Fire Trap
Damage over Time does not 'hit', so it can never trigger on-hit effects such as Culling Strike and Blind.
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Please clarify for me about the passives that affect Fire Trap..
1. "Increase Trigger Trap Radius" would boost the trigger and AoE radius. 2. "Increased Radius of Area Skills" would not boost FT since it's a spell not a skill. 3. "Increased Area Damage" would not boost FT since it's a spell not a skill. 4. "Increase Fire Damage" will only increase the damage of the initial explosion. 5. "Increased Elemental Damage" will only increase the damage of the initial explosion. 6. "Increase Burning Damage" will only increase the DoT potency. Bonus offtopic questions: 7. "Increased Elemental Damage" would not increase the dmg on Poison Arrow since it's not an element. | |
I would like to post some feedback on this skill and on traps generally
- I really don't like that traps 'charges' reset after you are entering new zone. It's really annoying that you have to wait a significant amount of time to load them. This is a much bigger problem now, when we have Ancestral Bond. I would like to hear if this will be changed or not, and what's the purpose of this. - the 'charges' will reset when any support gem linked to it will level - I don't know if this is intended, but it's painfull. - 'charges' will reset when any gem in the same item will level - even when it's NOT linked to fire trap. I think that's not intended and it is a bug. Last edited by Sagittariuss#1798 on Jan 28, 2013, 9:17:50 AM
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" Trigger Radius is Trigger Radius, not AoE radius. " All Spells are Skills (you get them from Skill Gems). Not all Skills are Spells. " Yep. " Yep. " Yep. |
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" Number 1 was wishful thinking, hehe. I'm going to try and max "Increase Trigger Trap Radius" and "Increased Radius of Area Skills" to see how well it works pretty soon. Thanks for the info! | |
" This post sums up why I came into this thread. I built a trap-shadow and being in a zone with say 5 traps accessible then zoning into a new one and having none can be VERY dangerous as a hardcore player. The amount of times I've zoned into a cave taken 2-3 seconds of steps to see a champion pack and not have any traps is scary. Help save the Kiwis!! |
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My Feedback:
1. Firetrap is awesome and something I really "need" on my Shadow Claw HC to deal with packs. Especially the lower hp/hard hitting packs of MoBs. 2. The amount of traps, duration and dmg seem very on par given its limitations of needing to trigger, limited numbers and moderate AoE size. 3. Having the traps reset to 0 at every zone-in, skill gem/suport gem lvel-up is bad. Summoners don't have all their zombies collapse at every skill up or reset at each zone-in. So why does this apply to traps? Seems to me like an oversight and something I hopec an be fixed. Currently when I when I zone in and especially since I play HC I will just let my immunity timer count down to give myself at least 1 trap before moving anywhere. Which isn't exactly fun, but currently necessary. I'm all for Hardcore and difficulty I just feel the trap counter resetting is more tedium then challenge. |
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I have an issue with Fire Trap. When I increase Fire Damage, it shows the boosted fire damage numbers for the nuke part of Fire Trap on the character tab, but I've increased Burning Damage as well and it only displays the base burning damage on the dot part of it.
Compare ![]() In this first picture I have 16% increased burning damage (15% from the skill tree and 1% from quality on Fire Trap). The dot part of Fire Trap says "27.5 fire damage per second" ![]() Now here I increased burning damage by 15%, it's at 31% now, but the dot part of Fire Trap still says "27.5 fire damage per second." I think the fact that it says the dot deals fire damage is misleading. The wiki says that the initial explosion is fire damage and that the continuous burning afterwards is burning damage. It even gains boosted burning damage with quality TL;DR: FIRE TRAP ACCURATELY SHOWS ITS NUKE FIRE DAMAGE NUMBERS BASED ON ANY INCREASES I HAVE, BUT DOESN'T UPDATE NUMBERS FOR THE DOT PART OF IT, IT ONLY SHOWS THE BASE BURNING DAMAGE AMOUNTS. thank you |
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For one, no reason to go all-caps.
It's a known display bug. |
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it was just for tl;dr, in case you missed the point of my post and didn't want to read the entire thing
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