⛵☁️[3.25] The Arachnophobia Allstars| Chaos Guardian CI|The dirty Scorpion-tail|Herald of Agony 150M+

Last edited by MkDdZZzAfZ on Nov 2, 2023, 6:00:58 AM
Need help with the build:

https://pastebin.com/BNMQj9HQ - From youtube video
https://pastebin.com/ETbRcVSZ - Mine

I can't even hit tier 16 with mine, tried to follow guide and video with items. Can anybody suggest what to change? Items (mostly uniques) seems okay on paper but in game, im having hard time. Want to invest with this build on standard in the future, but have no clue. (New player here)


For level 82 and standard your gear is already great!

Your mistakes are:

- change out the Corundum flask. As CI you are immune to damage of poison. But you need mandatory the self-reflected poisonstacks of the mandatory jewel the golden rule for double HoA-virulences and singletarget-damage.

- the biggest damage buffs are in your level to stack 4x medium clusters with "pure agony". You can start cheap without "cult-leader". The notable "pure agony" will multiple your damage. Change out Spiritual Command, Arcane Focus. In the Templar Starting Area path the fastest way with 2 less points. In maps you have in the moment overcapped spellblock and can change some spellblock-passives and the life pasives out as CI too. In the moment you loose around 10 passives.

This will quadruple and more your damage.

- as well a big buff are HoA-gem-levels. You get a HoA lvl 21 very cheap. (40% more damage in your set-up).

- you need a circle of nostalgia with "HoA" -reservation-efficiency and aul's uprising would be a big upgrade to activate auras. You get cheap a much better belt. A helmet enchant with HoA skill-efficiencies is great also, then you can start activating the tanky auras.

So check the spoilers:

+ "flasks and sulphur"
+ "jewels and clusters" (golden rule, pure agony)
+ "the composition of agony"
+ page 50 you find ranked all tradelinks, especially "clusters pure agony" and "important jewels"
Last edited by Chromino on Jul 14, 2022, 11:48:17 PM
With the 3070/12600 new pc some new arachnophil videos will follow in zerolags.

When the allstars could former facetank all attacks and meteors of Sirus, Simulacrum wave 30 two bosses at once, Shaper's critting slams and balls, all Maven's spellhits - now it's the season for further facetanking also maven's memory game, all ueber-atziris blasts, Aul 500, Neverending Hunger etc.

Stats are around:

5.5 k es
88% all resistances melding of the flesh (unbuffed)
100% ailments immunities eldritch boots etc. (unbuffed)
60k ar 1.2k es on block aegis aurora (buffed) (33k unbuffed)
74% spellblock, 48% attackblock, without flasks, without glancing blows (unbuffed)
1k es when hit ghost dance (unbuffed) (1.2k buffed)
90% evasion (buffed) (66% unbuffed)
1.8k es-recharge wicked ward (unbuffed)
85% poisonchance (unbuffed)
1k es on hit/ sec watcher's eye discipline-mod (unbuffed)
storm burst - cwc - ball-lightning - void sphere
15M shaper-damage, 65 virulences (unbuffed)

Ueber Atziri, deathless, witnessed by maven


Chayula's Domain, witnessed by maven
Focus on the rare yellow mobs to run relaxed the timer
Awakened Fork instead Pierce


Aul's Crystal Throne, Lvl 511
70 virulences, chaos golem buffing feeding frenzy
Facetanking all attacks, only his iceblast-mines remain dangerous
In this depth I visit him next time with more focus on damage and self-casted-skills spirit offering/ sniper's mark.


Tanking Hunger's Slam


Killing Elder Guardian solely with cast when stunned-trigger void sphere and tempestshield
Virulences automatic on block


Last edited by Chromino on Jul 16, 2022, 8:04:00 PM
Here is a clip tanking shaper's beam (with the watcher's eye 30 es/ on hit discipline-mod).


Facetanking Sirus, deathless (skin of the lords with iron reflexes keystone integrated)


Again I also facetanked maven's memory game with vaal molten shell, or instead with molten shell, frost shield and flasks up. I hope to record some videos about soooon.

2 legs, 6 legs, 8 legs, it does not matter.
168 legs enjoy our tendencies of destruction.
Last edited by Chromino on Jul 17, 2022, 5:48:47 AM
About Sirus video - it wasn't an Uber Sirus. Area lvl is just 84, not 85. Sirus doesn't use his "uber" mechanics: small aoe balls and final phase has just 4 whirling beams instead of 6 (he can cast multiple overlapping whirling beams too).

It seems you get the keystone after you opened portals.

WarPig17 posted a video with his uber sirus fights a month ago on page 417, where the difference between lvl 84 and 85 sirus is clear.

Well, Uber Sirus is tankable for this build anyway, so no problem here besides degen.
Last edited by monik390 on Jul 17, 2022, 4:09:22 AM
monik390 wrote:
About Sirus video - it wasn't an Uber Sirus. Area lvl is just 84, not 85. Sirus doesn't use his "uber" mechanics: small aoe balls and final phase has just 4 whirling beams instead of 6 (he can cast multiple overlapping whirling beams too).

It seems you get the keystone after you opened portals.

WarPig17 posted a video with his uber sirus fights a month ago on page 417, where the difference between lvl 84 and 85 sirus is clear.

Well, Uber Sirus is tankable for this build anyway, so no problem here besides degen.

aaah, okay, I was wondering why he's dealing zero damage. It's corrected. Thank you!

With the ueber-sirus the meteors you can tank, a critting meteor with molten shell, and all his beams are still dealing zero damage.

But the moving and faster expanding degen-grounds are remaining dangerous.
Last edited by Chromino on Jul 18, 2022, 7:14:32 AM
Against the Ubers-Bosses with much dot (Maven, Sirus, Shaper) it's also simple to swap wicked ward to lethe shade (with 2 passives more) when you already reached 100% ailment-avoidances. I added in the pob. It offers some more reaction-times in dot and degen-damage.

Sorry for the low quality, I forgot to disable eco-mode of gpu.

For example for tanking Shaper's beam without molten shell:


Or to chill-out in cooling dot of maven. Facetanking "The Cascade of Health" with the allstars.

And does she really commands "Stand still! Take health! Regeneration is growing!"?
I'm not sure?

(Also the worms survived. But of course 1 obligatory death achieved in the memory game, which is tankable with vaal molten shell up or with all dr-flasks up and molten shell and frost shield.)

Last edited by Chromino on Jul 18, 2022, 12:58:02 PM
Need help for gear improvement doing alright in maps but kinda struggling when doing bosses like shaper. Switched to ball lightning because I couldnt get the mana management right. Tree is kinda messed up, I took Glancing blows for the str and attack block but other then that maybe my my gems are wrong?


Thank you!
Butang wrote:
Need help for gear improvement doing alright in maps but kinda struggling when doing bosses like shaper. Switched to ball lightning because I couldnt get the mana management right. Tree is kinda messed up, I took Glancing blows for the str and attack block but other then that maybe my my gems are wrong?


Thank you!

Hi Butang!

Overall your pob is fine!

7.5M damage singletarget with vile toxins, 90% max resistances, buffed 92% evasion are great! 5k es are a bit low. It's okay because all your defences are well builded, but a bit more es on boots and gloves would help.

So you can improve fast:

- Your lightning resistances from now 76% to 90% - get them on cluster-transferpoints or perhaps swap the fire resistance of gloves in harvest to lightning.

- You are using in the moment 3 curses. Elemental weakness of the ring don't buff the damage, so get another circle of nostalgia.

- The crafted life on the rare unset ring don't help as CI, change it to another stat.

- the melee physical damage of spiders is not optimal, multistrike stacks better the strong 15 withers and melee splash is better in maps.

- With the Rumi's block-flask you have much overcapped (spell-)block. You can regret 5 passives glancing blows. Put them into the curse-mastery whispers of doom which enables 2 curses and with poisonchance instead. This will also improve 20% your stacking of virulences.

- you need 80% poisonchance, with your 60% you don't get full HoA virulences and not full damage. Get chance to poison integrated in rare gloves or use a chance to poison support and path "redemption" minion- mastery.

- for damage a divergent HoaA lvl 21 would help much, the Chaos mastery +1 chaosskills, the redemption minion-mastery and white triad grips. Some levels or a better large cluster with veteran defender will take you there too and you can balance out wicked ward for bosses.

Last edited by Chromino on Jul 20, 2022, 12:50:41 PM
Of course take all tipps of the spoiler "boss-hunting" and special tipps of page 50, 3. post. But practising and running the bosses some times help most in poe.

The new Ubers are not easy and need specialisations and good gear like melding of the flesh.

Against Ubers with aoe's and dot (Uber-Maven, Sirus, Shaper) Lethe Shade is great and Iron Reflexes on SoL instead Ghost Dance is best against physical damage dealers like Uber-Sirus' beams and meteors or Uber-Shaper's slams.

Last edited by Chromino on Jul 20, 2022, 12:56:52 PM

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