Permanent Solo League?
" It's not hard to answer your question, just read like the 5 last pages of this article. We're just asking for an option that we feel that is viable and would make many people happy and 0 people sad. If you read the whole article you'll see some people saying that they would come back to PoE if such a league is created so i really thing this is far from "just a qq thread about crafting being to hard and wanting increased orb drop rates?". |
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" Lol, I read it, the question is did you? Half the posts are about wanting more orb drops. Where I was focusing on was what the OP said. Everything I read was just stuff they could do on their own any ways. Why does a new league need to be created to solo and no trade? Are they looking for competition, self gratification, higher orb drop rates? Your post adds nothing and doesn't answer my question. I solo no traded all the way up to 66-67 maps with a crappy sword and board spec. It can be done with less than optimal specs with the drops you get along the way. People think an item has to be yellow for it to be good, and ignore that you can easily craft a blue that fits your build or needs better than an alch'd yellow. But I digress. I haven't seen much saying why a new season would need to be made. All of the people who said they would come back if this league opened give no reasons why it would be different then just no trading in default. |
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" Making it to level 66-67 maps and reaching level 81 where your highest character is at is really really easy playing solo with self found gear. Later on it gets virtually impossible to progress xp wise unless you are running the highest level maps, maps which consume a hell of a lot more currency to roll than you can generate as a solo player. For me the big attraction of a solo self found league is that as a solo players once you hit about level 85 all you can really do is re roll. I'd rather carry on grinding my way to 100 on the same character but you'd need increased currency drops to do that unless the end game has a radical overhaul. I'm not interested in having increased loot drops - I think loot is fine playing self found. At the moment the game pretty much forces you to group and trade to progress. People are just wanting something a league they don't have to do those things but can still progress past the brick wall you hit around level 83-85. It would also be interesting I think to pit yourself against other people playing the same way, rather than the ladder being topped by people who faceroll everything in groups. Last edited by Randall#0850 on Apr 29, 2013, 4:52:33 PM
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id drop current league if i could actually get all the things i need/wanted with out dealing with hilarious people . this is an amazing idea.
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" Thank you, that is a very good point. I wonder what percentage of people really consider leveling much further than 80? Would they really grind out to 100 when it takes months for the average Joe to get a level when you start hitting 90's? Wouldn't the increase in orbs have to be significant to make up for the fact that you can't trade good gear for them? Wouldnt XP for soloing a map have to be increased to ever think about leveling past 90? Seems like an ugly balancing act. And still, RNG is RNG. Just because they increase drop rates doesn't mean I will see an increase in drops. I still think half the responses in this thread are just people mad at low orb drop rates and RNG. But you make an excellent point. Last edited by rayzer147#5844 on Apr 30, 2013, 1:34:40 PM
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The point of solo isn't necessarily to get a character to 80, it's to see what you can do on your own, without trading, or worrying about dealing with a group. A lot of people, myself included, only play solo anyway.
Personally I have a family and don't have time to wait to organize a party. I also don't feel it would be right for me to force a party to put up with me suddenly dropping the game to deal with my son, or teleporting back to town while I do a favor for my wife. Trading is something I also don't do because I'd rather be playing than spending time in trade chat hunting for the best bargain. Obviously that's not everyone's perspective. There are a lot of people who love to group up, and whose entire social life is talking in chat. I can easily imagine a person who looks through trade chat the way my wife coupons, and hunts for weekly deals. That's great for them. :) Unfortunately I don't want to be compared to them. They can get help with difficult encounters which makes the game easier. Often they are also using gear they didn't find which enhances the power and survivability of their character beyond what they'd have been able to achieve on their own. That's not that cheating or anything. It's simply a different play style that some people find rewarding and they should be separated out from people like myself. A player who plays hard core and reaches high level gets recognition for their efforts. They are placed in a community of like minded players, and you know that they are playing according to a specific, difficult, set of rules. The same goes for a solo player. If you never group and overcome every encounter with just the character you built then I know you had skill in building a well balanced utility character, and that you used that character well. If I know you weren't able to trade and you still have amazing gear then I know you spent a lot of time grinding or using the crafting system. Perhaps you have a ton of alts your playing, and that makes it less likely that any of them are going to reach that 80+ mark, but if they do you're probably still spending time with them hunting up good gear for your lower level alts. Last edited by JohnChance#7367 on Apr 30, 2013, 5:24:42 PM
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+1 to this
make a global chat on so i can talk to other people. and hope they make /player 6 on this league for much more challenge. |
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yeah I miss /player 8 from diablo 2. As a solo player it was always nice to know that I personally could handle content that was designed for a team of 8 players without cheating, grouping, trading, or muling.
A solo league would be a good place to include the PAUSE button as well so that if my wife needs me, or my son is pulling me away I don't have to X out of the game or waste a consumable item teleporting back to town. :) Last edited by JohnChance#7367 on Apr 30, 2013, 5:22:18 PM
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" For the game to include a pause button, it would have to be offline. The developers have told us that they will never create an offline version of the game. In order for offline versions of PoE to work, players would have files downloaded to their computers, which they can then access and mess around with, to allow all sorts of hacking. Also, it would release information like % chance to create a 6-link, etc. - Which would affect online leagues as well. I'm still all for a permanent solo/non-trading league. I am in no way whining about crafting/orb drops, as I would be happy even if the drop rates were left as they are now. I just want to play solo, knowing that everybody else in the league is on the same playing field as me. I will know that nobody else in the league used RMT, multi-boxing or a 24/7 6-man party to 'cheat' their way ahead. Is it that much to ask? It's not even difficult for GGG to create (outside of the increased drop rates, if necessary), it's just a long-duration/permanent version of the solo races we've already had hundreds of. |
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Why would a pause button require offline play? A lot of games include a pause function for online play during a solo experience.
Sure it would be rude to have the pause button active in town, and thus pause a million people's game when I go to the bathroom, but in a SOLO instance simply stopping everything until the player hits a button isn't a hard programming task. |
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