Anybody Catch Anything Good Yet?

theres no fishing in poe?
Neurotypicals are the worst thing this planet ever experienced.
Maybe thats it, maybe you need a unique rod especially for getting atlas pieces? I got one more soaked page today but sadly dont have any of the gems. Anyone have the gem?
My friend believed this thread an searched for this mob that drops a fishing pole. 20 hours straight. He was obsessed. Now he is in a hospital bed due to a blood clot. Thanks community.
Guys, have people find the fishing spots for act 3 yet?

Docks is an obvious one but any other good locations?
fortyb4five wrote:
SevSaint wrote:
i hadn't taken the time or the points to invest in fishing at all, but today i respec some of my passive tree into fishing.
Those extra 10% fish catching ability sure does make it easier.
Right now im working on getting the vendor recipe for the lobster maw rare fish pool, but have yet to find anything on wiki about it.

You just completely ruined it lol. Fishing passives? LOL

You don't know about the unique fisherman's helmet which gives you an additional passive fish talent tree? I got my helmet when i killed a bloodshark in lunaris temple.
Not sure if this is a bug or not but I put 4 incresed rarity gems into my fishing rod (unique one ) and have noticed that I am on average getting a rare fish 1/4... highly exploitable so if the devs read this I think it should be fixed asap.

in the meantime i'll enjoy getting rich by this method ;)

thanks all
Dev's Plz implement this, all of this, kill this guy running up and down a random beach to get a quest item witch gives u the skill to fish. Complete act's on highest difficulty to learn new fishing spots. Get rewards for obtaining rare fish's. Make a fishing contest to get the unique eel... So Awesome!

Maybe it's already implemented^^
Every time I come across this thread it confuses me too much.
IGN JimansNotSummoner
What the hell...
Used 5x
on my fishing rod and it now has a +1 at the end of the name. Can anyone confirm if adding another 5 makes it +2?
IGN - Bootloops

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