you should read that before saying "i don't like legacy items, its bad for the game"

In general I dislike the idea of legacy items (See CB wakes, and CB ele bow --> The old ele bows back in closed beta (quite a while ago in CB actually) could roll some RIDICULOUS ele dmg, makes any bow you see these days seem super tame), but at the same time I do understand the difficulty they have due to the way items work on their database, to have this changed for everyone.

Essentially its 'items are rolled for stats once', unless you divine/blessed an item, those numbers at the thing stored. So it means "+lightning damage" will always stay the same, unless the way lightning damage works changes. So if you had a ring with +100 lightning damage (OMG AWESOME), regardless of any changes made to the prefix tables, unless it was re-rolled with a divine orb, those numbers would NOT change. Admittedly it IS possible for them to have a script that automatically checks every item in everyones inventory to check for this one specific stat and rerolls it for them, but that is a lot of work for them to set this up, would provide a lot of server load, and would also take them away from doing work on other things that have a higher impact on balance (especially in this case)
I don't like the precedents this sets.
NEWSFLASH: GGG does with their game whatever they want to do with their game.

Never argue with a zombie, he'll drag you down to his level and eat your brains.
Bru741 wrote:
NEWSFLASH: GGG does with their game whatever they want to do with their game.

Instead of just assuming that you are an idiot I'll assume you didn't read anything at all and posted just because.
guidoo wrote:
Bru741 wrote:
NEWSFLASH: GGG does with their game whatever they want to do with their game.

Instead of just assuming that you are an idiot I'll assume you didn't read anything at all and posted just because.

Probably a 'Little of Column A' and a 'Little of Column B'.

Like i said, if they do this with a Silverbranch, what's to stop them to do this with any other Uniques?
I LOVE THIS, yes i have a old silver branch but if you dont its your fault every one had the currency to buy one and you chose not to, short term people are all but hurt but long term it makes some of the best reason for perm leagues like 08 valk's in d2 or some of the ammy stat tolls and epic boots. the game evolves and yet a small portion of super powerful items remain. legacy is awesome!
INgame name is: NVthis
Even though this happened for obvious technical reasons, it is something that GGG needs to address before release, because it does create obvious balance implications

I still have the gigiddy feeling of having this though
And thus a new vendor trash unique was made.
Kyr205 wrote:
Sorry, but you forgot about the player aspect. people don't play D2 as much

They might not play it as much *NOW*, but there were certainly plenty of people playing it then.

I don't think POE has hit over a half million players simultaneously playing the game....yet.

When you get to that many people playing the game, issues will arise no matter what you do.

PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910

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